音标:[kæmp] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 露营, 帐篷
vi. 露营, 扎营
vt. 使扎营
n. temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers
n. a group of people living together in a camp
n. temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers
n. a penal institution (often for forced labor)
词型变化:名词复数形式 : camps ; 现在分词 : camping ; 过去式 : camped ; 过去分词 : camped ; 第三人称单数 : camps ; 形容词比较级 : camper ; 形容词最高级 : campest



  1. We're going to have a sports camp in the countryside during our summer vacation.暑假期间我们要在乡下搞一次运动野营。
  2. They spent the summer in a camp in the mountains.他们在山中野营度过夏天。
  3. The travellers set up a camp near the river.旅游者在河边架起了帐篷。
  4. They pitched camp on the moor for the night.他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。
  5. The soldiers raided the enemy camp.这些战士袭击了敌人营地。
  6. Tom returned to the camp to dress his injuries .汤姆返回营地去包扎他的伤口。
  1. We like to camp on the flats near the lake.我们想要在湖边的平地上宿营。
  2. The boys have decided to go camping next week.男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。
  3. We must camp where we can get water.我们必须在我们可以得到水的地方扎营。


  1. We'll soon be back at camp.我们很快就回到营地。
  2. Who allowed you to leave the camp?谁允许你离开营地的?
  3. He put forth all his strength so as to reach the camp in time.他使出全身的力气以便能及时到达营地。
  4. The camp was taken and destroyed.营房占用之后被毁坏了。
  5. We posted sentries at the gates of the camp.我们在军营的大门口布置哨兵。
  6. In the summer camp, children live the life of the collective.在夏令营里,孩子们过集体生活。
  7. They pitched a camp in the mountain.他们在山中扎营。
  8. The bridge was blown up by a villager after the guerrillas left for their camp in the woods.游击队离开去林中营地以后,桥就由一位老乡炸毁了。
  9. Stealthily we approached the enemy's camp.我们偷偷地摸向敌人的营地。
  10. He wrote that he liked camp life very much, but I could read between the lines that he was homesick.他来信说他非常喜欢野营生活,但我看得出他是想家的。
  11. After bitter hand-to-hand combat, the enemy military camps were entirely destroyed.经过一场短兵相接的激烈战斗,所有敌军营垒被摧毁了。
  12. This is a novel depicting the bitter sufferings of the inmates in a Nazi concentration camp.这是一本描写关押在纳粹集中营的人受苦受难的小说。
  1. We camped at the foot of the hill.我们在山脚下宿营。
  2. The hunters camped near the top of the mountain.猎人们在山顶附近设营。
  3. The travellers camped in the mountain for three days.旅行者在山里宿营三天了。
  4. The soldiers had marched all day and all night, and had camped here in the open.战士们步行了一天一夜,在这里露营。
  5. The guerrillas camped in the open and lived on wild plants.游击队员在野地露宿,靠吃野菜生活。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands.牧民们在草原上扎营住宿。
  2. 1
  3. The soldiers were camped in new quarters.战士们被安顿在新营地上。
其他v -ing as Attrib.
  1. The boys agreed to lump the expenses of their camping holiday.孩子们同意把他们的露营费合在一起,不分彼此。
  2. By a stroke of good luck we hit on just the place for a camping holiday.真走运,我们忽然找到了一个假期野营的适当场所。


camp out (v.+adv.)
    暂住; 勉强居住live temporarily or with only the barest essentials (in what are normally adequately equipped quarters)camp out

    The children love camping out when we go on holiday.


    The boys like camping out in good weather.


    It was getting dark, so we had to camp out in the woods.


    camp out

    As they expected to move out almost immediately, they were camping out together in a small room.


    camp sb ⇔ out

    The troops were camped out near the town.


camp up (v.+adv.)
    矫揉造作 act in an over-effeminate mannercamp up

    She seems to have camped up at the third act of the play.


    camp sth ⇔ up

    Brian was always camping it up and pretending to be queer to make us laugh.



用作名词 (n.)
  • break (up) camp撤营,拔营
  • make camp扎营
  • put up a camp搭起一座帐篷
  • set up camp扎营
  • strike camp撤营,拔营
  • fortified camp设防的营地
  • hostile camp敌营
  • revolutionary camp革命阵营
  • army camp军营
  • concentration camp集中营
  • displaced-person camp难民收容所
  • enemy camp敌营
  • hunter's camp狩猎营地
  • prison camp俘虏营
  • refugee camp难民营
  • summer camp夏令营
  • the peace camp和平阵营
  • training camp集训营
  • work camp囚犯劳动营
  • camp bed行军床
  • camp car供修路或养路工人住宿的火车厢
  • camp chair折椅
  • camp fever营地所发生的热病
  • camp fire营火
  • in the same camp意见相同
用作动词 (v.)
  • camp conveniently方便露营
  • camp lawlessly非法露营
  • camp luxuriously豪华地露营
  • camp nightly夜间露营
  • camp ostentatiously引人注目地露营
  • camp permanently长时间地露营
  • camp strategically有策略地露营
  • camp temporarily短暂地露营
  • camp out野营
  • camp up装腔作势地表演,矫揉造作


  • The Youth of Rome..pitch their sudden Camp before the Foe.

  • The troops would be camped along the river side.

    出自:Oxford English Dictionary

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