音标:[his] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
n. 嘘声, 嘶嘶声
vi. 发出嘘声, 发嘶嘶声
vt. 发嘶嘶声表示
n. a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval)
v. make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval
v. move with a whooshing sound
v. express or utter with a hiss
词型变化:过去式 : hissed ; 现在分词 : hissing ; 过去分词 : hissed ; 第三人称单数 : hisses ; 名词复数形式 : hisses



  1. However, they occasionally snort, hiss, or bark.不过哑天鹅偶尔会发出呼哧声,嘘声,或吼声。
  2. With a sibilant hiss, the Things began to move.藉由一声丝丝作声的嘘声,事物开始移动。
  3. When hearing the snake hiss, I felt creepy.听见蛇的嘶嘶声,我感到毛骨悚然。
  4. The hiss came from an open comms line.的嘶嘶声来自一个开放的通信线。
  1. Even if you don't like one of the players you should not boo and hiss at them.即使是你不喜欢其中的一个球员,你不应该对他们发出嘘声。


  1. Geese and snakes hiss.鹅和蛇发嘶嘶声。
  2. The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.熨斗压在湿布上时发出了嘶嘶声。
用作及物动词S+ ~+n./pron.
  1. He was booed and hissed off the stage.他在一片倒彩声和嘘声中被轰下台。
  1. The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hisses.那演说者同时得到喝彩声和嘘声。


  • hiss off嘘下
  • microphone hiss传声器啸声
  • hiss noise噪音
  • auroral hiss极光嘘声
  • Hiss capsule staining希斯氏荚膜染色法...
  • hiss someone off the stage把某人嘘下台...
  • hiss at对 ... 发嘘声...
  • hiss away把…嘘走
  • hiss down把 ... 嘘下台...
  • hiss out把…嘘出去


  • The murmurings of their voices and the hiss of the gas fire merged.

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  • His first production there had been repeatedly interrupted by boos, hisses and cries.

    出自:M. Meyer
  • I saw snakes, and one..hissed at me.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • In the silence the fire crackled and hissed when the snow fell into it.

    出自:W. van T. Clark
  • People in the public gallery have started to hiss when Barbie's defence counsel speaks.


[00:06.58]hector hedge hedgehog hedonism [00:15.31]v.凌辱,威吓 n.树篱;限制 n.刺猬 n.享乐主义;享乐 [00:24.03]hegemony heinous heir heirloom [00:32.12]n.霸权,领导权 adj.十恶不赦的 n.继承人 n.传家宝 [00:40.20]heliotrope h

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