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发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 外研社萤火虫双语系列

This was all we ever had to do until the Golden Cap fell into the hands of the Wicked Witch of the West, who made us enslave the Winkies, 直到这顶金冠落在西方坏女巫的手里,我们一直过着平静的生活;坏女巫命令我们奴役

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(28) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

I didn't know there was a charm, answered Dorothy, in surprise. What is it? 多萝茜惊奇地说:我不知道这顶金冠会有这样的魔力,那该怎么做呢? It is written inside the Golden Cap, replied the Queen of the Mice. 金冠里面已

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Once, began the leader, we were a free people, living happily in the great forest, 猴王开始说:从前,我们都自由自在,快乐地生活在大森林中, flying from tree to tree, eating nuts and fruit, and doing just as we pleased with

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Chapter 15. The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible 第15章 奥芝的秘密 The four travelers walked up to the great gate of Emerald City and rang the bell. 四个旅行者来到翡翠城的大门前,拉响铃子。 After ringing several times, it was

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

Now oil the joints of my arms. he said. 现在,把油加在我手臂的关节上,他说。 And Dorothy oiled them, and the Scarecrow bent them carefully until they were quite free from rust and as good as new. 多萝茜把油加在它们上面。稻

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

She ran to the place and then stopped short, with a little cry of surprise. 她跑了过去,停了下,发出一声尖叫。 One of the big trees had been partly chopped through, and standing beside it, 一棵大树,被砍去了一部分。 with

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(46) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

Dorothy was puzzled at this, for it sounded queer to hear a stuffed man speak, and to see him bow and walk along beside her. 多萝茜非常惊奇地听稻草人说话,看他鞠躬,还能在旁边自己走动。这着实是一件怪事。 Who are

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Why, I guess so, Dorothy answered. 多萝茜回答说:是啊,我想他会的, It would be as easy as to give the Scarecrow brains. 就像把脑子给稻草人一样地简单。 True, the Tin Woodman returned. 这倒是不错,铁皮人回答说。

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and when I was chopping away at my best one day, 由于我很想尽快建好房子迎娶我的新娘, for I was anxious to get the new house and my wife as soon as possible, 所以我很用力地砍树, the axe slipped all at once and cut off my

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But, alas! I had now no heart, so that I lost all my love for the Munchkin girl, 但是,唉!我现在没有心了,所以我失去了所有的对芒奇金女孩的爱情, and did not care whether I married her or not. 不再在乎能否娶她为

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You will be very welcome, answered Dorothy, for you will help to keep away the other wild beasts. 非常欢迎你,多萝茜回答说,你的吼叫可以吓走别的野兽们。 It seems to me they must be more coward than you are they allow you to

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They were obliged to camp out that night under a large tree in the forest, for there were no houses near. 那天夜里,因为附近没有一间屋子,他们不得不在森林里的一株大树底下露宿。 The tree made a good, thick covering t

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(26) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

Who are you and where are you going? asked the Stork. 鹳鸟问:你们为什么会在这里?你们要到哪里去? I am Dorothy, answered the girl, and these are my friends, 我是多萝茜,女孩回答;这些都是我的朋友, the Tin W

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Where is Kansas? asked the man, with surprise. 堪萨斯州是在哪儿?男人惊奇地问。 I don't know, replied Dorothy sorrowfully, but it is my home, and I'm sure it's somewhere. 我也搞不清楚,多萝茜悲伤地回答:但是那是我的

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

As they walked on, the green glow became brighter and brighter, 他们继续往前走,绿色的光愈来愈亮了, and it seemed that at last they were nearing the end of their travels. 似乎他们终于接近了他们充满希望的翡翠城。

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(40) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz

He opened the big box, and Dorothy saw that it was filled with spectacles of every size and shape. 他打开大箱子,多萝茜看见里面装满了各种大小和形状的眼镜。 All of them had green glasses in them. 所有的眼镜上都镶着绿

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The Guardian of the Gates led them through the streets until they came to a big building, 守城门的人,引导他们穿过了一些街道,直走到一所大厦的前面, exactly in the middle of the City, which was the Palace of Oz, the Great

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So the Wicked Witch took the Golden Cap from her cupboard and placed it upon her head. 因此,恶女巫就从她的橱里取出金冠来,戴在头上。 Then she stood upon her left foot and said slowly: Ep-pe, pep-pe, kak-ke! 于是她独立着左

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Chapter 13. The Rescue 第13章 解放温基人 The Cowardly Lion was much pleased to hear that the Wicked Witch had been melted by a bucket of water, 那小胆狮子听到坏女巫被浇了一吊桶的水,溶化得无影无踪了,非常高兴,

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(41) / 评论(0) 分类 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz