音标:['dʒʌstifai] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 替...辩护, 证明
vi. 证明合法
[计] 段落重排, 两端对齐
v. show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
v. show to be right by providing justification or proof
v. adjust the spaces between words
词型变化:过去分词 : justified ; 第三人称单数 : justifies ; 现在分词 : justifying ; 过去式 : justified ; 名词复数形式 : justifies



  1. He had to justify himself for his conduct.他不得不为自己的行为辩白。
  2. Don't try to justify your mistakes.不要为自己的缺点辩护。
  3. Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。
  4. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.以提高功效为依据可以证明采取这种措施是正确的。
  5. Click on this icon to align or justify text.点击图标排列调整文本。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. You can hardly justify such conduct.你几乎无法证明此种行为是正当的。
  2. Can you justfy your decision?你能证明你的决定正确吗?
  3. How are you going to justify your act?你如何为你的行为辩护呢?
  4. How can you justify your rude behaviour?你能怎样来替你的无礼行为辩护呢?
  5. How can you justify your neglect of duty?你能怎样为你玩忽职守辩护?
  6. They felt obliged to justify his act.他们感到不得不为他的行动辩护。
  7. The spokesman of the government justified the action of his government.政府发言人证明政府的举动是有理由的。
  8. The course of events fully jastifies our views.事情的发展充分证明我们的意见是正确的。
  9. The fine quality of this cloth justifies its high price.这块布质量好,价钱贵是合理的。
  10. Her special skills justified her higher salary.她的特殊技能说明她为何领较高的薪水。
  11. Our success justified his faith in us.我们的成功证明了他对我们的信心是正确的。
  12. The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.追求的目的正当并不能证明可以使用不好的手段。
  13. No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.任何诡辩都不能证明一国干涉别国内政是正当的。
  14. This does not justify his long absence.这不能说明他长期缺席是对的。
  15. This of course does not justify their discrimination against the Black people.这当然不能说明他们歧视黑人是对的。
  16. Nothing can justify such behaviour.这样的行为不管怎么说总是不对的。
  17. He has a strong desire to justify himself.他迫切想为自己辩护。
  18. You shouldn't attempt to justify yourself.你不应想方设法证明自己有理。
  19. I hope you're able to justify yourself.我希望你能自圆其说。
  20. I'm not going to try and justify or excuse myself.我不想为我自己辩护或辩解。
  21. She had no need to justify herself.他没有必要为自己辩解。
  22. 1
  23. The decision has therefore been fully justified.因此,这个决定已被证明完全有必要。
  24. Such measures are easilyjustified and meet with approval.这类措施很容易被证明有必要,因而获得批准。
S+~+(sb/sb's) v -ing
  1. What can justify doing it?有什么理由要这样做?
  2. The experiments justify changing the normal method of work.这些实验说明应当改变惯常的工作方法。
  3. You can't justify neglecting your wife and children.你不关心妻子儿女是说不过去的。
  4. The experiments justify changing the normal method of work.这些实验说明改变通常的方法是对的。
  5. So how did they justify putting the thing on gallery wall?那么他们对把这东西放在美术馆的墙上作何解释呢?
  6. Does this justify your taking legal action?难道这能证明你诉诸法律是有理的吗?
  7. Yor wish to go for a walk does not justify your leaving the baby alone in the house.你想出外散步并不能成为将婴儿独自丢在家中的理由。
  8. They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.他们难以理解儿子竟然放弃了收入颇丰的稳定工作。
  9. The heavy rain does not justify your being late for school.你不能因为下大雨就可以上学迟到。
S+~+oneself + for sth
  1. You must not justify yourself for your carelessness.你不应该为你的粗心大意辩解。
  2. She mustn't justify herself for her mistakes.她不应该为自己的错误辩解。
  3. How are you going to justify yourself for your impoliteness?你将如何为你的不礼貌辩解呢?
  4. He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  5. 句型
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. How can you justify your rude behaviour?你能怎样来替你的无礼行为辩护呢?
  2. He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  3. You shouldn't attempt to justify yourself.你不应想方设法证明自己有理。
  4. You can hardly justify such conduct.你几乎无法证明此种行为是正当的。
  5. The course of events justifies our views.事实的发展证明我们的意见是正确的。
  6. You must not justify yourself for your carelessness.你不应该为你的粗心大意辩解。
  7. She mustn't justify herself for her mistakes.她不应该为自己的错误辩解。
  8. Nothing can justify you in treatment of him.什么也不能证明你这样对他是正当的。
  9. No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.任何诡辩也不能证明一国干涉别国内政是正当的。
  10. No consideration on earth justifies a parent in telling lies to his child.无论出于哪种考虑,家长都没有理由对孩子撒谎。
  11. 1
  12. This criticism is justified by the facts.事实证明这次批评是完全正确的。
  13. That judgement seems to have been justified by time.时间似乎证明那种判断是对的。
  14. Their reasoning was correct, and it was eventually justified by events.他们的推理正确,事实终于证明那种判断是正确的。
  15. What they said was justified and well-founded.他们的话是有理由、有充分根据的。
  16. He is fully justified in leaving the matter untouched.他对此置之不理是完全有道理的。
  17. You are fully justified in refusing the offer.你完全有理由拒绝那项建议。
  18. With such large losses I would not be justified in leaving matters as they are.损失这么大,我没有理由对这些事置之不理。
S+~+(sb/sb's) v -ing
  1. What can justify doing it?有什么理由要这样做?
  2. You can't justify neglecting your wife and children.你不关心妻子儿女是说不过去的。
  3. The experiments justify changing the normal method of work.这些实验说明改变通常的方法是对的。
  4. Does this justify you taking legal action?这就是你提起诉讼的理由吗?
  5. They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.他们难以理解儿子竟然放弃了收入颇丰的稳定工作。


justify as(v.+prep.)
    证明…作为某物是合法的 justify sth as sth

    The playhouse was forced to justify itself as a serious cultural endeavor.


justify by(v.+prep.)
    以…证明…是正当的 make (sth) seem right because of or by means of (sth or doing sth)justify sb/oneself/sth by n\u002e/v-ing

    The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions.


    He failed to justify both by argument and instance the life he had led.


    The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.


    He justified his act by pretending that it was his duty to do so.


    The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.


    The criminal attempted to justify his crime by claiming that he had not been responsible for his actions.


    This criticism is justified by the facts.


    It is amply justified by the result.


    That judgement seems to have been justified by time.


    Their reasoning was correct, and it was eventually justified by events.


justify in(v.+prep.)
    证明…是正当的 justify sb/oneself/sth in v-ing/n

    Can you justfy yourself in saying that?


    Nothing can justify you in your treating her that way.


    What they said was justified and well-founded.


    Are you sure that your comments are justified?


    He is fully justified in doing so.


    You are fully justified in refusing the offer.


    The constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence.


    They were justtified in turning down our proposal.


    They are perfectly justified in taking these steps.


    He is fully justified in leaving the matter untouched.


    With such large losses I would not be justified in leaving matters as they are.


justify on the ground(v.+prep.+n.)
    以…为理由,证明…是对的,正当的 justify on/upon the ground of sth/that-clause

    He justified his seizure of power on the grounds of an alleged conspiracy.


    Such behaviour is amply justified on these grounds.


    The plan is justified on the ground that the farm can not be divided.


justify to(v.+prep.)
    向(某人)证明…是对的,正当的 make (sth) seem right to (sb)justify oneself/sth to sb

    What have I done to justify your anger to me?


    He tried to justify himself to me by saying that he was late.


justify by (v.+prep.)
    以…证明,证明(某事)是正当的 make (sth) seem right because of or by means of (sth or doing sth)justify oneself/sth by sth/v-ing

    The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.


    The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions.


justify to (v.+prep.)
    向(某人)证明…是对的,正当的 make (sth) seem right to (sb)justify oneself/sth to sb

    Can you justify your rude behaviour to me?


    What have I done to justify your anger to me?


    He tried to justify himself to me by saying that he was late.



  • justify action证明行为是正当的
  • justify bail宣誓证明(自己)有财力作保
  • justify conduct证明行为是正当的
  • justify one's behaviour为某人的行为辩解
  • justify view证明观点是正当的
  • justify amply充分证明
  • justify completely完全证明
  • justify definitely确切地证明
  • justify easily容易证明
  • justify fully完全证明
  • justify manifestly清楚地证明
  • justify perfectly完全证明
  • justify reasonably有理由地证明
  • justify sufficiently充分地证明
  • justify unmistakably无误地证明
  • ~ by n./v -ing
  • ~ for
  • ~ in v -ing / n.
  • ~ to
  • justify oneself for one's conduct为自己的行为辩护
  • justify one's conduct to sb向某人说明自己的行为是正当的
用作动词 (v.)
  • justify action〔conduct〕证明行为是正当的
  • justify one's behaviour为某人的行为辩解
  • justify view证明观点是正当的
  • justify completely完全地证明
  • justify definitely确切地证明
  • justify manifestly清楚地证明
  • justify reasonably有理由地证明
  • justify sufficiently充分地证明
  • justify unmistakably无误地证明
  • justify oneself for one's conduct为自己的行为辩护
  • justify one's conduct to sb向某人说明自己的行为是正当的


  • The difficult task of justifying science in the eyes of the nation.

    出自:M. Pattison
  • History..is always written to justify the survivors.

    出自:M. West
  • I don't have to justify myself to you.

    出自:M. Piercy

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a passed master
a soft thing
acoustic surface-wave delay lines
Actinomycesa lmadurae
Add Words To
apple blight
backup overspeed governor
blow around
carry lookahead generator
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class Hydrozoa
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coded-scan tomogram
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difficulty abrasive
dynamic system flowchart
extremum formulation
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final consumption expenditure of population
flat headed apple tree borer
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floating measurement
frenulum of prepuce
go into the evidence
green water cress
Helicteres isora
helium ionization detector
hybrid reinforced metal matrix composite
inorganic gas
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knowledge subsystem
line cord
mento-anterior fixator
moisturizing creams
mycetogenetica stomatitis
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NavierkStokes equation
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nickel plated steel
nonperiodic signal
pattern positioner
peripheral construct
photomechanical plate
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point transistor
proper nilpotent element
pupil disease
registered person
Runeberg's formula
runway condition report
selaginella tama-montana
selenium stainless steel
signal-tuned amplifier
significant instant
Southern Sotho
squamosal bone
supporting part
tail wagging the dog
temporal angle of eye (or lateral angle of eye)
tenderness of lean
thick hair
train resistance
zinc-oxide varistor