音标:[ә'lau] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 允许, 同意给予, 承认
vi. 容许, 猜想
[计] 允许命令
v. let have
v. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause
v. allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something
v. grant as a discount or in exchange
词型变化:过去分词 : allowed ; 现在分词 : allowing ; 第三人称单数 : allows ; 过去式 : allowed



  1. You are not allowed to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。
  2. How much holiday are you allowed?你有多少天假?
  3. I should allow an hour to get to London.到伦敦去我得留出一小时来。
  4. The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.法官同意允许犯人申辩。
  5. If you'll allow me,I will send you back.如果你能同意,我可以送你回家。
  1. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.把路上的耽搁算进去,你要用半小时才能到车站。
  2. The patient was allowed up (ie permitted to get out of bed) after 10 days.病人十天以后才允许起来(准予离床下地).


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Why do you allow yourself?你为什么放纵自己呢?
  2. I don't think he would allow it.我想他不会允许的。
  3. I long to visit you, but my health won't allow it.我很想去看看你,但我的身体已经不允许了。
  4. We allowed no discount.我们不打折扣。
  5. The facts allow no other explanation.这些事实不容另做解释。
  6. The law does not allow such an action.法律不容许这种行为。
  7. We will never allow such a recurrence of that historical tragedy.我们绝不许可这样的历史悲剧重演。
  8. Some youth today do not allow any criticism at all.现在有些年轻人根本批评不得。
  9. We cannot stand by and allow such things.我们对这样的事情不能听之任之。
  10. The judge allowed the claim of the man whose property was damaged.法官承认那个财产遭受损坏的赔偿要求是正当的。
  11. 1
  12. No, that isn't allowed.不,不准那样。
  13. No smoking is allowed here.此处不准吸烟。
  14. This is a military area; pedestrians are not allowed.军事重地,禁止行人进入。
  15. Only a few journalists were allowed inside.只有几个新闻记者获准进入会场。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. Our teacher does not allow cheating to go unpunished.我们的老师不允许作弊行为不受到惩罚。
  2. Do they allow smoking in the cinemas?他们允许在电影院里抽烟吗?
  3. The policeman wouldn't allow parking in this street.警察不允许在这条街上停车。
  1. We must allow that he is a very clever politician.我们必须承认他是一个很精明的政客。
  2. I allowed that I was a bit hasty.我承认我这样做轻率了一点。
  3. He allowed that it had been a mistake.他承认那是一场误会。
  4. I must allow that he is a promising young man.我必须承认他是个很有前途的青年。
  5. I allow that things are not so easy.我承认事情并不容易。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It is allowed that pronunciation is one of the principal things in English.大家都认为发音是英语的一个重要方面。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. How much money do you allow your son each month?你每月给你儿子多少钱?
  2. He allowed his children fifteen pence a week.他给他的孩子们每星期十五个便士。
  3. His father allowed him two dollars a week as spending money.他父亲允许他每周有两美元的零用钱。
  4. The boss only allowed David a monthly subsidy.老板只按月发给大卫津贴。
  5. They allowed each member of the brigade one cotton-padded suit.他们发给这个旅每个成员一套棉衣。
  6. My father allows himself only three cigarettes a day.我爸爸给自己规定一天只吸三支烟。
  7. I allow myself a fair margin of profit.我得到合理的利润。
  8. They did not allow the serfs any freedom.他们不给农奴任何自由。
  9. Some parents often allow children too much freedom.有些父母往往放纵小孩。
  10. 1
  11. Each passenger is allowed 30 pounds of luggage free of charge.每个旅客可以免费携带行李30磅。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. He allowed five yuan a week to his son.他给他儿子一周五元钱。
  2. Jane's aunt allowed 3 pounds to her every week.简的姨妈每周给她三英镑。
  3. 1
  4. The use of the staircase is allowed only to members of the staff.本楼梯仅供员工使用。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj.
  1. We must allow him to be a good interpreter.我们必须承认他是个好译员。
  2. We must allow him to be versatile genius.我们必须承认他是一个多才多艺的天才。
  3. We must allow him to be an honest man.我们应当承认他是一个诚实的人。
  4. I shall not allow you to be a fair judge in this case.对于你在这件事上的判断,实在不敢恭维。
  5. You must allow yourself to be wrong.你必须承认自己错了。
  6. Mr. Morris allowed this to be extremely fair.莫里斯先生认为这是最公平不过的。
  7. We don't allow ourselves to be cheated.我们绝不让自己受骗。
  8. He did not allow himself to be too upset by the news.他没有因听到消息而使自己过于烦恼。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. Please allow me to carry your bag.请让我替你拿提包。
  2. Allow me to say a few words.让我说两句吧。
  3. Allow me to congratulate you on your success.请允许我对你的成功表示祝贺。
  4. Allow me to introduce you to our headmaster.请允许我介绍你见见我们的校长。
  5. They allowed her to go to the party.他们允许她去参加聚会。
  6. The doctor allowed him to take a short walk everyday.医生允许他每天做短距离散步。
  7. I cannot allow you to stay here.我不许你呆在这儿。
  8. I can't allow you to talk to Mother like that.我不许你跟妈妈那样讲话。
  9. His parents won't allow him to smoke.他父母不许他抽烟。
  10. His wife did not allow him to touch any drink or tobacco.他妻子不让他碰烟酒。
  11. They didn't allow the workers to organize.他们不让工人组织起来。
  12. We could not allow the workers at the plant to go on being hungry day after day.我们不能让全厂工人日复一日地饿着肚子。
  13. He didn't allow himself to show his satisfaction, of course, let alone to speak of it.当然,他没有让自己流露出满意的神色,更不会说出这种心情了。
  14. Don't allow yourselves to indulge in false hopes.不要让自己存有不切实际的希望。
  15. The extra money will allow us to buy a car.额外的钱可供我们买一辆汽车。
  16. Your gift allows me to buy a car.你的赠礼使我能够买一辆车了。
  17. Some substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.有些物质容易让电流通过。
  18. The stove has a hole to allow the smoke to escape.这炉子有个孔眼让烟冒出去。
  19. Roads and railways allowed the world market to extend.公路和铁路使得世界市场得以扩大。
  20. 1
  21. You're not allowed to use calculators in examinations.考试中不可以使用计算器。
  22. May I be allowed to use this typewriter?我能用一用这台打字机吗?
  23. They shouldn't be allowed to act like this.不应当让他们这样干。
  24. The child wasn't allowed to go out without wearing his coat.这孩子不穿上衣不准出门。
  25. No one was allowed to talk with him.任何人都不准许跟他交谈。
  26. Children are not allowed to play on the lawn.禁止小孩在草地上玩耍。


allow for (v.+prep.)
    允许有,留出,给予 provide sth for sth else; give sth for a certain purpose, often by lawallow for sb/sth/v-ing

    We must allow for the train being late.


    We should allow for unexpected difficulty.


    In working with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinkage.


    Many of the low worn-out buildings are being demolished to allow for street wid- ening .


    This is for winter wear, so will you allow for woolies underneath.


    We must allow for losing our way in the dark.


    She allowed for my poor eyesight.


    You must allow for his youth.


    Allowing for the bad weather, we should set off right now.


    Allowing for delays, he should reach London next week.


    It will take an hour to reach the airport, allowing for traffic delay.


    Has everything been allowed for in your plan?


    allow sth for sth/v-ing

    This plant allows half an hour for lunch.


    Buy the children's shoes big enough to allow room for growth.


    The court allowed a sum of money for clothing.


    How much time did they allow us for making the preparations?


    We must allow three days for travelling from London to Hong Kong.


    Allowing for exceptions, the rule may stand.


    Between classes, ten minutes are allowed for play and rest.


    Five dollars are allowed each month for pocket money.


    Ample time must be allowed for the investigation.


    Only thirty kilos are allowed for personal luggage.


    allow sb sth for sb/sth/v-ing

    My mother allows me ten yuan a month for my pocket money.


    How much money does your father allow you for books?


    The teacher allowed us one hour for written work.


    How much time did they allow us for making the preparations?


    Only half-hour intervals were allowed them for meals.


allow in1 (v.+adv.)
    准许进入 permit inallow sb/sth in

    Most modern hospitals allow the mother in when a baby is ill.


    She wouldn't allow me in.


    The children are not allowed in until the school bell rings, whatever the weather.


allow in2 (v.+prep.)
    准许进入 permit sb to enter a placeallow sb/sth in sth

    I don't allow cats in my kitchen!


    They won't allow dogs in the house.


    Strictly speaking, nobody is allowed in here.


    No parking is allowed in this street.


allow into (v.+prep.)
    准许 permit sb to enter a placeallow sb/sth into sth

    They wouldn't allow him into the house.


    Children are not allowed into this cinema without their parents.


    You are allowed into the room.


    Black people aren't allowed into such places.


    They were even allowed into some areas which were previously forbidden to foreigners.


allow of (v.+prep.)
    容许,允许 permit; leave for; give the possibility of sthallow of sth

    The question allows of no dispute.


    The situation allows of no delay.


    His responsible position allowed of no unseemly behaviour in public.


    Mr. Pearson's income allows of no extravagance in his way of living.


    Our financial situation allows of no unnecessary expenditures.


    The statement does not allow of more than one interpretation.


    The internal affairs of any state, whether it's big or small, do not allow of external interference.


    allow of v-ing

    His weakened condition would not allow of his being sent to town.


    The stream is too shallow to allow of boating.


allow out (v.+adv.)
    准许外出,离开住处 permit out; permit sb to go out of doorsallow sb out

    I've sent the boy to his room and will not allow him out until he says that he's sorry.


    They allowed me out in order to make a telephone call.


    The children are too young to be allowed out at night.


    The prisoners are allowed out for half an hour's exercise each day.


allow through1 (v.+adv.)
    允许通过,穿过 permit to pass throughallow sb/sth through

    The soldiers had orders to allow no stranger through.


allow through2 (v.+prep.)
    允许通过,穿过 permit to pass through sthallow sb/sth through sth

    They had orders to allow nobody through the gates.


allow up (v.+adv.)
    允许下床活动 permit sb (who has been ill) to get out of bedallow sb/sth up

    The doctor will not allow mother up until her leg is better.


    The doctor allows her up for two hours each day.



用作动词 (v.)
  • allow a privilege给予特权
  • allow a rest允许休息
  • allow a thing允许这种事
  • allow an hour给一个小时(时间)
  • allow advice允许建议
  • allow changes允许改变
  • allow criticism允许批评
  • allow democracy允许民主
  • allow development允许有发展
  • allow differences允许有分歧
  • allow errors允许出错
  • allow failures允许失败
  • allow freedom允许自由,给予自由
  • allow hunting允许狩猎
  • allow imprison允许囚禁
  • allow increase允许增加
  • allow mistakes允许错误
  • allow oneself放纵自己
  • allow opinions允许言论
  • allow parking允许停车
  • allow pitting允许吐痰
  • allow smoking允许抽烟
  • allow some money给一些钱
  • allow some time给一些时间
  • allow such behaviour允许这样的行为
  • allow such conduct允许这样的行为
  • allow suggestion允许建议
  • allow talking允许说话
  • allow the claim同意要求
  • allow the deduction允许扣除
  • allow the demand同意这个要求
  • allow the goal承认这次进球
  • allow three days给出三天时间
  • allow wrongs允许(犯)错误
  • allow only只允许
  • allow absolutely绝对允许
  • allow conditionally有条件地允许
  • allow frequently经常允许
  • allow generously慷慨地允许
  • allow graciously宽厚地允许
  • allow grudgingly勉强允许
  • allow handsomely慷慨地允许
  • allow readily欣然允诺
  • allow reasonably明智地允许
  • allow regularly经常想到
  • allow reluctantly勉强承认
  • allow ultimately最终允许
  • allow unconditionally无条件地允许
  • allow unwillingly勉强允许
  • allow usually经常允许
  • allow willingly欣然允诺
  • allow out准许外出
  • allow up允许下床活动
  • allow by被…允许
  • allow for any possible miscalculation考虑到任何可能的计算错误
  • allow for errors把误差估计进去
  • allow for future development考虑到将来的发展
  • allow for the inexperience of the basketball team体谅这个篮球队缺乏经验
  • allow for sb's innocence原谅某人的无知
  • allow for some possible factors把某些可能的因素考虑进去
  • allow for the difference of their ages体谅他们年龄上的差异
  • allow for the fact that...考虑到…这样的事实
  • allow for unexpected difficulty把意想不到的困难考虑到
  • allow sb in允许某人进入
  • allow sb into允许某人进入
  • allow of承认,许可
  • allow sb through允许某人通过


  • Proud To find the triumphs of his youth allow'd.

    出自:G. Crabbe

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Nevada is one of a handful of so-called swing states that could decide the U.S. presidential election. Nevada voted for the Republicans in 2000 and 2004, but Mike O'Sullivan reports from the town of Pahrump in rural Nevada, a shift toward Democrats

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By Mike O'Sullivan The U.S. presidential campaign is heating up in a number of so-called battleground states, where the election outcome remains too close to call. The northwestern state of Oregon is

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今天我们要学的词是swing。 Swing, 有摇摆不定的意思. Swing voters, 是尚未做出决定的选民。美国民主党总统参选人希拉里.克林顿星期二赢得了宾夕法尼亚州初选的胜利,Hillary Clinton won in the larg

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In the final days of the U.S. presidential election campaign, candidates Barack Obama and John McCain will focus on a relatively small handful of states that will provide the margin of victory on Election Day, November 4. VOA National Correspondent

发表于:2019-01-09 / 阅读(29) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2008年(十月)

今天我们要学的词是swing。 Swing, 有摇摆不定的意思. Swing voters, 是尚未做出决定的选民。美国民主党总统参选人希拉里.克林顿星期二赢得了宾夕法尼亚州初选的胜利,Hillary Clinton won in the larg

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