n. accomplish的变形
n. One who accomplishes.



  1. I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months.在过去几个月里,我完成了相当多的工作。
  2. The prediction was literally accomplished.这个预言确实实现了。
  3. The role of a judge is to accomplish fairness.法官的职责是实现公平。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Ideas just don't accomplish themselves.光有主意并不能成事。
  2. At that rate we'll accomplish only half the distance.照这样的速度,我们只能走完一半的路程。
  3. He accomplished his task ahead of time.他提前完成 了任务。
  4. The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.学生们不到十分钟就完成了任务。
  5. I accomplished the task within two hours.我在两个小时内完成了任务。
  6. They have accomplished the task only in a few days.他们在短短几天内就完成了这一任务。
  7. We accomplished the job in an hour.我们用一小时完成了工作。
  8. The explorer accomplished the voyage in three weeks.探险家在三周内完成了这次航行。
  9. He accomplished 9 items in his research work in 2000. 2000年他完成了9项研究工作。
  10. Scientists have accomplished great advances in exploring outer space.科学家在探测外层空间方面取得了巨大的进展。
  11. The builders have accomplished the difficult piece of work that they were assigned to do.建筑工人们完成了分配给他们的那项困难的工程。
  12. “You must accomplish loyally the commission with which I deign to charge you,” said the young woman.“你必须忠实地完成我赏脸派给你的差事,”那年轻女人说。
  13. And the note would accomplish a dual purpose.这封便笺可以达到双重目的。
  14. Do you think you can accomplish your purpose?你认为你能达到目的吗?
  15. Have you accomplished your mission?你完成任务没有?
  16. They planned very carefully how they would accomplish their mission.他们为该如何完成任务制定了周密的计划。
  17. We are determined to accomplish the great cause of unification of the motherland.我们一定要完成统一祖国的伟大事业。
  18. He accomplished his promise.他实现了自己的诺言。
  19. My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life.我祖母已达97岁高龄。
  20. These qualities adorn the character of Portia, and these go to accomplish a perfect woman.这些品质使得鲍西娅的性格更加光彩照人,也使得一个高尚的女性形象更加完美。
  21. A stubborn, determined fighter can accomplish things which seem impossible under ordinary circumstances.一个顽强的战士,可以做出在一般情况下看似无法做到的事。
  22. They are accomplishing things they could not dream of before.他们正在完成从前梦想不到的事情。
  23. Think of all the things you've accomplished already!你做得已经不错了。
  24. The conference accomplished nothing towards achieving peace in this area.这次会议对于实现这一地区的和平毫无成就。
  25. I feel as if I've accomplished nothing since I left my job.我觉得辞掉工作之后好像一事无成。
  26. Without the efforts of the comrades,I could have accomplished nothing.没有同志们的努力,我是什么也干不成的。
  27. I don't feel our visit really accomplished anything.我觉得我们的访问真的没什么成效。
  28. I never seem to accomplish anything.我似乎永远干不成什么事。
  29. He works and works, but he never seems to accomplish anything.他干呀干的,好像也没有干成什么事。
  30. I don't think mere petitioning will accomplish much.我认为单是请愿不会有多大效果。
  31. She has accomplished much in her short career.她在短短的职业生涯中取得了许多成就。
  32. We didn't accomplish much at work this week.我们这星期在工作上没什么成就。
  33. I don't feel I've accomplished very much today.我觉得我今天没干成多少事。
  34. How was he able to accomplish so much so quickly in a day.在一天中,他竟能如此之快地干完如此之多的事。
  35. He can accomplish more in a day than any other pupil in his class.他一天所完成的功课比班里别的孩子都多。
  36. One of Mr. Peterson's chief criticisms is how little Parliament has accomplished since last November.彼德逊先生提出的一条主要批评是国会自去年11月以来做成的事太少了。
  37. She's accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks.在过去几周里,她完成了相当多的工作。
  38. She accomplished such a lot during her visit.她在访问期间收获很大。
  39. 1
  40. The task will not be accomplished in one generation.这项任务不是一代人所能完成的。
  41. All these plans were accomplished in a year.所有的这些计划在一年内完成了。
  42. Control of the power output is accomplished by varying the fuel supply.控制功率输出是通过改变燃料供给而实现的。
  43. Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
  44. The distance was accomplished by the winning boat in 7 minutes.优胜船在7分钟内就走完了这段距离。
  45. The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。
  46. The grand targets of the National Economic Plan have been accomplished ahead of schedule.国民经济计划的各项宏伟指标均已提前完成。
  47. The journey was accomplished with a maximum of comfort and ease and a minimum of discomfort.带着最大限度的舒适和轻松结束了这一旅程,很少有什么不舒适。
  48. The task must be accomplished within three days and permits of no delay.这项任务限定3天内完成,不得拖延。
  49. The prediction was literally accomplished.这一预言的确实现了。
  50. A reduction in condensation is accomplished by the use of steam-jackets.使用汽套就能达到降低冷凝。
  51. That's it. Mission accomplished.就这样。大功告成了。
  52. Mission accomplished. Let's go and have a drink.任务完成了。咱们去喝一杯吧。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. She wanted to go there and try to accomplish being an actress.她想去那里实现她当演员的愿望。
  2. Rapid closing of the valve is accomplished fitting a heavy spring.安装一根粗弹簧就可以达到迅速关闭阀门的目的。
  1. Henry Ford accomplished what he set out to do.亨利·福特完成了他打算做的事情。
  2. We have accomplished what we hoped for.我们完成了我们希望做到的事情。


用作动词 (v.)
  • accomplish a design完成设计
  • accomplish a distance走完一段路程
  • accomplish a feat立下功绩
  • accomplish a goal实现目标
  • accomplish a journey结束旅程
  • accomplish a mission完成使命
  • accomplish a plan完成计划
  • accomplish a promise履行诺言
  • accomplish a purpose达到目的
  • accomplish a task完成任务
  • accomplish an exploration完成考查
  • accomplish an objective达到目的
  • accomplish great things大有作为
  • accomplish much有很多的建树
  • accomplish national reunification实现国家的统一
  • accomplish nothing一无所成
  • accomplish one's job完成一件工作
  • accomplish something取得一些成绩
  • accomplish the desire of实现…的愿望
  • accomplish the very opposite适得其反


  • The desire accomplished is sweet to the soule.

    出自:Bible (AV): Proverbs
  • He had seen the man for only an hour or so, but he'd accomplished enough to make the memorandum sound as if it covered an afternoon.

    出自:S. Kauffmann

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Cour de Cassation
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Gooch valve motion
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latest version
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Pedicularis tsangchanensis
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tamarix leptostachys bge.
The battle is not always to the strong.
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wide-wale corduroy