音标:[bænd] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 带子, 队, 乐队
v. 联合, 结合
[计] 频带; 波段; 区
n. instrumentalists not including string players
n. a stripe or stripes of contrasting color
n. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
n. a range of frequencies between two limits
词型变化:名词复数形式 : bands ; 第三人称单数 : bands ; 过去分词 : banded ; 现在分词 : banding ; 过去式 : banded



  1. The band played a lively tune.乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。
  2. The brass band is banging away in the park.铜管乐队在公园里吹吹打打。
  3. They are a teenager band made up of four cool boys.他们是一支由四名酷哥组成的少年演唱队。
  4. A band of robbers held up the train.一群强盗抢劫了火车。
  1. She used a rubber band to tie her hair.她用一根橡皮筋扎头发。
  2. In the band of his hat his half-ticket was stuck.他的半价车票插在他的帽箍上。
  3. She snapped a rubber band deftly around a roll of bills.她熟练地把橡皮筋往一卷钞票上一箍。
  4. Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band.第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。
  5. This band combination provides the best delineation between vegetation types.这种波段融合提供最好的植物类型差异区分。
  1. If you band the bird's leg, you can identify it later.如果你在鸟腿上套上标记环,以後就能认出它。
  1. The children banded together to buy a present for their teacher.孩子们合起来为他们的老师买了一件礼物。
  2. We band ourselves closely against the invaders.我们紧密地团结起来抗击入侵者。


  1. The band played marches.乐队演奏进行曲。
  2. The band played our national anthem.乐队奏我国国歌。
  3. The band played all our favorite songs.乐队演奏了所有我们喜欢的歌曲。
  4. The band struck up the strains of a welcome march.乐队开始演奏迎宾曲。
  5. The band is marching forward.乐队在向前行进。
  6. There was a great musical band at the party.在聚会上有个棒极了的乐队。
  7. A band of light rain and showers extended from the Canadian border to Central Texas.从加拿大边境到得克萨斯州中部有一片小雨和阵雨区。
  8. A velvet band held back her long hair.一条柔软的带子将她的长发束在脑后。
  9. There is an orange band along the snake's back.蛇背上有一条橘色的条纹。
  10. I could hear a jazz band playing .我能听见一支爵士乐队在演奏。
  11. She will hire a band for the party.她要为晚会雇一支乐队。
  12. We heard the band playing light music last night.我们昨晚听乐队演奏轻音乐。
  13. Are you going to see the band at the Corn Exchange tonight?今晚你打算去谷物交易所去看乐队表演吗?
  14. The white plate has a gold band.那只白盘子镶有金边。
  15. A worker put metal bands around a box.一名工人用金属带子箍箱子。
  16. All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。
  17. I want some rubber bands.我要一些橡皮圈。
  18. She wore a band round her hair.她头发上戴着发箍卡。
  19. The large wooden box had iron bands round it.那只大木箱围以铁箍。
  20. The Beatles are probably the most famous band in the world.甲壳虫乐队可能是世界上最有名的乐队。
  21. The cards were held together by a rubber band.那些卡片是用橡皮筋捆在一起的。
  22. He played the cornet in the school band.他在学校乐队吹奏短号。
  23. Radio signals are transmitted in different bands.无线电信号是以不同的波段传播的。
  24. She plays the trumpet in the high school band.她在中学的乐队里吹小号。
  25. The looters were roaming the streets in bands.抢掠者成群地在街头巡游。
  26. The prices of the colour TV sets will be in the 500 to 800 band.这批彩色电视机的售价将在500至800美元之间。
  27. The scheme is devised for young people in 15 to 20 age band.这个计划是为15至20岁年龄段的年轻人制定的。
  28. If I get this job, I'll be moving into a higher tax band.如果我得到了这份工作,我就要进入更高的纳税段。
  29. We danced to the music of the band all night.整个晚上我们随着乐队的音乐跳舞。
  30. It's one of the dwindling band of independent car-makers.这是不断萎缩的一群独立汽车制造商中的一家。
  31. She's a singer with a band.她是一个乐队的歌手。
  32. She tied her hair back with a rubber band.她用橡皮筋把头发扎到后面。
  33. The oak box was strengthened with bands of iron.橡木箱子用铁箍加固。
  34. The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands.那把茶壶是褐色的,带有黄色条纹。
  35. It was a treasure chest with thin bands of black metal round it.这是一只镶有黑色金属窄边的财宝箱。
  36. This disease seems only to occur within a very narrow age band.这种疾病似乎只发生在很窄的年龄段的人身上。
~+ prep. -phrase
  1. The male bird has a brown band across its chest.雄鸟的胸部有一棕色条纹。
  2. The trees threw bands of shadow across the sidewalk.树木在人行道上留下了数条阴暗的光带。
  3. The metal bands around the box broke.捆住箱子的金属箍断了。
  4. He wants a new band for his hat.他想给他的帽子加一条镶边。
  5. He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.他劝服了一小批志愿者来帮忙。
  6. Bands of armed men came to the town.一伙伙武装人员来到镇上。
  7. A narrow band of grass separated the greenhouse from the vegetable garden.一条狭窄的草坪将暖房与菜园隔开。
  8. There is a band of cloud across the sky.天空有一块带状的云。
  9. The band of our school is newly organized.我们学校的乐队是新组成的。
  10. There were bands of white round the black box.那只黑色的盒子有白色条纹。
  11. The former president still has a small band of supporters.前总统仍有一小群支持者。
  12. We can expect another band of showers in the afternoon.我们预计下午部分地区又有阵雨。
  13. The little white boat had a band of a red paint all around it.这艘白色小船船身有一圈红边。
  14. It's possible to see bands of several colours in a rainbow.彩虹里面可以看到一道道不同颜色的带子。
  15. She wore a band of ribbon in her hair.她头上绑着一条缎带。
  16. She wore a simple band of gold on her finger.她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。
  17. They were robbed by a band of bandits.他们被一伙匪徒抢劫了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They banded the walls in light and dark grey stone.他们用淡灰色和深灰色的石头砌墙。
  2. 1
  3. The birds are banded so we can track their movements.鸟被套上了标记环,这样我们能够追踪它们的活动。
  4. Many insects are banded black and yellow.很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。


band against (v. + prep.)
    联合反对 unite to oppose sb/sthband against sb

    We must band against the common enemy.


    band oneself against sb

    They banded themselves closely against the invaders.


band into (v. + prep.)
    结成…团体 unite into a groupband into sth

    The states banded into a union.


    band sb into sth

    They banded themselves into an association.


band together (v. + adv.)
    联合起来 join together in a band or groupband together

    Some families have banded together.


    His enemies were banding together, and combining their efforts.


    They banded together closely by ties of common interests.


    band together against/for sb/sth

    The students banded together against the robbers.


    The liberals banded together against the new legislation.


    The troops banded together for the attack.


    The cattle banded together for protection from the wind.


    band together to-v

    We must band together to fight the common enemy.


    The children band together to buy a present for their teacher.


    They banded together to protest.


    Everywhere, small groups of women banded together to talk about liberation.


    Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers.


    The two parties banked together to form an alliance.


    The workers banded together to stop the sale of the company.


band with (v. + prep.)
    与某人联合 unite with sbband sth with sth

    The boy banded the dog's neck with a yellow string.


    She banded the birthday gift with a silk strip.


    She banded her hat with a silk strip.


    The white plate is banded with a blue line round the edge.


    band with sb

    They banded with people to form a political party.



用作名词 (n.)
  • beat the band〈美俚〉又快又猛地,大大地
  • hire a band雇佣乐队
  • organize a band组织乐队
  • strike up the band开始奏乐
  • amateur band业余乐队
  • big band庞大的乐队
  • broad band宽波段
  • chromatographic band色谱带
  • elastic band松紧带
  • marching band行进乐队
  • predatory band强盗
  • regimental band团军乐队
  • roving band游民;一群流浪汉
  • vibrational band振动谱带
  • wandering band游牧的部落
  • yellow band(不准停车的)黄带标志形
  • brake band刹车圈
  • brass band铜管乐队
  • brass dance band铜管伴舞乐团
  • citizens band民用波段
  • concert band演奏会乐队
  • conveyer band输送带
  • dance band舞曲伴奏乐队
  • frequency band频带
  • guerilla band游击小分队
  • hat band帽箍
  • iron band铁箍
  • jazz band爵士乐队
  • marauder band流窜作案的强盗帮
  • marine band海军乐队
  • military band军乐队
  • neck band领口带
  • pilgrim band一队朝圣者
  • rain band雨带
  • red arm band红袖章
  • rock band摇滚乐队
  • rubber band橡皮圈
  • sand band沙带
  • school band学校乐队
  • short wave band短波波段
  • silver band吹奏乐队
  • steel band钢箍
  • string band弦乐队
  • terrorist band一帮恐怖分子
  • velocity band速度范围
  • waist band腰带,裤带
  • wave band波段
  • wedding band结婚戒指
  • wheel band轮箍
  • wrist band袖口带
  • band carrier传送带
  • band saw带锯
  • band concert吹奏乐队演奏会
  • band music管弦乐
  • four-band radio四波段收音机
  • music by the band管弦乐
  • in a band在乐队中
  • a band of一群
  • a band of criminals一帮罪犯
  • a band of marauders一群掳掠者
  • a band of outlaws一伙亡命之徒
  • a band of rebels一伙叛匪
  • a band of robbers一伙盗贼
  • a band of robbers一伙土匪
  • a band of wild dogs一群野狗
  • a picked band of artisans一组精选出来的工匠
  • bands of Tartars鞑靼部落
  • one's band of men手下的一帮人
用作动词 (v.)
  • band together联合起来
  • band closely紧密团结
  • band against联合起来反对
  • band into联合成立
  • band with伙同


  • The rather ponderous wedding ring..had just below it a narrow, worn, gold band.

    出自:H. Allen
  • The 'black bands' who still Ravage the frontier.

  • Mr. Mybug and Rennet joined the band of watchers.

    出自:S. Gibbons
  • The enemy in the south consisted of little more than a band of guerrillas.

    出自:F. Fitzgerald
  • What multitudes Were banded to oppose his high Decree.

  • We have banded together in brotherhood so as to do something about it.

    出自:R. Ellison
  • People banding themselves together in order to work for a better world.

    出自:I. Colegate

band, [bnd] n 带,条纹=strip;乐队;v 联合 【例】jazz band 爵士乐队We banded together against the robbers 我们联合起来对付强盗。 【类】stipple:dot=striate:band 有点的由点组成=有条纹的由条纹组成

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anelastic equation
angulus sterni
bailing press
barium crown
bet one's boots.
Callander's amputation
Camp County
cardiac lipoid
cavitating propeller
Christmas trees
classic confrontation
coherent moving-target indicator
connected linear algebraic group
design representation
dielectric conduction
dynamic shear strength
effective firing range
electrical hazard(preventing)
Espartero, Baldomero, Count of Luchana
ethyl acetates
extraneous water
febris lactea
free-standing insert
growth twin
hopper discharger
inert solids
ischemic heart
lead antimoniate
lingual groove
loiter with intent
low-K tholeiite
Marchand's lacto-buty-rometer
mass media effect
maternal grandparents
merve deafness
money hungry Japanese
non-utility electric installation
normalized equation
palm computer
permanent wind
pharyngeal keratosis
pidonia aestivalis
pipe-line computer
planetary house
play the devil with
pulsus psrvus et tardus
radio frequency generator
registration desk
ribbed tank
roller seating radius
roof-top air conditioner
safety related functions
schorlamit (schorlomite)
scratch roll
screen flange gasket
Sedum fedtschenkoi
sgtto (steam generator total thermal output)
stage treatment
standard economic contract
standard ga(u)ge
static pressure ports
Sumpul, R.
synthesis of elements
timber structural system
trimming inductor
trona rock
two-filar electrometer
up one's street
variable-proportion composite control
vertebral processes
water conservancy related fisheries
wood foreign body granuloma
Yingtangian Stage