音标:[ˈsʌfəz] ;
v. 受痛苦( suffer的第三人称单数 ); 受损害; 变糟; 变差
v undergo or be subjected to
v undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)
v experience (emotional) pain
v put up with something or somebody unpleasant
v get worse
v feel pain or be in pain
v feel physical pain
v feel unwell or uncomfortable
v be given to
v undergo or suffer
v be set at a disadvantage



  1. They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。
  2. She couldn't suffer criticism.她受不了批评。
  3. I can suffer your treachery, but not you incompetence.我可以忍受你的背叛,但不能忍受你的无能。
  4. How can you suffer such insolence?你怎么能容忍这种蛮横的态度?
  1. I won't stand by and let him suffer like this.我不会袖手旁观,让他这样受苦。
  2. She suffered from a liver ailment.她肝部有点小毛病。
  3. His business suffered greatly during the war.他的生意在战争中蒙受了重大损失。


  1. Men are born to suffer.人生来就是受苦的。
  2. We all have to suffer at some time.我们一生都不免有受苦的时候。
  3. “As long as I am here,I won't let the child suffer,” she said.她说道,“只要有我在,就不能让孩子受苦。”
  4. He died very quickly; he didn't suffer much.他死得很快,没有经受多少痛苦。
  5. They would have suffered less if we had known of it earlier.我们要是早一点知道这情况,他们还会少受些罪。
  6. She said that she had suffered less than her companion.她说她经受的苦难没有她的同伴多。
  7. She suffered greatly as a child.她童年深受苦难。
  8. The war and its misery made him suffer deeply.这场战争及所造成的不幸使他深受其苦。
  9. He suffered terribly when his mother died.他母亲去世时,他非常痛苦。
  10. I won't stand by and see them suffer like that.看他们受这样的罪,我不能无动于衷。
  11. The great majority of the women there suffered in the same way.那儿大多数妇女都受过同样的苦。
  12. Be careful, or our work will suffer.要细心,否则我们的工作要受损失。
  13. The engine suffered severely as a result.结果,发动机受到严重损坏。
  14. If he failed, his self-esteem would suffer.如果他失败,他的自尊心会受到损害。
  15. He was afraid his reputation would suffer because of that.他担心,他的声誉会因此受到损害。
  16. His business suffered greatly during the war.战争期间他的业务受到巨大的损失。
  17. Your studies will suffer if you play too much football.你要是总踢足球,功课就糟了。
  18. He started drinking a lot and his work suffered.他开始酗酒后,工作就干得越来越差了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Fortunately he suffered no pain.幸好他不感到疼。
  2. One of the patients was suffering shock.有一个病人休克了。
  3. She suffered multiple injuries in the car accident.她在车祸中多处受伤。
  4. They had suffered a lot of nervous strain and shock.他们经受了许多神经紧张和震扰。
  5. She suffered unspeakable trouble while she considered all these questions.她在考虑这一切问题时,心中有说不出的烦恼。
  6. He suffered the humiliation of being forced to resign.他蒙受了被迫辞职的羞辱。
  7. If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.你如果违犯法律,就必须准备承担后果。
  8. He suffered all kinds of discrimination in those dark days.在那黑暗的年月,他受到种种歧视。
  9. He would suffer death rather than betray the secret.他宁死也不肯泄漏机密。
  10. He suffered defeat.他遭受了失败。
  11. They suffered some major setbacks during the fighting.在这次战斗中,他们遭到了严重挫折。
  12. The enemy suffered heavy casualty.敌人伤亡惨重。
  13. He could not suffer criticism.他不能忍受别人批评他。
  14. How can you suffer such insolence?你怎么能容忍这种蛮横的态度?
  15. I should not suffer it for a moment.我一刻也忍受不了了。
  16. These plants cannot suffer a cold winter.这些植物耐不住寒冬。
  17. How can you suffer her insult?你怎能受得了她的侮辱?
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. She suffered me to come nearer.她允许我走近一些。
  2. They suffered her to stay.他们容许她留下。
  3. He suffered nobody to touch his flower.他不允许任何人碰他的花。
  4. He suffered no fools to carry on the plan.他不允许蠢人进行那项计划。
  5. We suffered the group to camp in the meadow.我们允许这群人在草坪上搭帐篷。
  6. I won't suffer this rudeness to overpower endurance.我不会让这种无礼压倒忍让。
  7. He suffered himself to be caught.他容许他自己被捕。
  8. She won't suffer herself to be ill-treated.她不容许自己受虐待。
  9. You shouldn't suffer yourself to be made a fool of.你不该让自己被别人愚弄。
  10. 1
  11. The prisoner was not suffered to say a word.该囚犯被禁止发言。


suffer by (v.+prep.)
    因…而受罚〔苦、损〕 be worse because of sthsuffer by sth

    They are victims who suffered by wartime disasters.


    The magazine has not suffered by a change of editorship.


    The old method suffers by comparison.


suffer for (v.+prep.)
    因…而受罚〔苦、损〕 be worse because of sthsuffer for sth/v-ing

    You will suffer for your foolishness some day.


    I'll make you suffer for this insolence.


    She was very generous to him but she suffered for it when he ran away with all her money.


    However, you have suffered for not taking my advice.


    suffer sth for sth

    She suffers tortures for it.


suffer from (v.+prep.)
    因…而受罚〔苦、损〕 be worse because of sth〔说明〕 suffer from作此解时通常不用于进行体。


用作动词 (v.)
  • suffer a loss遭受损失
  • suffer a setback遭受挫折
  • suffer an apoplectic stroke患中风
  • suffer death丧命
  • suffer defeat遭受失败
  • suffer embarrassment受窘
  • suffer food poisoning食物中毒
  • suffer hardship遭受困苦
  • suffer intolerable discomfort遭受难忍的不适
  • suffer pain遭受痛苦
  • suffer persecution受迫害
  • suffer poverty受穷
  • suffer punishment遭受惩罚
  • suffer sb's bad manners忍受某人的无礼
  • suffer such conduct忍受这种行为
  • suffer such criticism忍受这样的批评
  • suffer such fools容忍这种蠢人
  • suffer such insolence忍受此种蛮横
  • suffer such treatment忍受此种待遇
  • suffer tortures受折磨
  • suffer wrong忍受冤屈
  • suffer a great deal备受折磨
  • suffer less少受痛苦
  • suffer much遭受很大痛苦
  • suffer acutely受很大损失
  • suffer deeply深受痛苦
  • suffer dismally默默地忍受
  • suffer distressingly令人悲痛地忍受
  • suffer greatly深受痛苦
  • suffer grievously今人痛苦地忍受
  • suffer heroically英勇地承受
  • suffer intensely强烈地忍受
  • suffer joyfully高兴地承受
  • suffer keenly强烈地忍受
  • suffer miserably痛苦地忍受
  • suffer profoundly深受痛苦
  • suffer severely严重受损
  • suffer terribly深受痛苦
  • suffer wretchedly可怜地忍受
  • suffer by因…受罚〔苦、损〕
  • suffer by comparison相形见绌
  • suffer for因…受罚〔苦、损〕
  • suffer for one's carelessness因粗心而食恶果
  • suffer for one's foolishness因愚蠢而吃亏
  • suffer for this insolence吃了傲慢的亏
  • suffer from患…病,因…受损害
  • suffer from cold and hunger挨饿受冻
  • suffer from drought遭受旱灾
  • suffer from floods遭受水灾
  • suffer from headache患头痛
  • suffer from hypertension患高血压
  • suffer from insomnia患失眠症
  • suffer from lack of rest吃了缺乏休息的亏
  • suffer from malnutrition营养不良
  • suffer from measles出麻疹
  • suffer from overwork疲劳过度症
  • suffer from slight infection受轻度感染
  • suffer from social activities吃了社交活动的亏
  • suffer from stomach-ache患胃痛
  • suffer from strange illness患怪病
  • suffer from the want of rain因缺雨而受损
  • suffer from the war受战争的折磨
  • suffer in sb's reputation某人的名誉受到损害
  • suffer like this受像这样的苦
  • suffer much through sb因某人受大损失
  • suffer under the cruel teasing因受残酷戏弄而痛苦
  • suffer under the dentist因治牙而受苦
  • suffer a great deal with liver因肝病而受了许多罪
  • suffer without complaining毫无怨言地忍受


  • The man..landed wrong and suffered a compound fracture of the right thigh.

    出自:Sloan Wilson
  • Less fortunate concerns..have suffered a setback.

  • The discomfiture Fiddlingchild would certainly suffer when he found out exactly what..Anna was feeling.

    出自:M. Frayn
  • She had chosen to die rather than suffer recurring cancer.

    出自:A. Cross

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BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Three-time NBA All-star Gilbert Arenas missed a head-to-head clash with seven-time All-star Tracy Mcgrady in the fourth round of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) league on Sunday. Arenas was benched for groin strai

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MADRID, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) -- FC Barcelona captain Carles Puyol has broken his right cheek, the club confirmed on Monday. The 34-year-old has suffered the same injury on three previous occasions, but it looks as if it is unlikely to stop him from playi

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WASHINGTON, July 18 (Xinhua) -- U.S. farming heartland had been suffering from the worst drought in 25 years, Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday, after meeting with President Barack Obama to discuss a response to the disaster. Three fi

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SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- Microsoft's cloud-based software Microsoft Office 365 on Wednesday experienced its first major outage since its introduction in late June. At approximately 11:30 a.m. PDT, Microsoft became aware of a networking issu

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What symptoms does she have? 她有什么症状? A:What can I do for you? 有什么需要吗? B:I need some medicine. 我需要一些药。 A:For whom? 给谁的? B:My wife.She suffers from a bad cold. 给我的妻子。她得了重感冒。 A:

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