音标:['ɡɪmɪk] ;
n. 〈口〉(轮盘赌具,魔术师道具等的)暗机关;骗人玩意儿;鬼花招
v. 〈口〉在…(轮盘赌,魔术道具等)上暗设机关
[网络] 噱头;鬼把戏;吸引人的花招



  1. But this is surely no more than a populist gimmick.但这无疑只是一个民粹主义者的小花招罢了。
  2. The advertisement is just a gimmick to make consumers buy their products.宣传只是一种使消费者买他们产品的花招。


  • Many comedians have their gimmicks, either as catch-phrase, theme-song, or bit of 'business'.

    出自:I. Brown
  • Refuse to buy all goods with attached gimmick offers.


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