音标:['krәuʃei] ;
n. 钩针编织品, 钩边
v. 用钩针编织
n. needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle
v. create by looping or crocheting
v. make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle
词型变化:现在分词 : crocheting ; 过去式 : crocheted ; 第三人称单数 : crochets ; 过去分词 : crocheted ; 名词复数形式 : crochets



  1. She is good at crochet.她擅长钩针编织。
  2. Can you show me some hand crochet article, please?你能拿些手钩针编织品给我看看吗?
  3. We have a very wide selection of hand crochet articles.我们的手钩针编织品有很大的选择余地。
  1. I asked her to crochet a shawl for me.我请求她给我钩一条围巾。
  2. With a reel of linen thread and a hooked needle, she showed how to crochet.用一卷亚麻线和一根钩针,她演示如何钩编织物。


  • biserial crochet双行趾钩
  • crochet file圆角锉

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