音标:['senәutɑ:f] ;
n. 纪念碑, 衣冠冢
n. a monument built to honor people whose remains are interred elsewhere or whose remains cannot be recovered
词型变化:名词复数形式 : cenotaphs



  1. The Queen paid homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.女王向纪念碑了献花圈,以此向两次世界大战这中的牺牲者们表示敬意。
  2. The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.矗立着的纪念碑是对战争中死难者的纪念。
  3. They have not found his body, so they just make a cenotaph for him.他死后没有找到尸体,只能做了一个衣冠冢。

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