音标:[ˈkɪndlz] ;
v. (使某物)燃烧, 着火( kindle的第三人称单数 ); 激起(感情等); 发亮, 放光
v catch fire
v cause to start burning
v call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)



  1. The wood was wet and wouldn't kindle easily.这木柴太湿,不易燃烧。
  2. The sparks kindled the dry grass.有些火星把干草给引着了。
  3. The speaker tried to kindle the crowd's interest with a lively speech.演讲者试图以生动活泼的讲话来激起听众的兴趣。
  4. Her eyes kindled with excitement.她的眼睛里闪耀出激动的神色。


  • in kindle怀胎


  • She..kindled a fire in the stove.

    出自:D. M. Thomas

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