音标:[sәb'stænʃieit] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
vt. 使实体化, 证实
[经] 确证
v. solidify, firm, or strengthen
词型变化:过去分词 : substantiated ; 现在分词 : substantiating ; 过去式 : substantiated ; 第三人称单数 : substantiates



  1. The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.目击证人能够证实所有的证词。
  2. Despite this, more research is needed to substantiate this association.尽管如此,这种联系还有赖更多研究来佐证。
  3. Field experience did not usually substantiate the claims.实际经验通常都不能使这些看法具体化。
  4. This paper makes good use of modem technology to substantiate the idea.这篇论文充分利用现代相关技术对这种设计思想加以具体化。


  • The..Government found itself unable to substantiate its accusations.

    出自:J. Reed
  • Writings..quoted at great length to substantiate his point of view.

    出自:A. N. Wilson

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