时间:2019-01-18 作者:英语课 分类:英语单词大师-Word Master


AA: I'm Avi Arditti with Rosanne Skirble, and this week on Wordmaster: a fresh look at a topic we did with Slangman David Burke in Los Angeles five years ago this month: food-related slang. This time, he's whipped up one of his exclusive stories based on a children's classic -- namely, "Jack 1 and the Beanstalk."SLANGMAN: "Once upon a time, there lived a woman who was as American as apple pie. She lived in The Big Apple."RS: "Where else."AA: "New York."SLANGMAN: "New York. With her only son Jack, the apple ...

AA/RS/SLANGMAN: " ... of her eye!"SLANGMAN: "The most important thing to her. Unfortunately, she just couldn't cut the mustard in the working world. And to cut the mustard means to succeed. So she could not cut the mustard in the working world, and Jack was such a couch ... "RS: "Potato!"SLANGMAN: "Very good. A coach potato, a lazy person who does nothing but sit on the couch and usually just watch television. He was such a couch potato that there was no one to bring home the bacon, which means to earn money for food. For now, selling milk from their cow was their bread and butter, which means the only way they could earn money. But the cow they bought turned out to be a lemon, defective 2. [laughter] That's something you buy then you discover later that it just doesn't work."AA: "Like a car."SLANGMAN: "Right, we hear that a lot, especially of course with cars. If a car doesn't work after you bought it, it's a lemon.

"But in this case, the cow was a lemon and stopped producing milk! They were certainly in a pickle 3 -- a bad situation. I have no idea why we say that, although we do. That's the interesting thing about some of these expressions. If you ask an American 'why do you say that, where does it come from?' we don't know, we just use it. So, 'Jack,' said his mother. "I'm not going to sugar-coat this.' That means to tell it like it is, even though it may be painful for the other person to hear. Well, the mother said, 'We have to sell the cow.' 'Sell the cow?!' Jack exclaimed. 'Mother, I think your idea is half-baked!'"RS: "Not a great idea."SLANGMAN: "Right, not carefully considered. It's half-baked. But Jack's mother kept egging him on, which means pushed him to do something, to encourage him. And the next morning, Jack took the cow to the city to sell it. Well, on his way to the market, Jack was stopped by a man who said 'I'd like to buy your cow, and I'll give you five beans for it.'

"And Jack said: 'What are you, some kind of a nut?' -- somebody who's crazy. We can say nutty. In fact, the movie 'The Nutty Professor' means the crazy professor. 'Ah, but these are magic beans!' said the man, 'and that's no baloney!' And baloney, which is ... "AA: "Processed meat."SLANGMAN: "Processed meat. I was going to say it's a food, but it simply means in this case nonsense, 'that's baloney.' The man told Jack that if he planted the beans, by the next morning they'd grow up tall, tall, tall and reach the sky. Well, since Jack really didn't know beans about ...

SLANGMAN/RS: " ... beans!"SLANGMAN: "If you don't know beans about something, it means you don't know anything about it. Well, he did agree, and took the beans, then ran home to tell his mother the good news. When his mother discovered what Jack had done, she turned beet 4 red. Now a beet is a vegetable that is really deep red. She turned beet red and went bananas, and threw the beans out the window.

"When he woke up the next morning, to Jack's surprise, there was growing an enormous beanstalk. 'Hmm, I'll see where it goes,' thought Jack, and with that he stepped out of the window on to the beanstalk to climb up and up and up.

"In the distance, he could see a big castle. When he walked in, Jack tried to stay as cool as a cucumber -- which means very calm, very relaxed. Well, it was difficult to stay as cool as a cucumber, because sitting there at the table was a giant who was rather beefy."AA: "A big guy."SLANGMAN: "A big guy. Big and muscular, that's beefy. And the giant was definitely what you would call a tough cookie, a stubborn and strict person. The giant placed a goose on the table and said, 'Lay three eggs!' and out came three golden eggs!

"The giant took the eggs, and left the room. 'Wow!' thought Jack. 'If I borrow the goose, my mother and I will have no more money problems! This is going to be as easy as pie!' he thought. Which means something extremely easy to do, which is kind of strange because pie is not that easy to make. Have you ever tried to make a pie?"AA: "That's true."SLANGMAN: "So he climbed up the table and grabbed the goose. The giant came running after Jack. Jack quickly climbed all the way down the beanstalk, took an ax, and chopped it down. And that, my friends, is the whole enchilada."RS: "Enchilada."SLANGMAN: "That's a Mexican dish, meat and cheese, that's wrapped in a tortilla which is made of flour and water. 'The whole enchilada' -- that means that's the whole story."AA: For more of a taste of how you can learn English with help from Slangman David Burke, you can visit his Web site: slangman.com.

  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product. 该公司因为一件次品而受到媒体攻击。
  • If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation. 如果货品证明有缺陷, 顾客有权索赔。
  • Mother used to pickle onions.妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。
  • Meat can be preserved in pickle.肉可以保存在卤水里。
  • He farmed his pickers to work in the beet fields. 他出租他的摘棉工去甜菜地里干活。
  • The sugar beet is an entirely different kind of plant.糖用甜菜是一种完全不同的作物。
a fat lot of
admission port
an atomic cocktail
antixerophthalmic vitamin
appropriate security
Argentine Milanga
be in the swim
bungee cords
call agent
chaparral mallow
Claim for Salary of Crew
classical theory of interest
compression of vapor
controlled function generator
corn on the cob
curare like substance
dead in the water
dip tube
enantiomorphous unit
ESFAS (engineered safety features actuation system)
ethylmercuric chloride
Excluded Commodity
Farey sequence
floor block
graph grammar
hybrid war
ideal base
initial boiling point
inlet edge cavitation
intermediate phenotype
internal ribbed tube
low frequency generator
meteoroid protection
microspherical catalyst
Microstigma brachycarpum
morning exercises
mountain guides
mutantional hotspot
Narsingdi District
natural cement
night job
nome sane
Ogmore Vale
open loop optimal feedback
output as mined
power factor regulator
practical restrictions on grammar
pre-grouting from the working face
primary limits
private house
program breakpoint
propulsion battery bank
salt rack
service braking system
Sims) Sweet.
single user wharf
spina media
standard radio horizon
testing liquid
theory of quadratic forms
thimble tube composite type
to get her
traction booster
triazene paper
Ulkanskiy Khrebet
ultrasonic flow measuring instrument
wave-modulated oscilloscope tube
wind aft