音标:[krəuɪŋ] ;
v. 公鸡啼鸣( crow的现在分词 ); (婴儿)欢叫; (尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口; 自鸣得意
n an instance of boastful talk
v dwell on with satisfaction
v express pleasure verbally
v utter shrill sounds
s exhibiting self-importance
词型变化:名词复数形式 : crowings



  1. The crow is a bird of ill omen.乌鸦是不祥的预兆。
  2. He gets up at the crow of the rooster every day.他每天鸡鸣即起。
  1. It was dawn, and I could hear a cock crowing somewhere.天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。
  2. The rooster flew up to a big rock and began to crow.公鸡飞上大石头,开始鸣叫。
  3. He is the kind of person who always crows about his success.他是那种总是夸耀自己成功的人。
  4. You should not crow over a defeated enemy.你不应该在被你击败的敌手面前洋洋得意。


  1. The farmers tried to fear the crows out of corn by planting several men of straw.农民们竖起了几个稻草人,试图把乌鸦从玉米地里吓跑。
  2. The rooster's crow woke me.雄鸡的啼叫声把我吵醒了。
  1. The cock is crowing.这只公鸡正在啼鸣。
  2. The cock crows in the farmyard.雄鸡在农家院中啼叫。
  3. The baby crowed with pleasure when its father picked it up.那婴儿的父亲把他抱起来的时候,他乐得格格地笑。


用作名词 (n.)
  • as the crow flies笔直的


  • A public accusation might make him crow and show off what a tough guy he was.

    出自:A. S. Neill
  • Nor is there any reason to crow about things going wrong.

    出自:Clive James

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