Martin Luther King, Jr. 马丁-路德-金 Have you heard about Martin Luther King, Jr.? 你有听说过马丁-路德-金吗? He is one of the most famous people in America. 他是美国最著名的人物之一。 He was a preacher and he tried to f

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(40) / 评论(0) 分类 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册

Elections 选举 Do you have a class leader in your class? 你班里有班长吗? How did the student become the class leader? 这个学生是怎样成为班长的? Maybe your homeroom teacher made the student the class leader. 也许是你的班主

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Languages 语言 Language is the most important method of human communication. 语言是人类最重要的交流方式。 People sometimes use gestures, numbers, pictures or any other method to communicate with others. 人们有时会用手势、数字

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Territory 领土 What is a territory? 什么是领土? When a person, an orgnization or a nation owns a large piece of land, that land becomes a territory. 个人、组织或国家拥有的大片土地称之为领土。 We don't call a small land a

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Shoreline 滨线 Is it a shore different from a coast? Yes, it is. 滨和海岸是不是不一样?是的。 The word coast is used when land meets the ocean. 海岸是陆地和海洋接触的地方 The word shore is used when land meets a large bod

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Mussorgsky 穆索尔斯基 Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was one of the most famous composers in Russia. 穆捷斯特彼得洛维奇穆索尔斯基是俄国最著名的作曲家之一。 Other famous Russian famous composers try to find a way to combin

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Prisms 棱镜 Why can we see rainbows after rain? 我们雨后为什么能看到彩虹? We can see rainbows after rain because droplets of moisture in the air work like a big prism. 这是因为空气中的水滴就像一个大棱镜。 So what is

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Battle of Gettysburg 葛底斯堡战役 The deadliest battle in American history was the battle of Gettysburg. 美国历史上伤亡最惨重的战役是葛底斯堡战役. During the civil war, there were many battles. 内战期间有许多场战役。

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Harbor 港口 When people don't use their cars, they keep the cars in garages or parking lots. 人们不使用汽车时,会把车放在车库或停车场里。 Then where do people keep their ships? 那么人们把船放在哪里呢? A harbor is

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Boycott 联合抵制 Do you know what a boycott is? 你知道什么是抵制吗? A boycott means that people don't buy certain products. 抵制意味着人们不买某些产品。 Sometimes people boycott products because they believe that the comp

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Communism 共产主义 If everyone is equal and everyone has the same amount of money, will everybody feel happy? 如果每个人都是平等的,每个人都有同样多的钱,那么每个人都会感到快乐吗? Communists believe so. 共产主

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Volunteer 志愿者 After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, 在卡特里娜飓风袭击新奥尔良之后, thousands of volunteers visited the city to help victims of the hurricane. 数千名志愿者前往该市帮助飓风的受灾者。 Volunte

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Osmosis 渗透作用 When you water plants or flowers, do you pour water on their leaves? 你给植物或花浇水时,会把水倒在它们的叶子上吗? No, you don't. You may pour water on the ground. 不,你不会。你可能把水倒在地上

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Willie's aunt sent him for a birthday present a little writing book. 威利的阿姨送了他一个笔记本作为生日礼物。 There was a place in the book for a pencil. 本子上有个地方插着铅笔。 Willie thought a great deal of this lit

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(39) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第三册

LESSON 62 第六十二课 line 线 figure 数字 second 第二 perfectly 完美地 grain 一粒 verse 诗文 advice 建议 impatient 急性子的 study 学习 busily 忙碌地 followed 跟随 understand 理解 FRANK AND THE HOURGLASS 弗兰克和时漏

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Again, greater darkness enveloped the trembling earth. 颤抖的大地又一次披上了更幽深的黑暗的外衣。 Anon, the heavens were rent with lightning, which nothing could have quenched but the descending deluge. 不久之后,天空划过一

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(23) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第六册

LESSON 8 第8课 stroke 轻抚 beggar 乞丐 streaks 条纹 needful 必要的 counsel 顾问 THE WHITE KITTEN 小白猫 My little white kitten is asleep on my knee; 小猫在我的膝盖上睡着了, As white as the snow or the lilies is she; 她身上

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LESSON 12 第12课 shook 摇了摇 gravel 砾石 invited 邀请 assure 保证 continued 继续 plants 植物 borders 边界 enjoyed 享受 meddle 干涉 admiring 欣赏 A WALK IN THE GARDEN 园中漫步 Frank was one day walking with his mother, when

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LESSON 11 第11课 twit-twee 喳喳喳 bough 树枝 twit-twit 喳喳喳 topmost 最高的 lock 锁 spray 喷雾 mate 伴侣 closely 密切地 rosy 乐观 answer 回答 WHAT A BIRD TAUGHT 小鸟说什么 Why do you come to my apple tree,Little bird so

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LESSON 5 第5课 behind 背后 together 一起 noble 高尚的 Scotch 苏格兰 Dodger 道奇 minutes 分 crib 婴儿床 wagon 车 terrier 梗 country 国家 scold 骂 fellow 研究员 shaggy 毛茸茸的 friskily 身形 fits 符合 cellar 地窖 gua

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第二册