音标:[taun] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 城镇, 市, 镇
[法] 城镇, 城市, 闹市
n. an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city
n. the people living in a municipality smaller than a city
n. United States architect who was noted for his design and construction of truss bridges (1784-1844)
词型变化:名词复数形式 : towns



  1. The town was invaded by reporters.这个城市涌进了大批记者。
  2. It's a great convenience to live in town.住在城市里有很大的方便。
  3. Would you rather live in a town, or in the country?你愿意住在城市还是乡下?
  4. The town has been designated a development area.该城市已被定为开发区。
  5. He lived in a town beside the sea.他住在一个靠海的城镇。
  6. The town boasts four swimming pools.这座城镇以拥有四个游泳池而自豪。
  7. We are well served with gas in this town.这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
  8. The whole town is talking about it.全镇的人都在议论这件事。
  9. Can you give me a lift into town?你能让我搭车进城吗?


  1. The town lies on a hill.这城市位于小山上。
  2. This town has a charm you couldn't find in a big city.这个小城有种大城市所缺乏的魅力。
  3. The little town had been torn to pieces by the enemy's guns.这座小城被敌军大炮炸成一片瓦砾。
  4. What a hole that town is!那个小城真没意思!
  5. My home town is a beautiful town.我的家乡是一个美丽的小镇。
  6. The fire was the worst disaster ever to hit the town.大火使这座城镇遭受从未有过的灾难。
  7. The police beat the town for the fugitive.警察在镇上搜捕那个逃犯。
  8. The old couple will attempt to leave the town as soon as possible.这对老夫妇想要尽快离开这个小城。
  9. High flood waters put the town in danger.汹涌的河水使这个城市岌岌可危。
  10. They have visited four towns here.他们已经参观了这里的4个镇。
  11. It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town.这就是士兵们从被占领的城镇掠夺来的所有东西。
  12. There are many lanes in the town.镇上有许多小巷。
  13. Would you rather live in a town or in the country?你愿意住在城市还是乡间?
  14. He is a man of great influence in this town.他在这个镇上是很有影响的人。
  15. I have noticed a number of improvements in this town since I was here last.我注意到自从我前次到这儿来过之后,这市镇有了很多的改进之处。
  16. The young man found a well paid job in a small town.这青年在一个小城市里找到了收入不错的工作。
  17. He drew a sketch map of that town.他画了那个市镇的示意图。
  18. The rainstorm caused floods in the low-lying parts of the town.暴雨在这座城市的低洼处造成水灾。
  19. For the well-to-do a summer holiday out of town is not uncommon.对于富人来说,夏天离城度假并不少见。
  20. How far is it to the nearest town?这离最近的市镇有多远?
  21. We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town.我们必须感谢他对本市的贡献。
  22. We were doing shopping in town.我们在城里买东西。
  23. The landlord left his home for jobs in town.那房东离开了他的家到城里谋求工作。
  24. I decided to cycle into town instead of taking the bus.我决定骑自行车进城,而不乘公共汽车。
  25. We are going to town tomorrow morning.我们明早进城。
  26. He is spending the weekend in town.他正在伦敦度周末。
  27. The whole town knows of it.全城人都知道这事。
  28. The whole town are furious about the council's education policy.全镇居民对市政会的教育政策都感到极其愤怒。
  29. I prefer the country to the town.我喜欢乡村生活甚于都市生活。


go to town
    〈口〉以极大的精力或热情做…(尤指滥花钱) do sth with great vigour or enthusiasm, especially by spending a lot of money
on the town
    〈美口〉在城里寻欢作乐(尤指夜间) enjoying oneself with food, drink, entertainment, etc., especially at night


用作名词 (n.)
  • blow town突然离开城市
  • build a town修建一个城镇
  • come to town到市区,到场,露面
  • destroy a town摧毁一个城镇
  • develop a town发展一个城镇
  • dislike a town不喜欢一个城镇
  • go down town到市中心区去
  • go to town进城,以极大的精力或热情做…
  • go up to town上城里去,〈英〉上伦敦去
  • lay out a town设计一座城镇
  • leave the town离城
  • like a town喜欢一个城镇
  • live in a town住在一个城镇里
  • occupy a town占领一座城镇
  • paint the town red狂欢,痛饮,胡闹
  • rebuild a town重建一个城镇
  • ruin a town毁灭一个城镇
  • seize a town夺取一座城镇
  • spring up town建立城镇
  • upset the town使市民心烦意乱
  • visit a town参观一个城镇
  • beautiful town美丽的城镇
  • big town大城镇
  • busy town热闹的市镇
  • clean town清洁的城镇
  • deserted town久已荒废没有居民的市镇
  • developing town正在发展中的城镇
  • great town伟大的城镇
  • growing town扩大中的城镇
  • industrial town工业市镇
  • large town大城镇
  • little town小城
  • local town当地的城镇
  • many towns许多城镇
  • modern town现代化的城镇
  • new town新的城镇
  • old town老的城镇
  • sleepy town沉睡的城镇
  • small town小镇
  • whole town全城
  • coast town沿海市镇
  • country town村镇
  • county town县城
  • home town故乡
  • market town集镇
  • model town模范市镇
  • steel town钢都
  • in a town在城里
  • on the town〈俚〉寻乐,享受城市夜生活
  • out of town不在城市,〈英〉不在伦敦


  • In time to catch the next train up to Town.

    出自:J. S. Winter
  • In the little town of Kail..there were three..markets.

    出自:A. Gordon
  • He had gone into town.

    出自:D. Lessing
  • Down the steep hill into the centre of town.

    出自:Day Lewis

beet, [bi:t] n 甜菜(其肥大的根和叶子可食用,一般肉质呈红色) 【记】bee蜜蜂。蜜蜂爱吃的菜-一定甜 【参】red beet 红甜菜(用于拌生菜);white beet 白甜菜(用于制糖)

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Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!

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今天学的词是top。作为名词, Top的意思是顶部, 顶端的意思。比如the top of the hill, 山顶, the tabletop, 桌面等等。Top也可以作动词,意思是达到或是超过。 有报道说,美国人口这个月将达到三

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