音标:['praiml] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
a. 主要的, 最初的, 原始的
s serving as an essential component
s having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state




  1. Then primal sedateness came back.而后世界又恢复了最初的安详。
  2. I'm sure that I will actualize the primal promise.我确信我能实现最初的诺言。
  3. In these primal skies, there was no Moon.在原始的天空里,没有月亮。
  4. Money was a primal necessity to them.钱是他们最主要的需要。


  • primal therapy原始治疗法,原始疗法...
  • primal dual algorithm原始对偶算法...
  • primal system最初系统
  • primal dual method原始对偶法
  • primal objective function原始目标函数...
  • primal environ原始环境
  • primal parts胴体初步分切肉...
  • primal problem主问题,主要问题,原...
  • primal cut初步分切
  • primal algorithm原始算法
  • primal dual simplex method原来对偶单形法...


  • Imitation..the most primal instinct.

    出自:E. F. Benson

[00:22.41]The 6th Floor [00:31.58]6楼 [00:42.61]Upon feeling this hand I froze and was terrified, [00:47.54]not knowing what move I should make next, [00:51.08]when the voice said, much more forcefully this time: [00:54.60]No! Where are you going? [0

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