a. require的变形
a. Capable of being required; proper to be required.



  1. The director required that we should work all night.主任要求我们通宵工作。
  2. We must not propagate one method and require all localities to adopt it.我们在宣传上不要只讲一种办法,要求各地都照着去做。
  3. Please call if you require assistance.如果需要帮忙,请打电话。
  4. This game requires a minimum of three players.这个游戏至少需要三个人才可以玩。
  5. The headmaster required her to keep silent.校长命令她不要做声。
  6. Napoleon required every soldier to obey his orders.拿破仑要求每个士兵 都服从他的命令.
  7. Students are required to attend classes.学生必须按规定上课
  8. As required by the traceablitiy, the duplicate copy of purchase documents shall be kept.根据可追溯性的专用要求的范围规定,应保存有关采购文件的副本。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. How much money do you require?你需要多少钱?
  2. We shall require some more stamps tomorrow.明天我们再需要些邮票。
  3. We shall require more lubrication oil this month.这个月我们需要更多润滑油。
  4. We'll let you know if we require further help.我们如果需要更多帮助就告诉你。
  5. You can keep the book for a further week provided that no one else requires it.这本书如果没有别人要借,你还可借一个星期。
  6. They require my appearance.他们要求我出场。
  7. They require extra help.他们要求额外帮助。
  8. All living beings require food.一切生物都需要食物。
  9. This project will require less investment.这项工程需要较少的投资。
  10. This question requires a good deal of special study.这个问题需要作大量的专门研究。
  11. Her suggestion requires careful thought.她的建议需要慎重考虑。
  12. This computer requires careful attention.这台计算机需要精心照看。
  13. The matter requires great care.这事要很细心。
  14. This requires great attention in our work.这一点我们在工作中要特别注意。
  15. To become a singer would require study, work and sacrifice.要想成为一位歌唱家,就要勤奋学习,刻苦训练甚至作出牺牲。
  16. The mastery of a language requires painstaking effort.要学好一种语言,必须下苦功。
  17. It requires work, persistence.它要求辛勤工作,坚韧不拔。
  18. This task required new forms of organization work.这一任务要求组织工作采取新的形式。
  19. Will you require tea?你要茶吗?
  20. Is that all that you require, sir?先生,您还要别的吗?
  21. 1
  22. The dictionary is much required.这本词典销路很好。
  23. Such a thing is not much required nowadays.这种东西当今不是很需要。
  24. 如果保守疗法对于此病没有效果,就可能需要进行外科手术。如果保守疗法对于此病没有效果,就可能需要进行外科手术。
  25. He packed the briefcase with what might be required.他把可能需要的东西装到一个手提箱里。
  26. How much postage is required for this parcel?这个包裹需要多少邮费?
  27. Parliamentary approval would be required for any scheme.任何计划都得有国会的批准。
S+~+to- v
  1. He required to see my passport.他要看我的护照。
  2. He requires to be warned against drinking.要警告他不要饮酒。
  3. The baby required to be looked after.这婴儿得有人照料。
  4. We require to be informed of the committee's decision.我们要求把委员会的决议通知我们。
  5. This letter requires to be answered at once.这封信需要立即回复。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. These young seedlings will require looking after carefully.这些幼苗需要细心照料。
  2. The house requires painting.这房子需要刷漆。
  3. The problem requires dealing with immediately.这个问题要马上处理。
  4. To carry out this plan would require increasing our staff by 50%.实施这项计划将需要增员50%。
  1. His health requires that he should go to bed early.他的健康状况要求他早睡。
  2. They required that we should discuss the problem at the meeting.他们要求我们在会上讨论这个问题。
  3. She required that I should finish the work before April.她要求我在4月份以前完成此项工作。
  4. The rule requires that all the clerks should arrive at the office by two o'clock.这条例要求所有的职员两点以前到办公室。
  5. The court required that he should pay the fine.法院规定他交付罚款。
  6. We required that he (should) be present.我们要求他必须出席。
  7. This situation required that we (should) stay there.当时的情况使我们必须留在那儿。
  8. They required that the work (should) be finished as soon as possible.他们要求那项工作必须尽早完成。
  9. We require that each of you reply quickly.我们要求你们每一个人很快回答。
It is/was ~ed+that-clause
  1. It is required that I give evidence.要求我提供证据。
  2. It is required that a foreign language student should learn two foreign languages in college.一个学外语的学生在大学时必须学两门外语。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. +that-clause
  1. The teacher requires us that we must read English every morning.老师要求我们每天早晨读英语。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. They required me to keep silent.他们吩咐我别出声。
  2. I required her to write a paper.我请她写一篇论文。
  3. They required me not to let out the secret.他们要我不要泄露那秘密。
  4. The border police required the traveler to unlock his luggage.边防警察命令那个旅客打开行李。
  5. You require the money to be paid.你必须付钱。
  6. 1
  7. You are required to report to the police immediately.要你马上向警察报告。
  8. All the members are required to attend the meeting.所有会员均应该出席会议。
  9. Students are required to finish the test paper within two hours.要求学生们在两小时内完成试卷。
  10. All passengers are required to show their train tickets.所有的乘客必须出示他们的火车票。
  11. When they were given new uniforms, they were required to take good care of them.发了新制服以后,要求他们加以爱护。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. Chinese and mathematics are required subjects.语文和数学是必修课。
  2. You have to pass the required examinations to become a driver.要想当司机,你必须要通过规定的考试。


require from (v.+prep.)
    需要从…得到某物 demand sth from sbrequire sth form sb

    Do you require any information from me?


    Nobody required any help from me.


    We require the cleanliness from our child.


    An explanation must be required from Mr. Black.


require of (v.+prep.)
    对…要求 demand; order, expecting obediencerequire sth of sb

    You require too much of me.


    We require co-operation of you.


    The teacher required too much work of the students.


    She requires a term paper of each student.


    I will do all that is required of me.


    I have done everything that was required of me.


    Silence is required of all examination candidates.


    She did not at first grasp what was required of her.


    It is required of every man that no delay should be made.


    It is required of every blood donor that he (should) be fit.



用作动词 (v.)
  • require apology要求道歉
  • require consideration要求考虑
  • require craft需要手艺
  • require study需要研究
  • require surgery需要外科手术
  • require talent需要才能
  • require time需要时间
  • require treatment要求处理
  • require immediately立即需要
  • require passionately热切要求
  • require personally亲自要求
  • require physically确实需要
  • require reasonably合理地要求
  • require strictly严格要求
  • require urgently迫切需要
  • be required by law法律要求
  • require sth for sth为某物需要…
  • require from向…要求
  • require of要求…


  • A nominal faith..was required..in any candidate.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • The..factory..requires him to be at its premises.

    出自:M. Amis

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AB (address bus)
aeronautical radio incorporated
aluminum bromate
apparent fluidity
appear before the court
as if one's life depended upon it
asexual propagation
Bayan, Sungai
be heavy with sleep
box spread
building maintenance
carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
cart system
code-liver oil
collision avoidance radar trainer
conversion audit
corrosion resistant alloy
creep grinding
crew complement
direct debits
emitter-coupled treansistor logic
employers' organizations
equilibrium depth
equipment level
ethmocephalic monster
expanding product
experimental localization
filling density
forth generation language
four-phase half-wave rectifier
genus Malaclemys
homoioplastic transplantation
humulus japonicuss
import manager
information integrity
inner plunger
insurance quote
intermediate tide
internal efficacy
large-scale land holdings
mean sea depth
microchemical genetics
molar Gibbs free energy
molar scattering coefficient
noli me tangere
opalescent lacquer
partial group
planting finger orbit
potential energy of wave
rose beryl
Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance
separation process
Silvaplaner See
single pass soil stabilizer
Social Democratic Workingmen's Party
specific properties
spectral line shape
spring plug
stone-filled works
stromatolithic limestone
submarine-detecting set
terminal dialog area
thallic oxyfluoride
the adaxial suface
the water
thread forming tap
transportable operating system
under the care of
unity equivalent