Exercise 1-3; Noun and Prono un Intonation CD 1 Track 9 In the first column, stress the nouns. In the second column, stress the ve rb. Fill in your own examplesat the bottom. 图片1

发表于:2018-12-03 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD1

Exercise 8-1 : Comparing [u] and [] CD 4 Track 15 Look at the chart that follows and repeat eachword. We are contrasting the sound [u] (firstcolumn)a strong, nonreducible sound, ooh, that is made far forward in the mouth, with the lipsfully roundedwi

发表于:2018-12-16 / 阅读(36) / 评论(0) 分类 标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD4

Atmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move water much higher; the sequoia tree can pump water to its very top more than 100 meters above the ground. Until the end of the nineteenth century, the moveme

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What Are Reflexes? If youve ever blinked at a sudden light, jerked your hand away from something hot, or jumped at a loud noise, then you know that these are not actions we consciously plan. Rather, they happen involuntarily. Such sudden, unconscious

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By Adam Phillips New York 28 September 2009 William Safire, the editor of Safire's Political Dictionary, a famed conservative columnist for the New York Times, and a former Nixon speechwriter (file) William Safire, the renowned wordsmith and conserv

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Scientists Closer to Developing Meningitis Vaccine Scientists may be on track to develop a vaccine for the most common strain of meningitis, which has so far resisted an effective vaccine. Meningitis is a serious disease caused by an inflammation of

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(SOUNDBITE OF DOUGLAS CUOMO'S SEX AND THE CITY THEME) MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: For me and maybe many of you out there, this music takes me straight to New York City in the late-'90's and a foursome of Manolo-wearing, cosmopolitan-swilling friends. Th

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AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: The Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer has died. He was 68 years old. Krauthammer has been a mainstay of The Washington Post and Fox News for years. The Post confirmed his death this

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So, Ben and Deber just decided to live as common long man and wife. With his personal life stabilized, Franklin jumped into the newspaper business. He buys the Pennsylvanian giz and becomes the founding father of another American tradition--- the sex

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And they put it into this tank here. Now this tank has already got water in it. So as they pour the olive oil in, it flows to the surface, all of the impurities go down to the bottom. And see this little trench here? A vital piece of gourmet equipmen

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力:文化博览2008年

This was once a marble square on a highway at the middle of Constantinople. I didnt suppose the Turks on modern Istanbul think much about ancient Byzantine victories. Yet, therere still some fragments here of that great memorial column that made it a

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(29) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力:文化博览2008年

Southwest of Istanbul, three days sailing on an ancient slave ship, is the Isle of Marmara, its very name in stone. In the first centuries of Byzantium, slaves in their tens of thousands worked in these marble hills. How the Byzantines love marble! I

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(31) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力:文化博览2008年

A lonely ancient relic in a modern city. In the year of our Lord 330, on a lovely May morning, A great procession came down this road whichs the highway of an ancient city called Byzantium, and the procession was led by the great Roman Emperor Consta

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力:文化博览2008年

Topics: Celebrity chefs, Americans and personal space, generic versus general, expressing height in feet and meters, prophecy versus prediction Words: chef cookbook recipe to master column to spoof to kick it up a notch fusion anthropologist intimate

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Old Faithful 老忠实喷泉是美国黄石公园中最负盛名的景观。黄石最著名的间歇泉是老忠实喷泉,它不像其他喷泉那样爆发没有规律,它每隔几十分钟,就会喷发一次,从不叫旅客失望。它始终如一

发表于:2019-02-24 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力文摘 English Digest