音标:['fju:zilɑ:dʒ] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
n. 机身
n. the central body of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)
词型变化:名词复数形式 : fuselages



  1. Here's the electronic installation in the aft fuselage.这里的电子安装在机身尾部。
  2. Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.从我们机翼上发出的枪弹击中敌机机身。


  • fuselage afterbody机身后部,后机身...
  • center fuselage中央机身
  • fuselage longeron机身纵梁
  • fuselage cover机身外壳
  • fuselage fairing机身整流装置...
  • fuselage construction飞机机身构造...
  • open fuselage敞开机身
  • fuselage axis机身轴

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