音标:[seif] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 保险箱, 冷藏室
a. 安全的, 可靠的, 平安的, 稳健的, 有把握的
n. strongbox where valuables can be safely kept
n. a ventilated or refrigerated cupboard for securing provisions from pests
a. free from danger or the risk of harm
s. (of an undertaking) secure from risk
词型变化:名词复数形式 : safes ; 形容词比较级 : safer ; 形容词最高级 : safest



  1. There is no safe landing on that coast.那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处。
  2. It is not safe to drive like that, you must slow down.那样开车是不安全的,你必须减速。
  3. The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。
  4. The train is a safe means of transportation.火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。
  5. They appointed a safe person as the new manager.他们任命了一个谨小慎微的人担任新经理。
  1. All valuables should be kept in the safe.所有贵重物品应存放在保险箱。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. Only when they got to a safe place, could we regard ourselves as having done our duty.只有当他们到达安全地方的时候,我们才能认为自己尽到了责任。
  2. The boat was caught in a strong current, but they rowed with might and main, and soon they got into safe waters.船被卷入急流中,他们拼命地划渡,很快地他们到了没有急流的河面上。
  3. We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安。
  4. They prayed for the safe return of the kidnapped child.他们为那个被绑架的孩子能平安归来而祈祷。
  5. Flying is one of the safest forms of travel.乘飞机是最安全的旅行方式之一。
  6. Keep these papers in a safe place.这些文件保存在一个安全的地方。
  7. Is this a safe place to swim?这个地方游泳安全吗?
  8. Don't mention his divorce; stick to safe subjects.别提他离婚那件事,只谈不会惹起是非的话题。
  9. You may accept the book as a safe guide.你可以将这本书作为可靠的指南。
  10. I know you're a good safe chap.我知道你是一个十分可靠的人。
  11. A safe business man is unlikely to make huge profits.一个谨慎小心的生意人不可能赚大钱。
  12. The cab company wants to hire a safe driver.那家出租汽车公司想雇一名谨慎的司机。
  1. Don't cry; you're safe now.不要哭,你现在不会有危险了。
  2. You'll be safe here.你在这里很安全。
  3. The building was locked, and all of us within felt safe.大楼给锁上了,我们在里面感到安全。
  4. The house had been condemned because it was no longer safe.因为不安全,此房已被宣布不能使用。
  5. He scolded the child but his heart was melted by the joy because she was safe.他责骂孩子,但孩子安全回家的喜悦又使他心软了下来。
  6. The car crashed but he was safe.汽车撞毁了,但他安然无恙。
  7. The streets aren't safe at night.夜间街上不安全。
  8. Don't open the door to strangers, it's not safe.不要给陌生人开门,那很危险。
  9. Is the rope safe?这条绳子安全吗?
  10. He was very ill, but the doctor says he's safe now.他病得很厉害,但医生说他现在已经没有危险了。
  11. Don't walk on that old roof— it isn't safe.不要在那旧屋顶上走,那里很不安全。
  12. He is a very fast driver but he's safe enough .他喜欢开快车,但很谨慎。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. We were safe from attack in the underground shelter.我们在地下掩蔽所里没有遭到攻击的危险。
  2. We are here safe from the thunderstorm.在这里我们不会受到雷雨的袭击。
  3. She got back safe from her adventure.她有惊无险已安全返回。
  4. Are the toys safe for small children?小孩玩这样的玩具有危险吗?
  5. Is this water safe for drinking?喝这水安全吗?
  6. He pulled at the rope hanging from above to see if it was safe for the climb.他用力拉了拉吊下来的绳子,看它是不是经得住爬。
  7. He was safe in the knowledge that Lowell was dead.他清楚地知道洛厄尔已经去世。
  8. He is safe in accepting the offer.他完全接受这项提议。
  9. You will be quite safe in using the plane.坐这架飞机将十分安全。
  10. I feel safe with my friend around.有朋友在身旁,我就感到安全。
  11. Your secret is safe with me.我替你保密。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. The dog is not safe to touch.一碰这条狗,它就咬人。
  2. He is safe to accept the offer.他一定会接受这项提议。
  3. Mr. Hill is safe to win the seat.希尔先生必定当选为议员。
It is/was+~+to- v
  1. It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late.指望这次列车晚点,是很不保准的。
  2. It's not safe to go out at night.夜晚出门不安全。
  3. It's not safe to leave the house unlocked.门不上锁不安全。
  4. Is it safe to swim here?在这里游泳安全吗?


a safe bet
    肯定成功的事情 thing that is certain to be successful
as safe as houses
    非常安全 very safe
for safe keeping
    妥善保管 being kept safely, protected, etc.
in safe hands
    妥善照顾 carefully looked after
in (sb's) safe keeping
    由(某人)保管〔保护〕 being kept safely, protected, etc. (by sb)
on the safe side
    为慎重起见,以防万一 taking no risks
play (it) safe
    小心避开危险,慎重行事 carefully avoid risks
safe and sound
    平安无事 unharmed


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • safe bridge牢固的桥
  • safe chap可靠的人
  • safe driver谨慎的司机
  • safe estimate有把握的估计
  • safe guide可靠的向导
  • safe journey旅途平安
  • safe light安全灯
  • safe load安全载重
  • safe means可靠的方法
  • safe person可靠的人
  • safe place安全的地方
  • safe return平安归来
  • safe subject不会引起是非的话题
  • safe water安全的水域
  • absolutely safe绝对安全的
  • fairly safe相当安全
  • quite safe十分安全
  • safe enough够安全
  • not safe to lean out of the window向窗外俯身不安全
  • safe to say so这样说错不了
  • safe to win the match有把握打赢这场球赛
  • safe for small children对小孩很安全
  • safe for swimming对游泳安全
  • safe from attack不会受到攻击
  • safe from danger没有危险
  • safe from harm没有危害


  • He had the papers safe in his pocket.

    出自:G. Greene
  • Safe in her sitting room Sister is putting her feet up.

    出自:J. Betjeman

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