n. 【植】(美洲热带的)檟如树(属)
[网络] 腰果;求购腰果;腰果果仁

【句子对照】 Powell is getting into the nuts and bolts of a timeline for implementing the Mitchell proposals. 鲍威尔正为执行米切尔的建议作具体时间安排。 【关键俚语】 nuts and bolts 英:The detailed and practical aspects of a subject or activity 中:

发表于:2018-12-24 / 阅读(36) / 评论(0) 分类 俚语口头禅

【句子对照】 Jane went nuts when I told her the bad news. 当我告诉简这个坏消息的时候,她都发疯了。 【关键俚语】 go nuts ( verb phrase ) 英:[informal; offensive] to become angry and act or yell in a crazy way 中:发疯

发表于:2018-12-24 / 阅读(92) / 评论(0) 分类 俚语口头禅

Why Cashews Arent Sold In The Shell 为何腰果不带壳销售 Part of the fun of eating almonds or pecans is cracking the shell and getting the nut. But, some nuts, like cashews, are almost always sold shelled and roasted. Why arent cashews sold in

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(28) / 评论(0) 分类 初学者听力文摘精选

everything from soup to nuts everything but the kitchen sink 今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语都和吃东西有关。我们要讲的第一个俗语是:everything from soup to nuts

发表于:2019-01-06 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

Yeah, sorry. I didn't, really think that through. through: 【能起作用】 哦对不起我没想好就开口了 -Sheldon: You claimed it's going to be a week,, but I have no faith in your dry cleaner. claime: 宣称 faith in: 有信心 dry cleaner

发表于:2019-01-28 / 阅读(54) / 评论(0) 分类 生活大爆炸第二季

By Nico Colombant Dakar 14 February 2007 The small, impoverished former Portuguese colony, Guinea Bissau, has one cash crop - cashews. It accounts for an estimated 80 percent of foreign exchange earnings. Eighty-five percent of the population depend

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 2007年VOA标准英语(二月)