音标:['mirәkl] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级;
n. 奇迹, 奇事
n. any amazing or wonderful occurrence
n. a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent
词型变化:名词复数形式 : miracles



  1. Her life was saved by a miracle.她的生命是靠奇迹救活的。
  2. The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology.激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。


  1. The doctors said that his recovery was a miracle.医生们说他的复原是件奇事。
  2. The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology.激光唱片是当代技术的奇迹。
  3. It is a miracle that he escaped death to a miracle.他奇迹般地死里逃生。


do〔work〕 miracles for〔with〕
    有奇效,极成功be remarkably successful in achieving positive results


用作名词 (n.)
  • accomplish〔create, perform〕 miracles创造奇迹
  • achieve a miracle获得奇迹
  • do〔work〕 miracles作出奇迹
  • modern〔real〕 miracle当代〔真正〕的奇迹
  • numerous miracles许多奇迹
  • psychological miracle心理学上的奇迹
  • miracle drug特效药
  • by some miracle依靠某种奇迹
  • to a miracle奇迹般地,不可思议地
  • with a miracle of patience以惊人的耐心
  • miracle of patience惊人的耐心
  • miracle of perseverance惊人的恒心


  • There were miracles too; a virgin wept salt tears and a candle..burnt inexplicably for one week.

    出自:G. Greene
  • Without a miracle, Christ did not rise from His tomb and ascend into heaven.

    出自:B. Moore

剪辑自《Mulan》花木兰 Mulan: Ha, I see you have a sword. I have one too. They are very manly and tough. I am working on it! Oh,who am I? It is going to take a miracle to get me into the army.

发表于:2018-11-27 / 阅读(167) / 评论(0) 分类 电影学口语

When he is not on the road holding miracle crusades, he broadcasts to over 100,000 TV viewers a day. It is done by the power of God in Jesus Mighty name. Somebody praise the Lord. Throughout his ministry he claims miracles are abundant. I believe tho

发表于:2018-12-05 / 阅读(43) / 评论(0) 分类 国家地理2007年

《夏洛的网》主题曲:Ordinary Miracle 微不足道的奇迹 演唱:Sarah McLachlan 选自:Charlotte's Web《夏洛的网》 剧情引导:一个关于爱与生命的感人童话。小猪韦伯和蜘蛛夏洛蒂成为了好朋友,为了保

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Tess was eight-year-old girl when she heard her Mom and Dad talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. They were moving to an apartment complex next month because Daddy didn

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歌曲背景:派拉蒙新片Charlotte's web(《夏洛特的网》)是一部温馨的童话。美丽的故事里,有一个善良的小女孩,一头不以貌取人的小猪和一只遵守诺言的蜘蛛。她们共同为我们打造了一个平凡奇迹。正如片尾曲所言,生活中的奇迹与感动其时无处不在 Lyrics Ordinary mirac

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《平凡的奇迹》:Ordinary miracle 歌曲背景:派拉蒙新片Charlotte's web(《夏洛特的网》)是一部温馨的童话。美丽的故事里,有一个善良的小女孩,一头不以貌取人的小猪和一只遵守诺言的蜘蛛。

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