音标:[,pækə'bɪlɪtɪ] ;
[医]填充性能, 可包装性



  1. The hare could find no safety, a pack of jackals had it in the wind.野兔无处逃生,一群豺狗在追踪它。
  2. He rounded on journalists, calling them 'a pack of vultures'.他突然对记者们大发雷霆,称他们是一帮贪婪的家伙。
  3. A pack of cards has been spread on the table.一副牌在桌被传播了。
  4. Try to pair this card with one exactly the same from the other pack.设法从另一副牌中取出一张和这张完全一样的牌。
  5. The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.那位旅行者从他的背包中拿出了一瓶水。
  6. To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.带着担忧上床睡觉,就彷佛是躺在包裹上睡觉。
  7. He paid $4 for a pack of cigarettes.他花了4美元买了包烟。
  1. In order to avoid any possible damage in transit, we would ask you to pack the goods in strong but small wooden cases.为避免运送过程中的任何损坏,我方希望贵方用牢固且小巧的木箱来包装这些货物。
  2. Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.包装时请不要将衬衫弄绉了。
  3. He was told by the boss to pack up.老板把他解雇了。
  4. This case is full, I can't pack any more clothes in.这箱子已装满, 我塞不进更多的衣服。
  5. I want to go to Shanghai,so I pack my luggage.我要去上海
  6. I crawled into my tent to pack my things up.我爬进帐篷去收拾我的东西。


  1. His pack was undone.他的背包松开了。
  2. She tried to throw his pack from his shoulders.她想扔掉他扛的包裹。
  3. The climber took some food from the bulky pack on his back.登山者从背后大包裹里拿出一些食物。
  4. A pack of cigarettes lasts him two days.一包香烟够他抽两天的。
  5. The young man smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.这位年轻人一天抽一包烟。
  6. Wolves hunt in large packs.狼集成大群搜寻食物。
  7. The huntsman was whipping his pack of hounds.猎人正用鞭子把他那群猎犬赶到一处。
  8. The boys always went about as a pack.这些男孩总是成群结队地四处走动。
  9. They're like a pack of kids!他们像一群小孩!
  10. A pack of angry shoppers demanded their money back.一伙愤怒的顾客要求把钱退给他们。
  11. They are just a pack of thieves.他们只是一群强盗。
  12. They watched little packs of tanks approach their position.他们看着一小队坦克向其阵地迫近。
  13. He has faced a pack of troubles since the end of the war.自从战争结束以来,他已遇到一大堆麻烦。
  14. He dealt the pack.他发牌。
  1. The girls are busy packing.姑娘们正忙着收拾东西。
  2. I packed, then snatched four hour's sleep.我整理好行李后抓紧时间睡了四个小时。
  3. Books pack easily.书籍易于装箱。
  4. This dress packs beautifully.这件连衣裙包装得很漂亮。
  5. Rain caused the loose dirt to pack.雨使松土变成泥块。
  6. The snow had packed against the wall.墙根的雪形成硬块。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They packed the instrument carefully.他们将仪器仔细包装好。
  2. Have you packed your things?你的东西装好没有?
  3. Pack your things at once.马上把你的东西收拾好。
  4. She packed her bags and left.她收拾好行李就动身了。
  5. Let's pack these books to them right away .我们马上把这些书运给他们吧。
  6. She gathered that he was packing his clothes.她推测他在收拾他的衣服。
  7. She used to pack some of the fruit she bought.她过去常将买的部分水果装于罐内。
  8. She hurriedly packed a bag and bought a train ticket for home.她赶快收拾了一下手提包,买了车票回家。
  9. Spectators packed the stadium.运动场周围坐满了观众。
  10. The wind packed the snow against the wall.风把雪吹到墙边堆积起来。
  11. He often packs a gun.他常带着枪。
  12. The defendant packed the jury.被告笼络了陪审员。
  13. 1
  14. By four o'clock, everything was packed.到4点钟,一切都收拾好了。
  15. “You go and pack your things.”“My things are all packed.”“你去收拾你的东西。”“我的东西都收拾好了。”
  16. The eggs were packed in dozens.鸡蛋是按打包装的。
  17. The meeting hall was packed.会议室里挤满了人。
  18. The auditorium was packed that night.这天晚上,礼堂里挤满了人。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. Have you packed me a razor?你替我把剃刀装进包里了吗?
  2. She packed her husband some bread and cheese for his lunch.她为丈夫准备一些面包和干酪作为午餐。
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
  1. Please pack the food for me.请为我把这些食品打包。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. Mother will make a packed meal for us to take on our walk.母亲将把饭包起来让我们带着在路上吃。
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. During the summer the packing houses were in full of activity again.夏季,这些包装工厂重新充满活力。


a pack of lies
    一派谎言〔胡言〕 many lies
pack away (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉吃很多 eat a lot (of food)pack sth ⇔ away

    We packed the tools away.


    Pack away your books, children.It's time for break.


    It's going to rain; we'd better pack away our things and go indoors.


    I will try to find that old book.but it's been packed away for years.


    pack away

    You'd be surprised at the amount that boy can pack away in a single day.


    pack it away

    My sister may look delicate and lady-like, but give her a bowl of rice and she can really pack it away.


pack down (v.+adv.)
    把…压实 make a solid masspack down

    If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult.


    pack sth ⇔ down

    If you pack those things down we can get more into the box.


pack in1( v.+adv. )
    吸引 attractpack in

    You pack in as tightly as you can.


    pack sth ⇔ in

    She packed all the clothes in after much trouble.


    pack in

    Why don't you pack in when you feel dizzy?


    I'm sorry to say he has packed in.


    pack sb in

    The singer packed the crowd in.


    Star Wars was really packing them in.《


pack in2( v.+prep. )
    塞进 crush together into a place or period of timepack sth in sth

    The workers tightly packed the goods in the crate.


    He went away with all my clothes packed in his own bags.


    The food is packed in tins.


    Peaches are often packed in cans for the market.


    Meat, fish and vegetables are often packed in cans.


    Glass should be packed in straw.


pack into( v.+prep. )
    塞进; 挤进 crush or crowd together (into a place or period of time)pack into sth

    The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day.


    Excursionists packed into a big bus.


    pack sb/sth into sth

    They managed to pack eleven people into the car.


    She packed all her clothes and other daily necessities into a suitcase, ready to leave the home forever.


    She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into a short period of time she had in London.


    The people were packed into an already overcrowded bus.


    The leading facts of his career can easily be packed into a few sentences.


pack it in
    停止; 放弃 stop; give up
pack off( v.+adv. )
    (匆忙将…)打发走,送走 send off in a hurrypack sb ⇔ off to sb/sth

    Your boyfriend is much too young for you.Why don't you pack him off to his mother?


    She packed off the children to their aunt's for a few days while the house was being cleaned through.


pack out( v.+adv. )
    使(剧院)满座 make a theatre fully seatedpack sth ⇔ out

    The ground was packed out when our local team played its League Cup match.


pack together( v.+adv. )
    使紧挤在一起 make (things) form a tight masspack sb/sth ⇔ together

    Pack these books together and put them in the attic.


    The boys were packed together in a small room.


pack up( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉停止工作,停止运转 finish work; cease operatingpack up

    Let's pack up and get ready to start at once.


    Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside.


    In the meantime they would pack up and go home.


    There was nothing else to do but to pack up again.


    The company could pack up and be under way in probably less than an hour.


    Without giving us a chance to explain, he suddenly packed up and left.


    We spent the greater part of the evening packing up.


    pack sth ⇔ up

    The old man pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings and said,“Kindly pack me up this here.”


    I heard that her husband had packed up his things and moved out.


    They packed up their tools and went home.


    We have packed up the books for the movers.


    pack up

    They had worked hard all day, so at six o'clock they decided to pack up.


    Come on,Bruce, it's nine o'clock.Time to pack up and go to bed.


    If I don't find a job soon,I might as well pack up.


    Halfway up the hill, the engine packed up.


    The motors coughed and packed up.


    One of the aircraft's engines packed up.


pack with (v.+prep.)
    用…充满 be filled with sthpack sth with sb/sth

    They packed the bus with tourists.


    The plumber packed the joint of the pipe with string and a special compound.


    The bus was packed with people.


    The road was packed with refugees.



用作名词 (n.)
  • carry pack带包
  • cut pack切牌
  • back pack背包
  • ice pack浮冰
  • a pack of cards一副纸牌
  • a pack of cigarettes一包烟
  • a pack of hounds一群猎狗
  • a pack of lies一席谎言
  • a pack of spectators一群观察家
  • a pack of thieves一群贼
  • a pack of wolves一群狼
  • packs of courage很有胆量
用作动词 (v.)
  • pack clothes装衣物
  • pack sandwich包三明治
  • pack suitcase收拾手提箱
  • pack trunk装箱
  • pack closely摆满了
  • pack compactly紧凑地塞进
  • pack easily容易装运
  • pack professionally专业包装
  • pack scientifically科学地包装
  • pack securely装得很牢
  • pack away收拾,吃
  • pack away books把书收起来
  • pack away from把…从…打发走
  • pack away things整理〔包扎〕东西
  • pack in把…塞入,吸引大量(观众)
  • pack off寄掉,匆促地离开,把…打发走
  • pack out填满,挤满
  • pack sth together把某物扎在一起
  • pack up捆好东西,收拾工具,停止工作
  • pack up clothes收拾衣物
  • pack for Beijing整理去北京的行李
  • pack sth for market包装好某物准备上市
  • pack in box用盒装
  • pack in cans制成罐头
  • pack sth in trunk把…装进箱
  • pack into auditorium挤进礼堂
  • pack into hall挤进大厅
  • pack with用…塞满
  • pack sth with clothes把衣物装进…


  • Cigarettes cost about five dollars a pack.

    出自:R. Whelan
  • The contents of the library were all packed and carried away.

    出自:George Eliot
  • Pack your night things..while I lay on transport.

    出自:B. W. Aldiss
  • Roosevelt got into serious political difficulties when he tried to pack the Supreme Court.

    出自:Australian Financial Review

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