音标:[sivz] ;
n. 筛, 漏勺( sieve的名词复数 )
v. 筛, 漏勺( sieve的第三人称单数 )
n a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
v examine in order to test suitability
v check and sort carefully
v separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements
v distinguish and separate out



  1. We can separate the stones out with a sieve.我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。
  2. This boat leaks like a sieve,ie very badly.这条船漏得像个筛子。
  1. We often shake flour through a sieve.我们经常用筛子筛面粉。
  2. You'll need to sieve out the stone from the soil.你得将石块从土中筛出。
  3. Sieve the sauce to get the lumps out.滤一下酱汁,把硬块弄出来。
  4. Known as theanine, the tiny molecule enters the bloodstream, then crosses the critical blood-brain barrier, the selective sieve that allows entry only of certain molecules.这种称作茶胺酸的微小分子会进人血液中,接着穿越重要的血脑屏障,那是种只让特定分子通过的选择性滤网。


  1. Did you see the sieve?你看见筛子了吗?
  2. I've got a memory like a sieve!我的记性糟透了!


  • sieve number网目,筛号
  • sieve residue筛渣,筛下料...
  • sieve mesh筛眼,筛号
  • sieve plate筛板
  • sieve shaker振动筛,摇筛机...
  • mesh sieve网状筛
  • sieve tray筛盘(筛板)
  • standard sieve标准筛
  • drum sieve滚筒筛
  • sieve opening筛孔,筛眼
  • sieve test过筛试验,筛分试验...
  • sieve analysis筛分分析,筛析...
  • sieve effect筛孔效应
  • sieve tube筛管
  • sieve cell筛胞
  • sieve ratio筛比,筛制
  • shaking sieve摇动筛
  • molecular sieve分子筛
  • sieve size筛分粒度,筛目,筛眼...
  • sieve method逐步淘汰法,筛选法,...


  • Push pulp through a sieve and discard the seeds.

    出自:B. Fussell

[00:08.11]Ive been told its not catching. 听说这病不会传染 [00:15.90]- Do you want a top-up? - Please. - 再来一杯? - 谢谢 [00:25.51]You know,Lionel, 莱昂纳尔 这是我 [00:28.03]- youre the first ordinary Englishman... - Australian.

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