音标:[ˈrekəɡnaiziz] ;
v. 认出( recognize的第三人称单数 ); 承认[认清](某事物); 赏识; 承认…有效[属实]
v accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority
v be fully aware or cognizant of
v detect with the senses
v perceive to be the same
v grant credentials to
v express greetings upon meeting someone
v express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for
v exhibit recognition for (an antigen or a substrate)
v show approval or appreciation of



  1. His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.他的渊博的学识和工作能力得到了承认。
  2. I recognize your right to ask that question.我承认你有权提出这个问题。
  3. Can you recognize her from this picture?你能从这张照片中认出她吗?
  4. He has the good sense to recognize a good man.他真是慧眼识真才。
  5. I recognize that she is the best worker we have.我认识到她是我们最好的工人。
  6. The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他出色的工作。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. When she saw me, she recognized me at once.她看到我时立即认出了我。
  2. No one will recognize you in that disguise.你那么一化装谁也不会认出你来。
  3. He recognized her in the photo.他从照片中认出了她。
  4. She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her.她变得我简直认不出来了。
  5. He wanted to pretend that he had not recognized her.他想假装没认出她。
  6. Dogs recognize people by their smell.狗凭嗅觉认人。
  7. Who are you?I cannot recognize your voice.你是谁?我辨认不出你的声音。
  8. He glanced at the envelope and recognized Eade handwriting.他看了看信封,认出是伊德的笔迹。
  9. He gradually learned to recognize the herbs used.他逐步学会了识别有用的药草。
  10. I could hardly recognize my home town, it had changed so much.我几乎认不出我的家乡,它变化太大了。
  11. People know that and recognize its importance.人们知道这一点,也认识到它的重要性。
  12. Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.谁都看出了局势的严重性。
  13. They refused to recognize our government.他们拒绝承认我们的政府。
  14. France recognized the new state.法国已经承认了这个新国家。
  15. I recognized the truth of your statement.我承认你说的是真的。
  16. 1
  17. His theory has been recognized.他的理论得到承认。
  18. Are qualifications gained in China recognized in America?在中国获得的合格证书会被美国认可吗?
  19. In military matters his thorough knowledge and competence were recognized.在军事上他的渊博知识和工作能力大家是承认的。
  20. Marriage without registration will not be recognized by the law.没登记就结婚,法律是不承认的。
  21. Speakers have to be recognized by the chair.演讲者必须由主席准许才能发言。
  1. I recognize that I have made a mistake.我认识到我犯了一个错误。
  2. He recognized that he was not qualified for the post.他意识到他担任那项职务是不够格的。
  3. She recognizes that she is incapable of teaching.她自知她不胜任教书。
  4. They recognized that it was Jail's voice.他们听出这是杰尔的声音。
  5. He recognized that he was wrong.他承认他错了。
  6. We have to recognize that there are shortcomings in our work.我们得承认我们的工作中有缺点。
  1. He recognized clearly where his duty lays.他清楚地认识到他的职责所在。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n./adj.
  1. I recognized the handwriting as that of my father.我认出这是我父亲的字迹。
  2. I recognized the picture as my father's works.我认得那幅画是家父的作品。
  3. I recognized her as a fraud.我看出她是个骗子。
  4. He recognized John as his lawful heir.他确认约翰为他的合法继承人。
  5. The school authorities recognized her claims as justified.学校领导认为她的要求是正当的。
  6. We recognize it as the lawful government of the country.我们承认它是这个国家的合法政府。
  7. We recognize that state as an independent state.我们承认那个国家是个独立国家。
  8. They recognized him to be a great leader.他们承认他是位伟大的领袖。
  9. 1
  10. She was recognized as legitimate representative.她被承认为合法代表。
  11. He is recognized internationally as an authority in this field.国际上承认他是这方面的一个权威。
  12. He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.他被认为是合格的播音员。
  13. The country will be recognized as an independent state.这个国家将被承认为独立国。
  14. Acid rain is recognized as one of the most serious global environmental problems.酸雨被认为是最严重的全球环境问题之一。


recognize by〔from〕 (v.+prep.)
    根据…辨认出… be able to know who or what sb or sth is, by means of (sth such as a part)recognize sb/sth by〔from〕 sth

    Your face was turned away, but I recognized you by your hair.


    This bird is easily recognized from its size and the unusual shape of its tail.



用作动词 (v.)
  • recognize old friend认出老朋友
  • recognize hardly简直认不出
  • recognize scarcely几乎认不出
  • recognize affectionately友好地承认
  • recognize clearly〔distinctly〕清楚地认识
  • recognize coldly冷淡地承认
  • recognize deservedly应该承认
  • recognize formally正式地承认
  • recognize frankly直率地承认
  • recognize fully充分地认识到
  • recognize generally一般地承认
  • recognize gratefully可喜地承认
  • recognize immediately立即听到
  • recognize insufficiently不能认出
  • recognize internationally国际上承认
  • recognize officially正式承认,官方公认
  • recognize publicly公开地承认
  • recognize retroactively追认
  • recognize universally普遍地承认
  • recognize unofficially非正式承认,非官方公认
  • recognize widely广泛地承认
  • recognize as认为是…
  • recognize from根据…认出


  • She had not recognised Ellie's existence.

    出自:O. Manning
  • The code they recognise and obey is..severe.

    出自:H. L. Mencken
  • The quasi-independent black homelands..have never been recognized by foreign countries.


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