a. 具刻点的
v pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into
v make by piercing
v reduce or lessen the size or importance of
v cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing
v be pierced or punctured
s having a hole cut through




  1. The tire punctured a mile from home.在离家一英里处车胎被扎破了。

A famous surgeon tells about the importance of self-confidence from his own experience. The Making of a Surgeon How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a

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神探夏洛克第二季第一集_18 出什么事了? what's going on? 天哪 发生什么了? Jeez, what the hell is happening? 赫德森太太被美国人袭击了 Mrs Hudson has been attacked by an American, 我在恢复宇宙的平衡 I am restor

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To meet the Arch-Community-Songster of Canterbury and Mr. Savage. Bernard had proclaimed his triumph on every invitation card. 为了宣布他的胜利,伯纳曾经在每一份请帖上写上以下的话:与坎脱伯雷首席歌唱家和野蛮人先

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LAST month a local official in Aichiprefecture set out a daring proposal. Tomonaga Osada suggested that theauthorities could distribute secretly punctured condoms to young marriedcouples, who would then get to work boosting the birth rate. His unorth

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At the end of that month, Sculley finally worked up the nerve to tell Jobs that he should give up running the Macintosh division. 3月底,斯卡利终于鼓起勇气告诉乔布斯,他应该放弃麦金塔部门的管理权。 He walked over to J

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Macworld Boston, August 1997 波士顿Macworld大会 The staff memo announcing the repricing of Apple's stock options was signed Steve and the executive team, 1997年8月员工收到了宣布苹果股票期权重新定价的备忘录,上面是这样签

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