时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-杯酒人生


  [00:03.02]I spent most of the time helping 1 him with his computer. 我花了大部分的时间帮他修电脑

[00:05.90]Well, I say fuck therapy and... What is that stuff you take? Xanax? 我说去他的心理治疗


[00:09.58]And Lexapro, yes. -还有立普能 -我说也去他的什么鬼

[00:12.14]Well, I say fuck that too. You need to get your joint 2 worked on, Miles. 我们需要动动你的关节

[00:17.02]Okay, Jack 3... Jack... (Clears Throat) 杰克…

[00:19.74]This week is not about me. It is about you. 这个星期我不是主角,你才是

[00:23.18]I'm gonna show you a good time. 我要让你快快乐乐的

[00:26.18]We're gonna drink a lot of good wine, we're gonna play some golf... 我们要喝很多好酒,打打高尔夫球

[00:31.18]we're gonna eat some great food, enjoy the scenery... 吃些好吃的食物,欣赏户外美景

[00:34.22]and we're gonna send you off in style, mon frere. 我们要让你风光体面的 离开单身生活

[00:35.94]And get your bone smooched. 也让你的老骨头动一动


[00:55.82]You know what? 我们可以从圣塔罗莎的出口出去

[00:57.86]Let's take the Santa Rosa Road exit and hit Sanford first. Okay? 先到桑福酿酒公司,好吗?

[01:00.66]Sounds good to me. I need a drink. 听起来不错,我需要喝一杯

[01:04.94]These guys make top-notch pinot and chardonnay. 它们生产上等的 皮诺红酒和莎当妮白酒

[01:07.94]One of the best producers in Santa Barbara County. 是这个郡中最好的生产商之一

[01:08.94]- I thought you hated chardonnay. - No, no, no. I like all varietals. -我以为你不喜欢莎当妮 -我喜欢所有的变种

[01:11.98]I just don't generally like the way they manipulate chardonnay in California. 我不喜欢加州那种改变过的莎当妮

[01:14.90]- Too much oak and secondary malolactic fermentation. - Huh. 太多的橡木味和第二道乳酸发酵

[01:18.66]You see, the reason that this region is so good for pinot... 你知道吗? 这个地区适合皮诺的原因是…

[01:22.70]is that the cold air off the Pacific flows in at night... 太平洋的冷空气会在晚上吹进来

[01:27.42]and it just cools down the berries. 把果实冷却下来

[01:28.82]Pinot's a very thin-skinned grape. 皮诺是一种果皮非常薄的葡萄

[01:31.58]It doesn't like constant heat or humidity. Very delicate. 它不喜欢持续的热和潮湿 非常脆弱

[01:38.02](Miles) Let me show you how this is done. 我表演给你看该怎么品酒 第一…

[01:42.02]First thing... hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light. 举起杯子 检视酒的颜色和清澈度

[01:45.02]You're looking for color and clarity.

[01:48.10]- Just get a sense of it. Okay? - Okay. 只是感觉一下,好吗?

[01:49.10]Thick? Thin? Watery 4? Syrupy? 是浓还是淡,水水的 还是似蜜糖的

[01:52.54]- Okay? - Okay. -知道吗? -知道

[01:54.42]Now tip it. 现在,让杯子倾斜

[01:56.42]What you're doing here is checking for color density 5 as it thins out towards the rim 6. 现在要做的是检视颜色的密度

[01:59.70]That's gonna tell you how old it is, among other things. 越往边缘颜色越淡

[02:01.82]这会告诉你这酒有几年了 通常对红酒比较重要

[02:02.70]It's usually more important with reds.

[02:04.70]- Okay? - Okay. 现在,把你的鼻子放进来

[02:06.74]Now stick your nose in it.

[02:08.74]- (Sniffs) Yeah? - Don't be shy. 别害羞,真的把你的鼻子放进去 真的

[02:12.74]Really get your nose right in there. Really...

[02:16.34]Mmm. A little citrus. 有点柑橘味

[02:19.78]Maybe some strawberry. Mmm. 也许有点草莓味

[02:24.10]Passion fruit. Mmm. 百香果

[02:25.78]And... Ah, there's just, like, the faintest... 有一种非常淡的,像是芦笋的味道

[02:28.82](Sniffs) Soupcon of like, uh, asparagus and...

[02:34.78]like, a nutty Edam cheese.

[02:39.94]Mmm! -草莓,对,是草莓 -很好

[02:41.94]- Strawberries. Yeah. - Good.

[02:43.94]- Strawberries. Not the cheese. - All right. 不是乳酪

[02:46.86]Put your glass down. Get some air into it. 放下杯子,让空气进入

[02:49.90]Oxygenating it opens it up. 氧化作用使它释放了香气和味道

[02:51.90]It unlocks the aromas 7, the flavors. Very important. 非常重要,再闻一次

[02:53.98]- Smell again. - (Both Inhaling)

[02:57.70]Ah. That's what you do with every one of'em. 每一杯都要这样做

[03:00.74]- Wow. When do we drink it? - Now. -我们什么时候要喝? -现在

[03:04.74]Mmm! Ahh.

[03:11.18]- Mmm. - How would you rate this one, Miles? 这杯你要如何评价?麦斯

[03:13.38]Well, usually they start you on wines with learning disabilities... 通常他们会先给你喝一些 有学习障碍的葡萄酒

[03:15.46]but this one is pretty damn good. 但是这杯还不错,这是新的,对吧?

[03:17.46]- This is the new one. Right, Chris? - Just released two months ago.


[03:21.34]- Nice job. - We like it. -做得不错 -我们喜欢

[03:23.34]You could work in a wine store, Miles. -你可以去卖酒,麦斯 -那真是个好主意

[03:26.82]Mmm. Yeah. That'd be a good move.


[03:30.94]Are you chewing gum? 你在嚼口香糖吗?






[04:10.06]Do you think I'm making a mistake marrying Christine? 你觉得我和克莉丝汀结婚 是个错误吗?


[04:15.10]Do you think I'm doing the right thing, Miles? Tell me the truth. 你觉得我在做正确的事吗? 跟我说实话

[04:17.10]I mean, you've been there. 我的意思是,你曾经经历过这些事

[04:20.86]Well, you know, l... I think that you waited for some good reason... 我想,你晚婚一定是有好理由的…

[04:24.86]and that you proposed to Christine for some good reason... 你向克莉丝汀求婚 也是有个好理由的

[04:27.90]so I think it's great. 我觉得这样很好

[04:28.90]It's time. 时候到了

[04:30.90]I mean, you gotta have your eyes open, that's all. 眼睛放亮点就是了

[04:33.90]I mean, look at me. I thought Victoria and I were set for life. 看看我,我以为 我和薇朵的一生就这么定了

[04:37.94]Christine's dad, he's really been talking to me... 克莉丝汀的老爸跟我谈过

[04:40.94]about bringing me into his property business, showing me the ropes.


[04:44.94]Which is something, considering how long it took him to get over my not being Armenian. 我费了好久才让他认同我

[04:48.98]So I'm thinking about it. 所以我在考虑

[04:50.98]But I don't know. 但是我不知道

[04:52.98]Might get a little incestuous. 也许会和那些亲戚搅和在一起吧

[04:54.98]But Mike does great. A lot of high-end commercial stuff. 但是麦可做得很好

[04:58.02]- So you're gonna stop acting 8? - No way! No. -高级的东西 -那你不演戏吗?

1 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
2 joint
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
3 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
4 watery
  • In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust.他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
  • Her eyes became watery because of the smoke.因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。
5 density
  • The population density of that country is 685 per square mile.那个国家的人口密度为每平方英里685人。
  • The region has a very high population density.该地区的人口密度很高。
6 rim
  • The water was even with the rim of the basin.盆里的水与盆边平齐了。
  • She looked at him over the rim of her glass.她的目光越过玻璃杯的边沿看着他。
7 aromas
n.芳香( aroma的名词复数 );气味;风味;韵味
  • Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm. 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。 来自辞典例句
  • Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity, floral and citrus fruit aromas. 芳香:优雅、馥郁、迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香。 来自互联网
8 acting
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
(caput longum (musculus triceps brachii))
.pfb files
age variation
analytical laboratory
anomalous complex
beet loader
bull dog spear
C -97
cancel debt
capillary phenomena
cathode-ray radiogoniometer
chrome-spinel brick
clay vein
commence as
composite skirt
computer aided business and administration
concentration polarization
displacement sensitivity
display status return
economic change and differentiation
epoxy resin enclosed transistor
family tachyglossidaes
fat-free filter paper
flexible shaft type vibrator
get red
gold filling
hard and fast rules
have a great desire for
help-yourself system
highly twisted rayon
hinge moment testing
hyperparaboloids of birevolution
in vitro protein synthesis
infima species
infrared heterodyne spectroscopy
internal spline nut
leak recovery system
leather fluffing
magnioborite (suanite)
media classes
minorized subset
negotiated bills
Network Load Balancing
non-state entity
nondimensional coordinate
on off system
outside stock
radiation frequency spectrum
ramus internus (n. accessorii)
rotating beam apparatus
sedimentary deposit
side bearing clearance
sow stalls
space division switching network
Spiraea teniana
spring wheat
squatting pot
standard noon
thompson seedlesses
tractus frontopontinus
traveling-wave oscillograph
ultraparabolic equation
valonia tannin
wind pumping system
Zeiss convertible Protar