音标:['siriæk] ;
a. 叙利亚的
a. Of or pertaining to Syria, or its language; as, the Syriac
version of the Pentateuch.
n. The language of Syria; especially, the ancient language of
that country.
词型变化:名词复数形式 : syriacs



  1. Hence Syriac has been associated with Christian Syrians.因此,叙利亚语其实与在叙利亚生活的基督徒相关。
  2. As Christians began to inhabit that area of Syria, a dialect of Aramaic, Syriac, was born.当基督徒开始在叙利亚生活时,一种亚兰语的方言开始出现,并演变成今日的叙利亚语或亚述语。