音标:[fɒ:'stɒ:l] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
vt. 预先阻止, 先...一步行动, 占先一步, 垄断, 阻碍
[法] 先采取行动预防或阻止, 垄断
v keep from happening or arising; make impossible
v act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
词型变化:第三人称单数 : forestalls ; 现在分词 : forestalling ; 过去式 : forestalled ; 过去分词 : forestalled



  1. She forestalled my plan to meet her.她抢在我前面,使我要去接她的计划落了空。
  2. I have my objection all prepared,but Stephens forestall me.我已做好准备要提出反对意见,不料斯蒂芬斯却抢先了一步。
  3. We must act now to forestall disaster.我们现在必须采取行动以防灾难。
  4. We installed an alarm system to forestall break-in.我们安装了一套警报系统来预防小偷的闯入。


  • forestall the market垄断市场
  • forestall trouble防止事故


  • To confine, forestall, and monopolize the beams of the sun.



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