音标:[in'kɒmpitәnt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
a. 无能力的, 无资格的, 机能不全的, 不胜任的
n. 无能力者
n. someone who is not competent to take effective action
a. legally not qualified or sufficient
a. not qualified or suited for a purpose
s. not doing a good job
词型变化:名词复数形式 : incompetents



  1. The company cleaned out the incompetent workers.公司把不称职的员工解雇了。
  2. One incompetent manager brings along another.一个不称职的经理人员带进来另一个不胜任的人。
  3. One incompetent manager brings along another.一个不称职的经理人员带进来另一个不胜任的人。
  4. His incompetent colleague was axed as a warning to other employees.作为对其他员工的警告,他的一个不胜任的同事被解聘了。
  1. I've had it with these incompetent employees.我对这些没有能力的员工失去了耐心。
  2. However, managerial skills are not necessarily tied to wealth or willingness to bear risk, and incompetent managers who are important residual claimants can be difficult to remove.然而,经营技巧却不必与财富或承担风险的意愿相联系,没有能力的经营者,他们是重要剩余索取人的话,很难被清除。


  • incompetent rock不坚实岩层,弱岩石...
  • incompetent witness无资格的证人...
  • incompetent bed弱岩层
  • incompetent fold弱褶皱
  • incompetent internal orifice of cervix子宫颈内口机能不全...


  • An incompetent cervix will cause miscarriage at about the 20th week of pregnancy.

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