Filling Out Forms 填写表格 A flight attendant has just passed out immigration forms for entering the Netherlands. 一名空服员刚刚分发了荷兰的入境表格。 K:Can I borrow your pen, Evan? 凯西:艾凡,你的笔借我好吗? E:I t

发表于:2018-11-27 / 阅读(186) / 评论(0) 分类 赖世雄旅游观光英语通

Lessons 129-130 Listen and enjoy. Hi, I haven't seen you for a long time. where have you been? I have been to America. Really? Did you go to New York? Sure. That's why I visited the country. You must have been to broadway. Yes, you are right. you kno

发表于:2018-12-24 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 新概念英语之全新全译·1

Lesson 371 What's the date today? 1.What's the date today?今天是几号? 2.My passport is out of date.我的护照过期作废了。 3.It's right up to date.很时髦。 4.I have a date tonight.我今晚有个约会。 5.I'll date you for the dan

发表于:2018-12-25 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 辛沛沛NO-BOOK 辛沛沛傻瓜机口语极短句

LL: So how long do you plan to live here? Beth: We'd like to sign a year-long contract, if that's OK. LL: Fine by me. Do you know how to read this kind of contract? Beth: Yes. We've signed them before. We even brought our chops. LL: Great. When in Ro

发表于:2018-12-25 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 Eztalk美语会话

My passport was lost. 我的护照不见了。 May I help you? 我能帮助您吗? Yes. My passport was lost. Could I have it registered? 是的,我的护照不见了。我可以做一下登记吗? Sure. Please fill out the lost property form. 当

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(36) / 评论(0) 分类 旅游英语口语情景对话

I'm informed that someone has found my passport. 听说有人捡到了我的护照。 A: Good afternoon. 下午好。 B: Good afternoon, rm informed that someone has found my passport. Could I get it back now? 下午好。听说有人捡到了我的护

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(29) / 评论(0) 分类 旅游英语口语情景对话

Would you like to make it detax? 你要办理免税的吗? Would you like to make it detax? 你要办理免税的吗? Yes,please. 是的。 Please fill in this form. 请填这个表格。 What should I do with it? 手续程序是怎么样的呢?

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 旅游英语口语情景对话

4.5 Something Lost 丢失物品 W: Excuse me, could you help me? M: Yes, what seems to be the problem? W: Well. I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport? M: I am afraid not. Have you lost your passport? W: I think so. I can't find it anywhe

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(43) / 评论(0) 分类 想聊就聊

经典句型:This is my boarding pass and passport.这是我的登机牌和护照。 A:This is my boarding pass and passport. 甲:这是我的登机牌和护照。 B:OK, Miss. You can board now. 乙:好的,小姐。您可以登机了。 A:Thank you

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(33) / 评论(0) 分类 生活口语天天说

A:Good afternoon. Can I help you? 下午好。我能帮您吗? B:Is it possible for me to buy some RMB at this counter? 我在这个柜台买一些人民币,行吗? A:Of course, that's no problem at all. 当然可以,完全没问题。 B:That

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 银行英语情景口语

Chapter 24 The Bridge Across the Ocean 第24章 越洋之旅 When you go to Europe you have to take two things with you besides your ticket and your luggage. 要去欧洲的话,除了车票和行李之外,你还得带两样东西。 I wonder if y

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(28) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Dialogue B (A:Susan B:John C:Operator D:Mike) A:Do you mind if I use your phone? B:No,not at all.Go ahead.It's over there in the corner. A:I wonder if I could make a long dista

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

AS IT IS 2015-08-17 More East Jerusalem Palestinians Seeking Israeli Citizenship 东耶路撒冷巴人寻求以色列国籍者增多 Most Palestinians living in East Jerusalem want the area to become the capital of a future Palestinian state. So, for

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(21) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(八)月


发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(71) / 评论(0) 分类 雅思英语

BBC News with Marion Marshall. President Hollande says Frances Intelligence Services have successfully dismantled a terror network, preventing a large-scale attack. He was speaking following the arrest of 5 men, who prosecutors say were receiving ord

发表于:2019-01-19 / 阅读(28) / 评论(0) 分类 中英双语新闻

gender 性别 bald/balding 秃头 hair color 头发颜色 brown棕色 blond金发碧眼的 straight/curly/waved hair 直、卷、波浪发 fair hair 金发 dyed hair 染发 parted in the middle 中分 a pony tail 马尾 long/short plaits 长短辫子 slim 苗条的 stout 结实的、矮胖的

发表于:2019-02-02 / 阅读(76) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

I was robbed. 我被抢劫了。 rob 抢劫;抢夺;非法剥夺 someone is robbed of something 某人被抢劫了某物 She was robbed of her handbag. 她的手提包被偷了。 Poor health has robbed her of a normal social life. 身体不好使她

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 跟艾米莉一起学口语

You know how to talk about the future in English. You use words like will or shall or going to. In English, we also have a way of talking about things which are in the future but very close to the present perhaps ony a few minutes into the future. We

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 听播客学英语


发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 雅思英语

Customs 过关 Evan is at customs. The customs officer asks some questions. 艾凡正在海关处,海关官员询问他几个问题。 CO:Good morning, sir. May I see your passport? 官员:先生,早安。我可以看一下你的护照吗? E:Ye

发表于:2019-03-18 / 阅读(2942) / 评论(0) 分类 赖世雄旅游观光英语通