[网络] 令人不安



  1. I'm always upset when I don't get any mail.我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱。
  2. There is no reason to get so upset.完全没有理由如此心烦意乱。
  3. Try not to get too upset about it.尽量不要过于为此烦恼。
  4. He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.你没有给他回信,他很不安。
  5. I'm suffering from an upset stomach.我的肠胃正不舒服着呢。
  1. The generals plotted to upset the government.将军们策划推翻政府。
  2. He upset a bottle of ink.他打翻了一瓶墨水。
  3. A flurry of wind upset the small boat.一阵疾风吹翻了小船。
  4. The foreign team upset the local team.这个外来队竟把地方队给颠覆了。
  5. In fact, it's inorganic chemistry and it has upset the aquatics world.实际上,这种新型泳衣就是无机化学的产物,它已经颠覆了整个水上运动界。
  6. The whole plan was upset owing to his absence.由于他没来,整个计划都给打乱了。
  7. The news completely upset them.这消息使他们极为心烦。
  1. Last-minute changes caused a great deal of upset.出现的临时变动造成一片混乱。
  2. The generals plotted to upset the government.将军们策划推翻政府。
  3. Conflict in North Korea or the toppling of Kim Jong Il's government there could upset both of those goals, Chinese analysts say.中国分析家说,如果在朝鲜发生冲突或是推翻金正日政权,那么会使这两个目标的实现受挫。


  1. A high bottle upsets easily.高瓶易倒。
  2. The dish upset when you kicked.你踢了那个盘子,它翻了。
  3. If you don't sit still, the boat will upset.如果你不坐好,小船会翻的。
  4. The boat upset and floated in the river.船翻了以后在江上漂浮。
  5. The car upset when it came to a sharp turn.在急转弯时车翻了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The cat upset the vase.猫把花瓶打翻了。
  2. He upset my chair.他把我的椅子翻倒了。
  3. The child upset the glass of milk.孩子打翻了奶瓶。
  4. He upset a glass of wine over the table.他把一杯酒打翻在桌上。
  5. She upset the cup and the coffee went all over the floor.她把杯子打翻,咖啡流了一地。
  6. He upset his car at the turn of the road.他在公路拐弯的地方翻了车。
  7. The wind has upset the bird's net.风把鸟巢吹翻了。
  8. The child reached out to upset the chess board, but his brother grabbed his hand.小孩伸手搅乱棋盘,可是他哥哥抓住了他的手。
  9. The rain upset our plans for a picnic.这场雨打乱了我们的野餐计划。
  10. The unexpected visit upset our schedule.意外的访问打乱了我们的日程安排。
  11. He said that the demand would upset the economic relations among nations.他说这个要求会搅乱国家间的经济关系。
  12. They were afraid this would upset the world balance of power.他们担心这会打破世界力量均衡。
  13. This completely upset the enemy's strategic plan and troop disposition.这完全打乱了敌人的军事计划和战略部署。
  14. The bad news upset him.坏消息使他心烦意乱。
  15. His friend's death upset him very much.他朋友的去世使他很难过。
  16. You oughtn't to have gone to the funeral. I know it would upset you.本来你就不该参加葬礼,我知道去了会使你很难过。
  17. 1
  18. The boat was upset by the waves.波浪把那条船打翻了。
  19. Our plans were upset by the sudden change in the weather.我们的计划因天气变化而搅乱了。
  20. The files were so upset that no one could find anything.档案乱七八糟的,没有人能找得到东西。
  21. His mind was too much upset.他心烦意乱。
  22. Please don't get upset. I was only joking.请别生气,我只是开个玩笑而已。
  23. She appeared quite upset.她看起来很烦恼。
  1. She had an upset stomach.她感到肠胃不舒服。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. He had an upset stomach.他肚子不舒服。
  1. He was very upset.他非常心烦。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. She's upset about losing the money.她为丢钱的事而心烦。
  2. He was upset at not being welcomed.他因不受人欢迎而生气。
  3. He was horribly upset over her illness.他为她的病情而忧心忡忡。
  4. She was upset with me about my expense.她因为我的花费而对我生气。


upset at〔about,over〕 (v.+prep.)
    为…而难过/生气 be sad or angry for sthupset sb at〔about,over〕 sth/v-ing

    She was upset with me about my expense.


    He was horribly upset over her illness.


    She is really upset over not finding a job.


    He was upset at not being welcomed.



用作动词 (v.)
  • upset the bird's net把鸟巢吹翻
  • upset the car翻车
  • upset the chair把椅子打翻
  • upset the chess board搅乱棋盘
  • upset the cup把杯子打翻
  • upset the economic relations搅乱经济关系
  • upset the glass of milk打翻奶瓶
  • upset the plans打乱计划
  • upset the schedule打乱安排
  • upset the vase打翻花瓶
  • upset the world balance of power打破世界力量均衡
  • upset amazingly令人惊异地打翻
  • upset emotionally激动地打翻
  • upset mentally内心地打乱
  • upset mysteriously秘密地弄翻
  • upset nervously心神不宁地弄翻
  • upset remarkably不平常地弄翻
  • upset significantly意味深长地打乱
  • upset suddenly突然打翻
  • upset unaccountably莫名其妙地打翻
  • upset unexpectedly意外地打翻
  • upset wearily令人厌烦地打翻
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • upset pail打翻的桶
  • mentally upset心烦意乱
  • get upset about为…而心烦


  • When an upset was..inevitable, the horses slackened their pace.

    出自:B. Hall
  • The Major..was afraid of the..consequences of an upset of the canoe.

    出自:C. B. Mansfield
  • Big parties make me nervous. All day my stomach is upset thinking about it.

    出自:H. Robbins
  • When we split up, I was very upset.

  • If the horses had not run so fast we should not have upset.

    出自:T. Knight

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