v. 提议;暗示(suggest的ing形式)
v make a proposal, declare a plan for something
v drop a hint; intimate by a hint
v imply as a possibility
v suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine
v call to mind



  1. I suggested going for a walk.我建议去散步。
  2. I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。
  3. He had the effrontery to suggest that she enjoyed being unhappy.他无耻地大胆暗示,她喜欢不幸。
  4. The thought of summer suggests swimming.想到夏天,就使人联想到游泳。
  5. His pale face suggests bad health.他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。
  6. Such a crime suggests apt punishment.这样一桩犯罪要求给予适当的惩罚。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He suggested London for their meeting.他建议他们在伦敦相聚。
  2. The river was inviting.I suggested a swim.河水很吸引人,我建议游一会儿泳。
  3. He suggested several possibilities for revision.他提出几种修改的可能。
  4. What would you suggest?你建议怎么办?
  5. We suggested an exchange of visitors.我们建议人员互访。
  6. The government suggested large-scale afforestation.政府提出大规模植树造林。
  7. He suggested immediate negotiations between the two countries.他建议两国立即进行协商。
  8. Her smile suggests her consent.她的微笑意味着同意。
  9. Her expression suggested anger.她露出愤怒的表情。
  10. His pale face suggests bad health.他脸色苍白,说明他身体不好。
  11. His sun-tanned face suggests good health.他那晒黑了的脸说明身体很好。
  12. Her large house suggests wealth.她宽敞的住房表明了她的富有。
  13. Harry's bad manner suggests a lack of education.哈里的毫无礼貌说明他缺乏教养。
  14. The work had been only on a small scale but it suggested a solution.这项工作只是小规模进行,但表明了一个解决办法。
  15. The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machines.鸟的形象使人产生一个制造航空器的新主意。
  16. 1
  17. A new procedure has been suggested.一个新程序已被人提了出来。
  18. Various improvements are suggested.提出了各式各样的改进意见。
  19. The following points are suggested for consideration.提出下列各点以供考虑。
  20. The idea was probably suggested by his wife.这个想法也许是由他的妻子提出的。
  21. The way out of the difficulty was suggested by a casual remark from a young engineer.一位年轻工程师的一句漫不经心的话给我们提出了摆脱困难的出路。
  22. The short story was suggested by an actual incident.这个短篇小说是受了一件真事的启发才写出来的。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. Could you suggest how to get to the station?你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?
  2. What I suggest to do in this matter is this.在这个问题上,我建议这样做。
S+~+(sb/sb's) v -ing
  1. She suggested staying there another day.她建议在那里再停留一天。
  2. We have so much to do,I don't suggest going away.我们有这么多事要做,我建议别走开了。
  3. I suggested going to the theatre.我建议去看戏。
  4. I suggest trying it once more.我建议再试一次。
  5. I suggest bringing the meeting to an end.我提议结束会议。
  6. The agronomist suggested growing rice on the dried river bed.那位农学家建议在干涸的河床上种水稻。
  7. Who suggested doing it this way?谁提出这样做的?
  8. I suggested asking her advice.我建议征求她的意见。
  9. I have written him a letter and suggested his giving the plan up.我已给他写去一封信建议放弃那个计划。
  10. Who suggested his taking part?是谁建议他参加的?
  11. We suggested Eby's doing it a different way.我们建议伊比换一种方式做。
  1. He suggested that we should come another day.他建议我们改天来。
  2. She suggested that Brooks might go to Chicago and try to find a job there.她建议布鲁克斯到芝加哥去,设法在那里找个工作。
  3. Facer suggests that we walk home.费塞建议我们步行回家。
  4. I suggest that we leave early for the airport.我提议早点去机场。
  5. They suggested we should visit a class right away.他们建议我们马上去听课。
  6. I suggest you investigate the case again.我建议你们再调查一次。
  7. The doctor suggested he go for a holiday.医生建议他去度假休息一阵子。
  8. I suggest he adapt himself to his new conditions.我建议他使自己适应新的环境。
  9. The letter suggested that a new clinic be built.那封信建议新建一座诊所。
  10. I suggested that both of them were worthy of help.我说两人都值得帮助。
  11. The police suggested that the motive for the crime was jealousy.警方认为犯罪的动机是妒忌。
  12. Some people have suggested that Proust is not a novelist at all, but an essayist.有些人提出,普鲁斯特根本不是小说家,而是散文作家。
  13. Haas suggested Gara might be interested in going with us.哈斯提出,加拉或许会有兴趣和我们一道去。
  14. I'd like to suggest that it was put in the wrong place.我想指出,它放的位置不对。
  15. Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情说明她生气了。
  16. The mistakes in your exercise books suggest that you have not paid enough attention to grammar.你练习本上的错误说明你对语法注意不够。
  17. Its institutional tone suggested that it was written in the foreign office.它的官方口吻说明它是在外交部写的。
  18. Tiny rippling whirlpools on the water's surface suggest that the ponds are full of fish.水面的小漩涡说明池塘里尽是鱼。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It was suggested that we should leave as early as possible.有人建议我们尽早离开。
  2. It's suggested that we put on a short play at the party.有人建议我们在晚会上演出一个短剧。
  3. It is suggested that we should modify our working plan.有人建议我们修改我们的工作计划。
  4. It has been suggested that the meeting be adjourned for the present.有人建议暂时休会。
  5. It has been ingeniously suggested that we leave the door open so that no one can escape our notice.有人巧妙地建议我们让门开着,这样谁也躲不过我们的眼睛。
  1. Could you suggest where I can park the car?你能提出我该在哪里停车吗?
用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. /that-clause+to pron./n.
  1. He suggested the plan to Haas.他向哈斯提出那个计划。
  2. I have a better plan to suggest to the committee.我有比较好的方案提供给委员会。
  3. She suggested to me one or two suitable people for the committee.她向我推荐了一两个合适的委员人选。
  4. I suggested to her that she have lunch now.我建议她现在吃午饭。
  5. I would like to suggest to you that this is not a suitable time.我想提醒你一下,这个时间不合适。
  6. 1
  7. A new teaching method has been suggested to us.有人向我们提议采用新的教学方法。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as n.
  1. She has suggested Brooks as the next chairman of the society.她推荐布鲁克斯担任协会的下一任主席。


suggest oneself
    出〔浮〕现在(某人的)脑海中 come to the mind of (sb)suggest oneself

    That question naturally suggested itself.


    Many reasons suggested themselves.


    suggest oneself to sb

    Then an idea suggested itself to her.


    A more promising way out of our difficulties then suggested itself to me.


    This is a thought that has frequently suggested itself to us.


    Two possibilities suggest themselves to me at the moment.



用作动词 (v.)
  • suggest a book建议(写、看)一本书
  • suggest a chance暗示一个机会
  • suggest a further investigation建议进一步调查
  • suggest a lack of proper training暗示缺乏训练
  • suggest a plan提出计划
  • suggest a solution提出解决问题的方法
  • suggest a talk提议进行一次谈判
  • suggest a two-day tour建议作一次二日游
  • suggest an exchange of visitors建议人员互访
  • suggest an idea提出想法
  • suggest immediate negotiation建议立即进行协商
  • suggest large-scale afforestation建议大规模植树造林
  • suggest the following points提出下列几点
  • suggest wealth暗示财富
  • suggest bringing the meeting to an end建议会议结束
  • suggest doing it a different way建议换个方法做这件事
  • suggest sending one's paper to the conference提出把论文寄给大会
  • suggest casually偶然提起
  • suggest contemptuously轻蔑地暗示
  • suggest craftily狡猾地暗示
  • suggest deftly巧妙地暗示
  • suggest facetiously可笑地提出
  • suggest frequently使时常想起
  • suggest gloomily愁绪满怀地提议
  • suggest ingeniously巧妙地暗示
  • suggest insidiously阴险地暗示
  • suggest irrelevantly离题地提出
  • suggest mildly温和地提出
  • suggest pacifically平和地提出
  • suggest promptly迅速提议
  • suggest readily使立即想到
  • suggest respectfully尊敬地提议
  • suggest significantly重要性地建议
  • suggest slyly狡猾地暗示
  • suggest tentatively试探性地提议
  • suggest vaguely含糊地提出
  • suggest itself to出〔浮〕现在脑海中
  • suggest sth to向…提出…
  • suggest to sb向某人建议


  • Jealousy..Gives false alarms, suggesteth mutiny.

    出自:Venus Adonis,Shakespeare
  • As soon as Finn suggested this idea it seemed..an irresistible one.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • Housman suggested returning to Chablis for dinner.

    出自:R. P. Graves
  • They suggested to my parents that..I should pursue a career as an artist.

    出自:K. Vonnegut
  • The devil may suggest, compel he cannot.


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Haemaphysalis taiwanensis
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