[00:00.00]What is the color of the season? [00:03.34]这一季的流行色是什么 [00:06.69]A:What is the color of the season? [00:07.86]这一季的流行色是什么 [00:09.04]B:It's black [00:09.81]是黑色。 [00:10.58]her boots are so high [0

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 英语会话800句

Margery heard her mother calling her, and she trudged home across the shells and pebbles with a pleasant smile dimpling her cheeks; 玛芝莉听到妈妈在叫她,于是穿过布满贝壳和鹅卵石的岸边磕磕绊绊地往家里走。一丝满足

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(36) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

One bright morning late in March, little Margery put on her hood and her Highland plaid shawl, and went trudging across the beach. 三月下旬一个明媚的早晨,小玛芝莉戴上兜帽,披上格子花呢披肩,步履沉重地沿着海滩走着

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(27) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

HAVE you ever seen a Persian cat? 你见过波斯猫吗? They are big, beautiful animals with soft thick hair. They come from Persia. 体型较大,非常漂亮,长着又柔又厚的毛,产自波斯。 Persia is one of those once-was or used-t

发表于:2019-01-24 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Adrienne: So we just had Christmas and I see your knitting bag is out, did you knit anything for anyone for Christmas? Vivian: I started to knit for my granddaughters, but time caught up with me and I was making for them a poncho which consisted of t

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(40) / 评论(0) 分类 原版英语对话1000个

Adrienne: So we just had Christmas and I see your knitting bag is out, did you knit anything for anyone for Christmas? Vivian: I started to knit for my granddaughters, but time caught up with me and I was making for them a poncho which consisted of t

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(102) / 评论(0) 分类 英语访谈对话