音标:[fɒ:l] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 落下, 瀑布, 采伐量, 下降, 落差, 降低, 堕落, 秋天
vi. 倒下, 落下, 来临, 失守, 阵亡, 下跌, 减弱, 倾斜, 垮台, 轮到, 变成, 降低
a. 秋天的
n. the season when the leaves fall from the trees
n. the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve
n. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity
n. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance
词型变化:过去式 : fell ; 过去分词 : fallen ; 现在分词 : falling ; 第三人称单数 : falls ; 名词复数形式 : falls



  1. The knife fell from his nerveless hand.那把刀从他无力的手中落下。
  2. Apples fall from the tree.苹果从树上落下。
  3. The tree fell with a thunderous crash.那棵树轰隆一声倒下了。
  4. Jobs used to disappear when the snow fell.当雪天来临时,就业机会就会消失。
  1. Food prices lowered during the fall.秋天食品价格下降了。
  2. I had a fall (from a horse) and broke my arm.我(从马上)跌下来把胳膊摔断了。
  3. The falls upstream are full of salmon.该瀑布上流有许多大麻哈鱼。


  1. The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.秋天来临时树叶开始落下。
  2. Then the curtain fell and the audience dispersed slowly.接着幕落,观众慢慢散掉。
  3. The rain kept falling for a few days.雨不停地下了几天。
  4. It is probable that rain will fall tomorrow.明天大概会下雨。
  5. A fine drizzle is falling.蒙蒙细雨下个不停。
  6. Snow is falling fast.雪正下得急。
  7. He staggered and fell headlong.他一个不小心跌倒,摔了个倒栽葱。
  8. When a cold wave came, the temperature fell 10℃ yesterday.昨天寒潮袭来,气温下降了10摄氏度。
  9. Prices continued to fall.物价持续下跌。
  10. The steel output of these countries fell drastically in July.7月份这些国家的钢产量急剧下降。
  11. A prayer was said in memory of those who fell in the war.举行祷告是为了纪念战争中阵亡的将士。
  12. The city fell.这个城市沦陷了。
  13. But the days dragged into spring, hopes fell.冬去春来,希望降临。
  14. Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.热带地区天黑得很快。
  15. Sudden silence fell.突然静了下来。
  16. Her eyes fell before his steady gaze.在他的逼视下,她双目低垂。
  17. Her face fell when I told her the news.当我告诉她这个消息时,她突然沉下脸来。
  18. Her face fell when I told her that she was defeated in the game.当我告诉她她在比赛中被击败了,她脸上露出沮丧的表情。
  19. Eve tempted Adam and he fell.夏娃诱惑亚当,于是他堕落了。
  20. We had been married eight months before I fell.我俩结婚八个月后我怀了孕。
  21. I guessed what was happening by the few remarks she let fall.从她说的几句话里,我猜到正在发生什么事。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. When does the rent fall due?租金何时到期?
  2. One after another, all of them fell asleep.那些人一个接一个地睡着了。
  3. His horse fell lame.他的马跛了。
  4. A bullet struck his head and he fell dead on the spot.他的头部中弹,当场死亡。
  5. His voice choked at the painful memory and he fell silent.这些痛苦的回忆使他声音哽咽,他沉默下来。
  6. The poor performance fell flat.蹩脚的表演彻底失败了。
  7. His joke fell flat because nobody understood it.他的笑话没有奏效,因为大家理解不了。
  8. The director fell ill in the middle of the meeting, and had to be taken to hospital.该董事长在会议中途病了,只得被送进医院。
  9. After she came back home, she fell ill.她到家里后就生病了。
其他v -en as Attrib.
  1. The fallen soldiers were eulogized as heroes.阵亡的士兵被颂扬为英雄。
  2. The road was blocked by a fallen tree.路被一棵倒伏的树阻塞了。
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. The falling wall showered dust on us.倒塌的墙壁弄了我们一身土。
  1. He suffered a fall from his horse.他从马上摔下来。
  2. He asked her if she had had a fall.他问她是否摔了一跤。
  3. He survived a fall of 40 feet.他从40英尺高的地方跌下来没有丧命。
  4. I had a bad fall and hurt my arm.我重重地摔了一跤摔坏了胳膊。
  5. He had a nasty fall on the way out of the market.在从市场出来的路上,他重重地摔了一跤。
  6. He was rushed to hospital after a 20-foot fall.他从20英尺高的地方摔下来之后立即被送往医院。
  7. The girl was injured by a fall.那个女孩跌伤了。
  8. He was stunned by the fall.他摔得昏了过去。
  9. The fall from his horse broke his arm.他从马背上跌下来摔伤了手臂。
  10. I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.我跌了这么多跤,以致全身都是青一块紫一块的。
  11. Owing to the war, the rent was on the fall.由于战争房租在不断下跌。
  12. These small businesses have benefited greatly from the fall in interest rates.小企业因利率下降而得到了很大的好处。
  13. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。
  14. Pride goes before a fall.骄兵必败。
  15. The fall of the city followed heavy bombardment.城市受到猛烈轰炸后沦陷。
  16. Even the fall of France in May 1940 failed to awaken us.甚至1940年5月法国的沦陷也未能使我们警醒。
  17. After the fall of France,Britain was really up against it.法国沦陷后,英国处境的确困难。
  18. That debate led to the government's fall.那场辩论导致政府垮台。
  19. He took his first serious fall at 14 for auto theft.他14岁时盗窃汽车是他的第一次失足。
  20. The world was blessed place before the Fall.世界在人类堕落之前本是一块福地。
  21. The falls are thirty feet high.那瀑布有30英尺高。
  22. These falls are used to provide electric power.这些瀑布被利用来发电。
  23. They went fishing below the falls and caught half a dozen trout.他们去瀑布下面钓鱼,钓到了六七条鲑鱼。
  24. Her hair looks a brown falls.她的头发看上去就像褐色的瀑布。
  25. We visited the Niagara Falls in the fall of 1990.我们在1990年秋天参观了尼亚加拉大瀑布。
  26. Have you ever heard of the Falls of Niagara?你听说过尼亚加拉瀑布吗?
  27. As fall turns into winter, other changes take place.秋去冬来还会发生其他变化。
  28. Aunt put up a dozen cans of tomato sauce last fall.去年秋天姑妈做了12瓶番茄酱。
  29. Winter comes after fall.秋去冬来。
  30. Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.秋天一到,天高气爽,生活就又重新开始了。
  31. It happened in the fall of 1966.那件事发生在1966年秋。
  32. If you expect to enter college in the fall, you should apply now.如果你希望秋季上大学,现在就应该申请了。


fall about (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉笑得无法自制 not control oneself to laughfall about

    We fell about at grandpa's funny story.


    Few people knew that the popular clown who had been making people fall about with laughter was lonely in heart.


    They fell about when Sir. Harold slipped on the banana skin.


    fall about v-ing

    They fell about laughing when they heard his funny voice.


    Just the sight of the clown is enough to make you fall about laughing.


fall across (v.+prep.)
    遇到 meetfall across sb

    I fell across your aunt in the street the other day.


    I happened to fall across her the next day in the park.


fall against (v.+prep.)
    绊倒 cause to stumble downfall against sth

    The old man fell against the bucket.


fall among (v.+prep.)
    偶然遇到(坏人等); 偶然陷入…之中 get into the midst of; get into the hands offall among sb

    He fell among thieves and was stripped.


    Because of a renegade's betrayal, she fell among enemies.


fall apart (v.+adv.)
    散开,崩溃,破碎 break into piecesfall apart

    Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart.


    Feudalism was falling apart.


fall at (v.+prep.)
    在…时变成某种状态 become sth; pass into sthfall at sth

    I don't think her spirits will fall at the bad news.


fall away (v.+adv.)
    消瘦 lose flesh
fall back (v.+adv.)
    后退,(对方因被击败而)退却 move backfall back

    The crowd fell back to let the doctor through.


    The crowd surrounding the hurt boy fell back when the ambulance came.


    Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder.


    fall back to sth

    Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back to the river bank.


fall back on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    求助于,依赖,转而依靠 turn to for help (when other things fail)fall back on sb/sth

    Don't fall back on others but do the job yourself.


    If Mr. Jones can't find a job as a teacher, he can fall back on his skill as a printer.


    Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.


    At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails.


    The enemy fell back on the second line of defence.


fall behind1 (v.+adv.)
    处于较低水平 drop a low levelfall behind

    John has fallen behind.


    Little Tom was always falling behind when we went up the hill.


    Production has fallen behind in the last few months.


    fall behind in sth

    Several of the runners fell behind in the race.


    The horse fell behind in the race.


    He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.


    Andrew fell behind in his studies and failed the course.


    John fell behind in his studies and finally had to leave school.


    If you don't come to class regularly, you will fall behind in your studies.


    fall behind

    If your payments of rent fall behind, you will be asked to leave.


    If you fell behind in your payments, the finance company may seize your car.


    fall behind with sth

    She's very worried about falling behind with the rent.


    fall behind

    The work of this class has been falling behind recently.


fall behind2 (v.+prep.)
    落后于(他人、他物) be overtaken by others; lag in pace or progress; fail to keep level with; be outstripped or left behind by
fall below (v.+prep.)
    降至…下 drop below sthfall below sth

    Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃。


fall down (v.+adv.)
    失败 become unsuccessful
fall for (v.+prep.)
    爱上 like; fall in love with
fall from (v.+prep.)
    说出 be spoken
fall in (v.+adv.)
    同意 agreefall in

    The roof of the tunnel fell in.


    The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported, it shows signs of falling in.


    The tree fell in a crash.


    The roof of the burning house fell in with a crash.


    fall in

    Fall in, men!


    As the bugle sounded we ran to the sports ground and fell in.


    fall sb ⇔ in

    Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.


    fall in

    He made a new suggestion and I fell in immediately.


fall in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    同意 agree to
fall into (v.+prep.)
    掉进,陷入 get into
fall off1 (v.+adv.)
    变瘦; (健康、精力等)衰退 become wasted; (health, vigour, etc.) decline
fall off2(v.+prep.)
    (动物)失去对…的食欲 (an animal) lose appetite for
fall on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    偶然发现 come across
fall out (v.+adv.)
    解散,掉队 dismissfall out

    Those boys sometimes fall out when they are at play.


    fall out with sb

    The young couple next door seem to have fallen out with each other.


    fall out

    Everything fell out as we had hoped.


    It fell out that Group One won the 400-meter relay race.


    fall out

    Fall out, men!


    After we had gone a few miles, one of us fell out as a result of a sprained ankle.


fall out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    从…掉了下来 drop fromfall out of sth

    In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand.


    As a language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.


fall over1 (v.+adv.)
    睡着 go to sleep
fall over2 (v.+prep.)
    落在…之外 drop beyondfall over sth

    The car fell over a cliff and the driver was drowned.


    A hush fell over the onlookers.


    fall over sth

    He fell over a rock in his path.


    When a man is drunk, he often falls over his own feet.


    fall over sb/oneself to-v

    Mother fell over herself to get the party ready.


    The children fell over each other to take the parcel from the postman.


    fall over sth

    The ball fell over the line.


fall over backwards (v.+adv.+adv.)
    迫不及待(做某事) do sth too impatientfall over backwards to-v

    The students fell over backwards to finish their work on time.


    All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.


fall through (v.+adv.)
    失败 come to nothing; fail to be completedfall through

    Owing to a heavy fall of rain, all our plans fell through.


    The deal fell through at the last minute.


    Our holiday plans fell through because of transport strikes.


fall to1 (v.+adv.)
    开始吃 begin to eatfall to

    The food was put on the table and they fell to eagerly.


    The hungry boy fell to before everyone sat down.


    When the meal was served, we fell to with a good appetite.


    After grace had been said they all fell to, and made a hearty meal.


fall to2 (v.+prep.)
    开始; 被击败 begin; be defeatedfall to sth

    Their voices fell to a whisper.


    Finally the Second International fell to pieces.


    fall sth to sth

    The baby is sleeping, so they fall their voice to a whisper.


    fall to sth

    The tiger fell to the hunter's gun.


    fall sb to sth

    The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a fascist air raid.


    fall to sb/sth

    Her look fell to the clock.


    The force of Gravity makes things fall to earth.


    The property will fall to the eldest son.


    It falls to me to finish the work.


    At last, it fell to me to break the bad news to her.


    fall to sth/v-ing

    All through the competition, good players were falling to the new young tennis star.


    He fell to thinking about the early days and his lost friends.


fall under (v.+prep.)
    归入…类 be classified as sth
fall within (v.+prep.)
    应列入…范围内 be placed in a list or class with a headingfall within sth

    Articles of this kind fall within the scope of our business activities.


ride for a fall
    鲁莽行事,自找麻烦 take a course that is likely to lead to disaster


用作动词 (v.)
  • curtain falls落幕
  • night falls夜幕降临
  • one's eyes fall垂下眼睛
  • one's face fall脸色阴沉
  • prices fall物价下跌
  • some animals fall幼崽出生
  • some buildings fall建筑物倒塌
  • some occasion falls时日来临
  • some place falls某地沦陷
  • spirit falls精神萎靡
  • the land falls土地倾斜
  • fall abruptly突然减少
  • fall accidentally偶尔地下降
  • fall aptly恰当地减少
  • fall comprehensively全面地减少
  • fall considerably大大地下降
  • fall constantly不断地落入
  • fall deeply大幅度地减少
  • fall deftly熟练地减少
  • fall dramatically戏剧性地减少
  • fall easily不费力气地减少
  • fall effectively有效地减少
  • fall essentially必需地减少
  • fall fast下得很急
  • fall fearfully可怕地下降
  • fall finally最终地减少
  • fall fitly适度地减少
  • fall fully全面地减少
  • fall gently轻轻地飘落
  • fall greatly较大地下降
  • fall heavily猛跌
  • fall impatiently急不可耐地减少
  • fall incessantly持续不断地下降
  • fall irresistibly不可抗拒地减少
  • fall logically合理地减少
  • fall markedly明显地下降
  • fall naturally自然地减少
  • fall necessarily必要地减少
  • fall obviously明显地下降
  • fall occasionally偶尔地减少
  • fall principally主要地减少
  • fall probably可能要垮台
  • fall promptly迅速地减少
  • fall quickly降临得很快
  • fall radically根本性地减少
  • fall reluctantly不情愿地减少
  • fall seriously大为减少
  • fall sharply显著地减少
  • fall slightly略有减少
  • fall slowly慢慢地下落
  • fall softly轻轻地飘落
  • fall spontaneously自发地减少
  • fall steeply急速地落下
  • fall suddenly忽然地落下
  • fall unnecessarily不必要地下降
  • fall widely广泛地减少
  • fall away背离,离开,消失,消瘦,倾斜
  • fall back后退,后撤,撤退,退让,食言
  • fall behind落后,拖欠
  • fall down跌倒,掉下,倒坍,失败
  • fall in倒塌,下沉,集合,到期
  • fall off减退,减少
  • fall out争吵,发生,解散,掉出,掉队,结果是
  • fall over摔倒,倒在地上,被…绊倒
  • fall over oneself热衷,渴望
  • fall through落空,破产,失败,行不通
  • fall across sb偶然遇到某人
  • fall among sb与某人结交,遇见某人,落入某人之手
  • fall away from duty擅离职守
  • fall away from faith背弃信仰
  • fall back into the power of重新落入…的操纵下
  • fall back on撤退到,投靠,轻易依靠,求助于,重提
  • fall behind in one's study在学习上落后
  • fall behind with one's rent交不上房租
  • fall below降到…以下,低于
  • fall beyond属于…外,在…外
  • fall down on在…方面失败,未做到
  • fall down on the examination考试不及格
  • fall down on the ground跌到地上
  • fall down the river顺河漂下
  • fall for被…迷住,被…倾倒,受…的诱惑,受骗,接受,赞同
  • fall from由…落下,(由…口里)说出
  • fall from a tree从树上跌下
  • fall from power垮台
  • fall from sb's lips从某人口中说出来
  • fall in battle阵亡
  • fall in for得到,受到
  • fall in love with爱上,喜爱
  • fall in upon意外地遇到,访问
  • fall in with碰见,同意,和…一致,符合
  • fall in with sb's desire符合某人的愿望
  • fall in with sb's proposal赞成某人的提案
  • fall inside the limits of在…范围内
  • fall into陷入,变成,分成,开始,产生,养成,注入…中,排(队)
  • fall into a problem开始讨论问题
  • fall into sb's hands落入某人之手
  • fall into the habit养成习惯
  • fall off从…上摔(掉)下,退出
  • fall off from sb背弃某人
  • fall off the chair从椅子上摔下来
  • fall on〔upon〕落在…上,照射到…上,开始,进攻,适逢
  • fall on a Sunday适逢星期天
  • fall on one's face完全失败
  • fall on the enemy袭击敌人
  • fall on the government抨击政府
  • fall out of从…掉下来,(逐渐) 停止,不再,离(队)
  • fall out of use废弃不用
  • fall out with sb与某人闹翻
  • fall to pieces垮台,解体,(墙)垮掉,摔碎
  • fall to the ground坠落,失败,落空
  • fall to thinking of开始想起
  • fall under跌(落)在…下面,归入,属于…(一类),受到…(影响)
  • fall under class A列为甲级
  • fall under sb's management归某人管理
  • fall under sb's notice受到某人注意
  • fall within属于…(之列),适合
用作名词 (n.)
  • anticipate fall预料到跌倒
  • break a fall减弱下降的力量
  • gain a fall赢一局
  • get a fall摔了一跤
  • have a fall跌下来
  • suffer a fall摔下来
  • survive a fall跌下来没有丧命
  • take a fall被打倒
  • try a fall较量
  • win a fall赢一局
  • wrestle a fall举行摔跤决赛
  • bad fall重重的一跤
  • big fall大跌价
  • deadliest fall最严重的跌跤
  • disastrous fall灾难性的下跌
  • dying fall垂暮之年
  • graceful fall美丽的秋天
  • heavy fall大雪
  • light fall小雪
  • sharp fall急剧下降
  • short fall不大的差距
  • steady fall稳定地下落
  • tremendous fall很大的落差
  • virtuous fall道德的堕落
  • weary fall消沉的堕落
  • fall fashion秋天最时髦的式样
  • at the fall of evening在夜幕降临的时候
  • in fall在秋季
  • in the fall of 1941 1941年秋
  • on the fall在下跌中
  • a fall from grace失体面
  • a fall from virtue堕落
  • a fall in demand需求量下降
  • a fall in one's income收入减少
  • the fall of night夜幕的降临
  • the fall of the hills towards the sea山坡朝海边的倾斜度
  • the fall of the leave落叶时节,秋季
  • the rise and fall of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的兴衰


  • One of them, by a fall from the Parapet.., was killed.

    出自:F. Smith
  • I unhooked my gold dress and let it fall..round my feet.

    出自:M. Keane
  • The curtain fell for the interval.

    出自:S. Brett

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(55) / 评论(0) 分类 100首英语歌

饶舌:B.o.B - Dont let me fall 相关介绍 :他起初是一个一直给很多说唱大佬唱伴唱和桥段的幕后歌手,凭借着自身的努力,终于厚积而薄发,出了一张可以令他从幕后走到台前的专辑。首播主打《

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音乐咖啡厅:Before I Fall In Love Before I Fall In Love Coco lee My heart says we've got something real. Can I trust the way I feel? 'Cause my heart's been fooled before Am I just seeing what I want to see? Or, is it true? Could you really be? (C

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I Could Fall In Love Selena I could lose my heart tonight If you don't turn and walk away 'Cause the way I feel I might Lose control and let you stay 'Cause I could take in my arms And never let go I could fall in love with you I could fall in love w

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(76) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

Fall I gave you all you desired All that you needed Boy, I provided I let you into my head Into my bed And thats a privilege I had your back at the answers You took the dollars I took the chances Defended, battled and fought Cuz I thought you really

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

听歌学英语:I'll never fall in love again I'll never fall in love again BY BOBBIE GENTRY What do you get When you fall in love A girl with a pin To burst your bubble That's what you get For all your trouble I'll never fall in love again What do y

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语
additional exposure
b trace
bad steering
balance of visible and invisible trade
Beethoven exploder
bevel faced hammer
box lacrosse
broaching fixture
Charcot Seamounts
classification of crude oil
comprehensive compensation
cost-benefit analysis
Cremanthodium spathulifolium
efficiency curve of separation
Evans blue
Federal Exchange Commission
feedback degenerative
frost splitting
galvanized iron hook and eye for gate and shutter
genus Gambusia
glass printing
glycemic gangrene
heat exchanger blower
heaving bottom
heavy (precipitated) calcium carbonate
Hemiboea follicularis
Heshanggou Formation
inscribed stock
joggling test
lateral fold theory
lax ear
limb basis
local identity
Lotus krylovii
Machilus fasciculata
machine with closed circuit ventilation
Muenster cheese
Médina Dakhar
old equipment
partially enclosed lifeboat
Pearson Is.
place someone on the lookout for
prime focus
propyl caproate
pumping water device
radio-frequency receiving tube
radio-wave spectrum
release system
resistance to corona
rubber lined steel tank
sediment control structures
self certify
swear upon
third cartesian power
topical anaesthesias
turn someone round one's fingers
two-bit wide slice
utility pole
vane type pump?
weld lap
wet pan mill
wheel rolling