柯林斯词典等级:4 级;
a. 早的;初期的
s. (comparative and superlative of `early') more early than; most early
r. earlier in time; previously



  1. We should get acquainted with our parents earlier.我们应该更早的了解自己的父母。
  2. Spanish teams now start playing friendlies earlier.西班牙球队可以更早的安排和进行友谊赛。
  3. The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.那些初期的反叛活动只不过是大规模革命行动的演习。
  1. This will give you OOBE experience earlier, in the form of L.D., and help keep your interest high until you learn how to do the conscious exit.这会使你更早地以清醒的梦的形式获得脱体经验,并有助于你保持高度兴趣,直到你学会如何有意识地脱体。
  2. When Z. japonica clones acquired abundant nitrogen from fertile soil bands earlier, their dry matter production was increased.当结缕草克隆能够较早地从试验生境的肥沃土壤带中获取丰富的氮素资源时,其干物质生产量倾向于增加。


  • earlier on初期(先前
  • early早
  • earlier stage前期
  • earlier failure早期失效
  • earlier failure period初期故障期
  • earlier forward shipment[经] 近期装运...
  • calving earlier提早产犊