v. 停留, 制止(stay的过去分词形式)
v stay the same; remain in a certain state
v stay put (in a certain place); we are not moving to Cincinnati"
v dwell
v continue in a place, position, or situation
v remain behind
v stop or halt
v stay behind
v hang on during a trial of endurance
v stop a judicial process
v fasten with stays
v overcome or allay



  1. I stayed late at the party last night.昨晚我在晚会上呆到很晚。
  2. You can stay at home and watch TV.你可以待在家里并且看电视。
  3. Why don't you come to stay with us next time you visit Durham?下次来达勒姆就住在我们这儿好吗?
  4. The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温一直都很热。
  5. We must be able to stay impartial at all times.我们必须经常保持公正的态度。
  1. He went straight to New York without a stay in Hongkong.他直接去了纽约,没在香港停留。
  2. He made few friends during his stay in the village.他在这个村子逗留的期间,没有交上几个朋友。


  1. I'm in a hurry,I've no time to stay.我很忙,没有时间呆了。
  2. I don't live here.I'm only staying.我不住在这里,我只是暂住几天罢了。
  3. Stay!You've left your umbrella.停一下!你落下了你的伞。
  4. Do you think this fine weather has come to stay?你认为这种好天气能持久稳定下来吗?
  5. Our purpose was to make everyone realize that we were in the computer business to stay.我们的意图是使大家认识到我们是在计算机行业里长期做事。
  6. I am staying here for three days.我在这里停留三天。
  7. I arrived there and stayed there two months.我到那儿之后在那里呆了两个月。
  8. When speaking to an older person, stay on your feet.和长辈说话时要站起来。
  9. You will have to run fast to stay abreast of our best runner and prevent him from winning.你得快跑,才能与我们那位最好的选手保持平行并阻止他拿第一。
  10. If I can only stay ahead of the other runners, now that I am in the lead,I can win this race!既然我现在已跑在所有人的前头了,如果我能保持住,我就胜利了。
  11. You'll have to keep working hard to stay ahead of others.你得继续努力,才能保持领先地位。
  12. He told them to stay behind for a few minutes.他告诉他们多呆一会儿。
  13. The pupil stayed behind to ask the teacher a question.那学生留在后边要问老师一个问题。
S+~+to- v
  1. I stayed to see what would happen.我留下来看进一步的发展。
  2. It grew late so we did not stay to see the play out.时间很晚了,所以我们没有留下来看完全剧。
  3. She stayed to take care of her mother.她留下来照料她母亲。
  4. Stay and have dinner.别走,在这儿吃饭吧。
用作系动词S+~+ n./adj./v -ed
  1. She is my girl and she stays my girl, understand?她永远是我的女儿,明白吗?
  2. He stayed a bachelor.他不结婚。
  3. She stayed a spinster.她过独身生活。
  4. She stayed a reporter.她继续当记者。
  5. He knew the fiddler would always rather stay a slave in Virginia than go to Africa a free man.他知道那个琴师肯定宁愿呆在弗吉尼亚继续当奴隶,也不想到非洲去做自由人。
  6. The door stayed open to her room, and her voice carried through the house.她的房门是开着的,所以她的声音在屋子里到处都听得见。
  7. He still stayed healthy.他一直保持着健康。
  8. I stayed awake all the night through.我整夜都未合眼。
  9. I hope the soup will stay warm till they come.我希望在他们到来之前汤不会凉。
  10. The temperature there has stayed hot this week.那地方一周来一直持续炎热。
  11. The evergreen trees stay green all winter.常青树整个冬天都保持绿色。
  12. These things do not stay fresh in summer.这些东西在夏天保持不了新鲜。
  13. Please stay seated.请继续坐着。
  14. Though it was midnight, the lamp in his room stayed lit.虽然已是午夜,但房间的灯仍然亮着。
  15. In this way these two planks do not stay combined.照这样的搞法,这两块木板是拼合不起来的。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. You'd better stay the weekend.你最好留下来过周末。
  2. He stayed the work and had the machinery removed.他把工作停下来,让人把机器搬掉。
  3. She stayed her tears until her lover was out of sight.直到她的心上人看不见了她才止住泪水。
  4. They did everything they could to stay the spread of the disease.他们做了一切努力来制止疾病的蔓延。
  5. They did nothing to stay the spread of the rumour.他们并未采取行动制止谣言的传播。
  6. There is nothing here to stay us in our flight.这里没有什么会妨碍我们的飞行。
  7. The judge stayed the sentence until the following day.法官把判决拖到第二天才宣读。
  8. I'm personally hopeful that the black horse will stay the distance.这匹黑马能跑完全程,我个人对此还是抱有希望的。
  9. No one expected her to stay the course. But she did.谁都没有料到她能跑到终点,而她却坚持到底了。
  10. She offered me a slice of bread to stay my stomach.她给我一片面包充饥。
  11. A glass of milk stayed me until meal time.一杯牛奶使我在开饭以前不感到饿。
  12. Michael, how about a place to stay the night?迈克尔,过夜的地方怎么办?
  13. Oh, you must stay to dinner,Jane.珍妮呀,你一定要留下吃饭。
  1. We only intend to make a short stay here.我们只想在这儿作短暂的逗留。
  2. They have had an overnight stay in Karachi.他们已在卡拉奇过夜。
  3. The judge granted the condemned man a stay for an appeal.法官准许那个被判罪的人延期执行以便上诉。
  4. They were due to start demolishing the old theatre today but there's been a last minute stay of execution.原定今天把这座旧戏院拆掉,但临时突然决定暂缓进行。
  5. We benefited from a stay to the library.我们走了趟图书馆,收获不小。
  6. The horse has good pace but no stay.那匹马跑得很快,但缺乏耐久力。
  7. The boat,missing stays,was driven upon a flat.小船抢风调向时,被风吹入浅滩搁浅了。
  8. This will put a stay on their activities.这将制止他们的活动。


stay at (v.+prep.)
    停留在…; 住在… remain behind at (a place)stay at sth

    We stay at home on Sundays.


    I'll stay at the bus stop while you go to see if there's a bus coming.


    The others are going out, but I think I'll stay at home.Suit yourself.


    They succeeded in persuading me to stay at home.


    In modern society, fewer women stay at home to look after their children.They have their own jobs.


stay away (v.+adv.)
    离开,缺席 be absentstay away

    I wonder why she is staying away.


    Why don't you stay away if you don't like us?


    stay away from sth

    Why did you stay away from school for weeks at a time?


    She is deliberately staying away from the meetings.


stay down (v.+adv.)
    存在胃里 remain in stomachThe food seems to have stayed down this time.这次,吃的东西似乎存住了。
stay in (v.+adv.)
    保持住 remain in positionI am not sure if these props will stay in long enough to do the work.这些支柱能否维持到工作结束,我对此没有把握。
stay out (v.+adv.)
    避开,不插手 avoidstay out

    Stay out!


    It's very cold. Don't stay out.


    It's unusual for them to stay out so long.


    I promised my mother that I would not stay out late tonight.


    stay out

    Get out and stay out!


    stay out of sth

    He always tries to stay out of other people's affairs that don't concern him.


    Father hoped we'd stay out of trouble in the big city.


    It's not easy for John to stay out of debt while prices are rising so fast.


stay put
    停住不动 not move; remain in one place
stay to (v.+prep.)
    不与人交往 keep to oneselfstay to oneself

    He decided it would be best to stay to himself until the pagan festivities were over.


stay up (v.+adv.)
    漂浮,不掉 not fall or sinkstay up

    The temporary roof won't stay up much longer.


    These sticks are not strong enough to stay up.


    stay sth ⇔ up

    The valuable painting by a famous artist has been stayed up on the wall for many years.


    stay up

    We stayed up until midnight talking about our work.


    His tender wife always stays up until he comes back.


    The patient was so ill that the nurse had to stay up all night.


    stay up

    If you do fall out of the boat, your lifejacket will help you to stay up until we can get you out.


stay with (v.+prep.)
    在…家里作客; 继续为…工作 be a guest of sb; continue to work for sbstay with sb/sth

    I hope you'll stay with me on your next visit too.


    How long do you intend to stay with the firm?


stay within (v.+prep.)
    遵守…; 保持在…之内 continue to obey or be limited by sthstay within sth

    The police are watching to see that all motorists stay within the new speed limit.


    Make sure that your spending on this contract stays within bounds, or the firm could be in trouble.



用作动词 (v.)
  • stay a bachelor还是单身
  • stay a complete mystery一直是个谜
  • stay a fisherman仍是个渔民
  • stay bloodshed制止流血
  • stay one's anger息怒
  • stay one's hunger暂时充饥
  • stay one's thirst暂时止渴
  • stay sb's hand使某人住手
  • stay the progress of a disease防止疾病恶化
  • stay angry一直在生气
  • stay confused迷惑不解
  • stay constant保持不变
  • stay expressionless毫无表情
  • stay healthy保持健康
  • stay hungry只好饿着
  • stay linked还连在一起
  • stay long保持得很久
  • stay modest保持谦虚
  • stay motionless仍然不动
  • stay prudent保持谨慎
  • stay single保持单身
  • stay tight仍然是紧密的
  • stay unchanged依然不变
  • stay unconvinced仍然不相信
  • stay unfinished仍然未完成
  • stay unknown依旧不详
  • stay unsettled仍然未解决
  • stay young保持年轻
  • stay adamantly坚定地停留
  • stay briefly短暂地停留
  • stay customarily习惯地停留
  • stay fruitlessly无效益地停留
  • stay habitually习惯地停留
  • stay perpetually连续不断地停留
  • stay stubbornly固执地停留
  • stay temporarily暂时停留
  • stay traditionally习惯地停留
  • stay transiently短暂停留
  • stay away不在家,外出
  • stay away from home不在家
  • stay away from school旷课
  • stay behind别人离开后仍留在原地,留下来
  • stay down蹲下,卧倒,停留在下面
  • stay in呆在家里,放学后留在学校
  • stay in after school放学后(被)留下来
  • stay on继续停留,(灯)继续亮着,(电视)继续开着
  • stay on for a bit再呆一会儿
  • stay out呆在户外留在露天里,避开,不插手
  • stay out after dark天黑后在户外
  • stay up熬夜,守夜,不倒,不沉
  • stay up all night通宵未睡,熬通宵
  • stay at a hotel住在旅馆里
  • stay for为…而停留
  • stay for a meal留下吃饭
  • stay off让开,不接近,不吃,不喝
  • stay off the bottle不喝酒
  • stay off the grass不进入草地
  • stay out of trouble避开麻烦
  • stay to supper留下吃晚饭
  • stay with跟…在一起,使…继续下去
  • stay with friends与朋友们住在一起
  • stay with the project把这项工程继续进行下去
用作名词 (n.)
  • extend one's stay延长逗留时间
  • have a stay逗留
  • make a stay of nine days作九天的逗留
  • put a stay upon sb's activity制止某人的活动
  • request of stay of execution请求延期执行
  • brief stay短暂的停留
  • long stay长期停留
  • short stay短暂逗留
  • month's stay一个月的停留
  • stay in Karachi在卡拉奇作逗留
  • stay of execution缓期执行


  • They..drive..into a stall behind my tent, uprooting the tent stays.

    出自:P. Matthiessen
  • In this world of change the point of view..never continues in one stay.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • Emily scarcely stayed to thank him.

    出自:A. Radcliffe
  • A Water-man..hath his Soueraigne by the hand, to stay him in and out the Barge.

    出自:John Taylor

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