音标:[hɔtid] ;
v. hot up 激烈起来, 更加活跃( hot的过去式和过去分词 )



  1. A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you.喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
  2. The hot weather has soured the milk.炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
  3. This dish is a bit hot.这道菜有些辣。
  4. I could not bear with his hot temper.我忍受不了他那急躁的脾气。
  1. This food is best while eaten hot.这道菜趁热吃最好。
  1. I am going to hot up some food for you.我去给你热点饭。
  2. Things were beginning to hot up again there.那儿的局势又开始紧张起来。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. A blast of hot air blows in.一股热空气吹进来。
  2. There is hot wind from a desert.有一阵沙漠热风。
  3. The hot gas is used to produce steam which will drive electricity generators.热气用来产生驱动发电机的蒸汽。
  4. His hot pancakes are delicious, you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands.他卖的热煎饼味道真好,你直接从厨房里买来用手拿着吃。
  5. It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in the house spurred me on.今晚步行回家非常寒冷,但是想到能在家里喝上一杯热饮我就来劲了。
  6. Washing wool in hot water will shrink it.在热水中洗毛线会使羊毛收缩。
  7. Take care not to take up the hot coals with your bare hands.小心别光着手去拿烫煤。
  8. All I want is a hot bath.我所需要的就是洗个热水澡。
  9. Thick woollen clothes are not appropriate for a hot summer day.厚的毛衣不适于炎热的夏天穿。
  10. The dry undergrowth was almost set alight by the hot sun.干燥的林下植物几乎要被炎热的太阳点燃了。
  11. I am not keen on a hot place.我不喜欢炎热的地方。
  12. He is now accustomed to the hot weather.他现在习惯了炎热的天气。
  13. It was too hot a day that we decided to go to the sea.太热了,我们决定去游泳。
  14. This is a hot city.这是一座充满活力的城市。
  15. Hot words were exchanged between the two men.两人之间激烈争吵起来。
  16. He is a person of hot temper.他是个脾气很大的人。
  17. I like reading hot news.我喜欢读热点新闻。
  18. We are assured that our goods will sell like hot cakes.我们确信我们的货物会畅销。
  19. He got himself into a lot of hot water.他使自己陷入了麻烦。
  1. How hot is the water?水有多热?
  2. The weather has been very hot.天气一直很热。
  3. It is certainly hot today, but still it might be hotter.今天确实很热,不过可能还要热呢。
  4. It's hot like in midsummer.热得像在三伏天一样。
  5. Even the coolest star is unimaginably hot by human standards.即使是最冷的星体,用人类标准衡量起来,也是热得不可想象的。
  6. Awfully hot, isn't it?非常热,是不是?
  7. They were hot, dirty, and exhausted.他们又脏又热,疲惫不堪。
  8. That fire is hot.那火正旺。
  9. Pepper and mustard are hot.辣椒和芥末是辣的。
  10. The argument became hot.争论变得激烈起来。
  11. Finish writing that story while you're still hot.趁着你正起劲,把那篇故事写完。
  12. Why is Madonna so hot in America?麦当娜为何在美国这样走红?
  13. His plan to raise the money in a hurry wasn't so hot.他的紧急筹款办法并不怎么高明。
  14. He didn't flunk out, but his record isn't so hot.他没有不及格,但成绩很一般。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. The boys are hot after the treasure.孩子们急切地要寻到财宝。
  2. He came in rather hot about it.他进来时对此颇不满意。
  3. He is hot at history.他历史很好。
  4. You're hot from all that exercise.你是因为刚锻炼下来而觉得热。
  5. The cards are hot for me tonight.今晚我的牌运很好。
  6. He was hot on anyone who made the slightest mistake.谁出了小错,他都严厉地对待。
  7. They are hot on gambling.他们热衷于赌博。
  8. I was hot on playing basketball when I was in college.我上大学时热衷于篮球运动。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. The food is too hot to eat.食物太热,没法吃。
  2. The weather is hot enough to kill off even the mosquitoes.天气热得使蚊子绝迹。
  1. It was so hot that we had to have the electric fan on all day long.天太热,我们不得不全天开着电扇。
  1. The roast duck has to be eating piping hot.烤鸭要趁热吃。
  1. That long run has made me hot.那次长跑使我浑身发热。


blue hot and cold
    摇摆不定 be changeable in one's opinion
hot and bothered
    发愁,着急; 不高兴 worried by a feeling that things are going wrong
hot on sb's heels〔tracks, trail〕 (of)
    紧紧跟踪,紧追 chasing and ready to catch sb
make it hot for
    刁难某人 drive sb away by unpleasant behaviour or by causing difficultiesmake it hot for sb

    Ever since their argument the master has been making it hot for the young teacher.


    make it hot for sb to-v

    You are making it too hot for me to stay here.


    His opponents soon made it too hot for him to hold the job.



用作形容词 (adj.)
  • hot air胡说八道,浮夸的文章
  • hot argument激烈的争论
  • hot blast热鼓风
  • hot cake烤饼
  • hot debate激烈的辩论
  • hot dog热狗
  • hot fight激战
  • hot forehead发烫的前额
  • hot iron一块烧红的铁
  • hot laboratory强放射性物质研究实验室
  • hot line热线
  • hot material强放射性物质
  • hot money(为获取高利或保障币值而)由一国转移至另一国的流动资金
  • hot news最新消息
  • hot piano playing节奏强的钢琴演奏
  • hot plate电炉,煤气灶
  • hot pot罐闷土豆烧牛〔羊〕肉
  • hot potato难题
  • hot seat电椅,困境
  • hot situation危险的情况
  • hot spring温泉
  • hot subject热烈讨论中的题目
  • hot temper急躁的脾气
  • hot war热战
  • hot water热水,麻烦
  • hot weather热天气
  • hot spring温泉
  • hot words激烈的争吵
  • awfully hot太热
  • not so hot不怎么样,不太突出
  • pretty hot相当热
  • very hot很热
  • feel hot觉得热
  • get hot热起来,变得激动〔兴奋〕起来
  • be hot at chess对下棋很拿手
  • be hot for reform迫切要求改革
  • make it hot for sb刁难某人
  • be hot from the battle field刚从战场归来
  • hot off the press最新出版的
  • be hot on playing cards热衷于打牌
  • be hot on sb对某人非常严厉
  • be hot on sb's trail紧紧追赶某人
  • get hot over an argument争论得激动起来
  • be hot under the collar发怒
  • hot with rage非常愤怒
  • hot with shame非常羞愧
  • hot with zeal非常热情


  • A grey rock which smokes like a hot cinder after a shower.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • The hot sun beat on the earth.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • We were there during the phenomenally hot July of 1911.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • Immediately the day hotted up with the return of the sun.

    出自:E. Mannin
  • The..takeover battle for control of John Waddington will hot up this week.

  • The sun shines hot.

    出自:3 Henry VI,Shakespeare
  • Fast and hot Against them pour'd the ceaseless shot.


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