音标:['fә:ðә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
a. 更远的, 此外的, 更多的
vt. 促进, 增进, 助长
adv. 更进一步地, 更远地, 此外
s. more distant in especially degree
r. to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense)
r. in addition or furthermore; further, they should be here already
词型变化:现在分词 : furthering ; 过去分词 : furthered ; 过去式 : furthered ; 第三人称单数 : furthers ; 名词复数形式 : furthers



  1. Our object is to further strengthen friendly relations between the two countries.我们的目标是进一步加强两国之间的友好关系。
  2. Further, it is important to consider the cost of repairs.此外,重要的是要考虑修理费用。
  1. They hoped the new venture would further the cause of cultural cooperation in Europe.他们希望这个新项目将促进欧洲文化合作事业。
  2. The ambitious young man used his friends to further his career.这位野心勃勃的年轻人利用朋友来推动他的事业的发展。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. We shall furnish you with further data.我们将向你们提供更多的数据。
  2. I shall furnish you with further particulars.我将给你提供详情。
  3. Curiosity has incited him to go into further investigation.好奇心激励他做进一步的调查研究。
  4. If you wish for further explanation, you'd better apply in person to the director.如果你想得到进一步说明,你最好直接找厂长联系。
  5. His experiments have laid a solid basis for further research.他的实验为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。
  6. You can only gain by further study.只有更进一步地学习,你才能提高。
  7. We are waiting for further work about the weather.我们正在等待有关天气的进一步报道。
  8. For further information, please write to the editor.如果想进一步了解情况,请写信给这位编辑。
  9. The Bank of England has taken further control over the value of the pound.英格兰银行采取进一步措施来保持英镑的价值。
  10. They made further arrangements.他们做了进一步的安排。
  11. His warnings were dissuasive of our further actions.他的警告使得我们没有采取进一步行动。
  12. We must all fight together to prevent further evil.我们必须同心协力预防更大的灾难。
  13. His advice determined me against further delay.他的劝告使我决定不再拖延。
  14. The government is opposed to any further increase in taxes, and will try to raise money by some other means.政府不愿再加税,它将用其他方法筹募资金。
  15. I beg that you will honour me with your further order.我请求你继续向我订货。
  16. He absolved me from further obligation.他解除了我更多的责任。
  17. The bank refused further credit to the factory.银行拒绝再向这家工厂贷款。
  18. The museum is closed until further notice.博物馆现正闭馆,开馆时间另行通知。
  19. You may keep the book a further week.这本书你可再借一周。
  20. She gave no further thought to them.她没有再去想那些事。
  21. On further reflection he rejected the request.再次考虑之后,他拒绝了这个请求。
  22. There'll be a further performance of the play next week.这出戏下星期将加演一场。
  23. Have you had any further questions to ask?你还有什么进一步的问题要问吗?
  24. The suspected thief was detained for further questioning.这盗窃嫌疑犯被扣留作进一步审问。
  25. We trust to be favoured with your further orders.相信今后你方的订单会源源而来。
  26. He is at the further end of the field.他在这块地的那一头。
  27. The desk is placed at the further end of the room.书桌摆在房间里较远的一头。
  1. It's not further than a mile from here.它离这里不到一英里。
  2. The church is much further than you think.教堂比你想象的远得多。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. The hospital is further down the road.医院在这条路上,再往前走就到了。
  2. The Carters live a few houses further down the street.卡特全家住在这条街上,离这里只隔着几户人家。
  1. Further, it has come to my attention.此外,我已注意到它了。
  2. She said that her husband had fallen ill, and further, her son had been injured in a road accident.她说丈夫病了,儿子又因交通事故受了伤。
  3. He said that he could not find it, and further, that nobody would ever find it.他说他无法找到它,而且也不会有人找到它。
  4. The key was lost, and further, there was no hope of its being found.那把钥匙已经丢失了,再说也没有希望能找到它。
  5. He determined to travel no further that night.他决定这天晚上不再往前走了。
  6. Many of us were too tired to go further.我们当中许多人都累得走不动了。
  7. The noise lessened as the plane got further away.飞机逐渐飞远了,噪音也就减弱了。
  8. We must look ahead before we go further in the matter.我们在进一步处理这事之前,必须考虑得长远些。
  9. The new working method further reduced production costs.新的操作方法进一步降低了生产成本。
  10. The presence of the police frightened many criminals from attempting further crimes.警察到场使许多犯罪分子不敢继续为非作歹。
  11. We considered the matter further.我们进一步考虑了这个问题。
  12. He can swim further than I can.他能游得比我远。
  13. It's not further than a mile from here.从这里走去,不超过一英里远。
  14. She can't remember further back than 1970.1970年以前的事她记不起来了。
  15. The records don't go any further back than 1960.记录最早到1960年为止,没有更早的了。
  16. We walked a little further on.我们继续朝前走了一段路。
  17. He lives two miles further on.他住在离这里两英里远的地方。
  18. We need go no further into the matter.关于这件事,我们不需再详谈了。
  19. We must inquire further into the matter.我们必须进一步调查此事。
  20. He was left further and further behind the rest of the class.他越来越落后于班上的其他同学了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. We'll do all we can to further your plans.我们将尽力促成你们的计划。
  2. Our visit to your country will certainly further the friendship between our two peoples.我们对贵国的访问必将增进两国人民的友谊。
  3. His support furthered my career.他的支持推动了我的事业。
  4. The crisis conditions furthered the spreading of rumours.危机状况助长谣言的传播。
  5. The absence of adequate medical care furthered the spread of the disease.缺医少药的情况助长了这种疾病的传播。
  6. He married the boss's daughter to further his career.他娶了老板的女儿,目的是为了更好地发展他的事业。
  7. His support furthered my career.他的支持给我的事业助了一臂之力。
  8. The exchange of view will further our mutual understanding.交换看法会增进我们相互了解。
  9. I shall do all I can to further your interests.我将尽力提高你的兴趣。
  10. Does the music further dramatic purpose?这音乐是否会增强戏剧效果?
  11. The contradictions between the enemy could be used to further our interest.可以利用敌军之间的矛盾来促使我们实现自己的利益。


further to
    再加,又及 continuing the subject of
go further
    进一步地说〔做〕 give, do or say more


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • further aids进一步的援助
  • further blow进一步的打击
  • further development进一步的发展
  • further evidence进一步的证据
  • further increase进一步的增加
  • further investigation深入的调查
  • further move进一步的行动
  • further reason深一层的道理
  • further volumes后续各卷
用作动词 (v.)
  • further an undertaking推动一项事业
  • further contention促进竞争
  • further one's hopes促使愿望实现
  • further one's personal end追求个人目的
  • further one's plan促使计划实现
  • further one's work推动工作
  • further welfare增进福利


  • She refrained from further speech.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • He shuffled uneasily, but took no further notice.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • He wrote for booklets containing further particulars.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • We went to a school for the week..which did little to further my education.

    出自:C. Chaplin
  • By furthering and enhancing his author's causes, he became highly successful.

    出自:A. Blond
  • Instead of coming further she slowly retraced her steps.

    出自:T. Hardy
a posteriori loss
acid core solder
agricultural research projects
allowable pressure
animal welfare act
asobara formosae
Australian salmon
bastard square blunt file
beerot aroer
between operator
bottom heat pan
caisson pneumatic
canadian whisk(e)y
cash account method (of cash budget)
Cato, Marcus Porcius
community attitude
condary constraints
console game
conversation of energy
critical-path technique
DA&C system
data accessibility
demand planning
descriptive word index
discretionary account
discriminatory discharge
disorderly behaviors
duc linh
effective voltage
Galey, R.
gyrocompass north
horse boy
itinerant teacher
joint honours
kaufmann acetylation
lane value
leiomyoma uteri
level vessel
magnetic tension device
management control loop
master erase head
matrimonial home rights
mildew proof finish
Neofinetia falcata
Otsego County
parametric dependence assumption
peronospora arborescens (berk) de bary
plain sedimentation
principle of realization
product cost simulation
protecting diode
quadrant grating
quantitative measurement
recovery value
reflecting printing
road improvenment
rotating arc welding
self-balancing strain gauge
short-circuit control
slime control agent
subterminal attachment
tank cleaning plant
theory of meromorphic curves
transfer office
two-skid undercarriage
up cast header
utility bonds
valley lengthening
volute pressure
Weigert-Gram stain