音标:[skimp] ;
vt. 少给, 克扣
vi. 吝啬
a. 少的, 不足的
v. work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
词型变化:现在分词 : skimping ; 过去分词 : skimped ; 过去式 : skimped ; 第三人称单数 : skimps ; 名词复数形式 : skimps



  1. Don't skimp the butter when you make cakes.你做蛋糕时不要吝惜用奶油。
  2. They have to skimp on fuel in winter.冬天他们得节省燃料。
  3. Higher officials always skimp on the salaries of their staff.上级长官总是克扣下属们的薪饷。
  4. Don't skimp on your employment section.一定要详细阐述你的工作 经验。


  • Never the man to skimp a job, he went through every poem.

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