音标:['æbs(ə)nt] ;
a. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的
vt. 使缺席
imp. & p. p. of Absent



  1. Professor Li is absent, I will take the lesson in the place of him.李教授不在,我替他上课。
  2. Many students were absent, notably the monitor.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
  3. You should not be absent from class.你不应当旷课。
  4. Before such experiments, humans thought language skills were absent from the animal kingdom.在做这些实验前,人们认为动物王国缺乏语言技能。
  1. Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?昨天你为何不到校?


用作定语~+ n.
  1. After the party he telephoned his absent friends.晚会后他打电话给没有赴约的朋友。
  2. The absent party is always to blame.不在场的一方总受责备。
  3. He had an absent look on his face.他脸上带着茫然若失的神情。
  4. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.他一副心不在焉的样子听着,不时地瞥一眼门。
  5. He is a reckless driver and often drives in an absent way.他是个粗心的司机,开车时经常漫不经心。
  6. When I spoke to him, he looked at me in an absent way and didn't answer.当我和他说话时,他茫然地望着我而不答话。
  1. Three members of the class are absent today.班上今天有三人缺席。
  2. It would be less embarrassing to have a bath while Phillip was absent.趁菲利普不在的时候赶紧洗个澡,免得尴尬。
  3. In the Manx type of cat, the tail is absent.马恩岛猫没有尾巴。
  4. In that province a conventional political system was absent.那个省份不存在常规的政治制度。
  5. His look had grown absent, as if he were calling up memories.他脸上一副心不在焉的神情,好像想起了什么往事似的。
  6. She was absent, preoccupied.她心不在焉,不知在想什么。
S+be+~+ prep. -phrase
  1. He was absent at roll call.他点名时不在。
  2. I want permission to be absent for a week.我想请一星期假。
  3. At times he would be absent for a couple of days.他有时会离开几天。
  4. She was absent for no more than ten minutes.她只离开了不到十分钟。
  5. He's been absent from work all week.他整整一个星期没有上班。
  6. I'll be absent from home in the afternoon.我下午不在家。
  7. Several students are absent from school today.有几个学生今天没上学。
  8. Who is absent from the meeting?谁没到会?
  9. She was absent from work〔school〕 with a cold.她因感冒而没去上班〔上学〕。
  10. I was absent from the meeting with leave.我请了假,未出席会议。
  11. He was absent from his work without leave.他擅离职守。
  12. Any sign of remorse was completely absent from her face.她脸上丝毫没有懊恼的表情。
  13. The secretary is absent from mind today.秘书今天心不在焉。
  14. Calcium is absent from his diet.他的食物中缺乏钙质。
  15. Love was totally absent from my childhood.我童年时一点也没有受到过疼爱。
  16. Parental affection is absent from these children's lives.父母的慈爱与这些孩子的生活无缘。
  17. Revenge is absent from his mind.他不想报复。
  18. Something which is still absent from your work is any reference to class.你作品中仍然只字未提社会的阶级。
  19. He is absent in Beijing.他外出,到北京去了。
  20. Snow is absent in some countries.有些国家从不下雪。
  21. This idiom is absent in that dictionary.那本词典里没有这个习语。
  22. He is absent on business.他因事外出。
  23. How many of them are absent without permission?他们中有多少人擅自缺席?
  1. The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse.不在场的人总有错,在场的人总有理。
  1. Many absented this afternoon, appearing neither in person nor proxy.这天下午许多人没有到场,既不见他们本人也不见他们的代表。
  1. Saying “ Would you please excuse me for a minute”, he absented himself.说着“对不起,我要出去一下”,他就离开了。
  2. The student absented himself without notice.这学生擅自缺席。
  3. He absented himself from the picnic.他没去参加野餐。
  4. He had absented himself from the office for the day.这一天他没有去办公室上班。
  5. He absented himself from the meeting without good reason.他无正当理由而未出席会议。
  6. The club attempted to induce its members to absent themselves from the bar.俱乐部极力劝说成员不要涉足酒吧。


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • absent expression茫然的表情
  • absent friends不在场的朋友
  • absent look神不守舍的样子
  • absent stare茫然的呆视
  • absent way茫然
  • absent at roll call点名时不在
  • absent for an indefinite period无限期缺席
  • absent from someplace不在某地
  • absent from a meeting未出席会议
  • absent from home不在家
  • absent from one's native place背井离乡
  • absent from school缺课
  • absent from work缺勤
  • absent in one's mind心不在焉
  • absent in someplace在某地,而不在说话人所在地
  • absent on a tour外出旅行
  • absent without leave擅自缺席,擅离职守
  • absent without reason无故缺席


  • Absent officers were summoned.

    出自:James Mill
  • If he absents himself from her side.

    出自:D. Runyon