音标:[ˈfeiblz] ;
n. 寓言( fable的复数形式 ); 神话, 传说
n. a deliberately false or improbable account
n. a short moral story (often with animal characters)
n. a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events



  1. Fables often have animals as the main characters.寓言常以动物为主角。
  2. The following passage was quoted from a well-known fable.接下来这一段是出自一篇有名的寓言。
  3. We may take the story of Job for a history or a fable.我们可以把关于约伯的故事当作历史或者当作神话。
  4. We have to learn to distinguish fact from fable.我们应当学会识别真伪。
  1. He fabled about his lot.他编造自己的身世。


  1. The fable is given on the next page.寓言故事刊载在下一页。
  2. The course is about fable and legend in modern literature.这门课专讲现代文学中的神话和传奇作品。


  • Aesop's Fables伊索寓言
  • old women's fable荒诞离奇的故事...
  • old wives' fable荒诞离奇的故事...

MODULE 4 STORIES AND FABLES\n [au:]模块4 故事和寓言 [00:05.37]UNIT 10 Waiting for Another Hare\n [au:]第10单元 等待另外一只兔子 [00:10.00]Dialogue\n [au:]对话 [00:12.09]1 Look and listen. Then read and act in pairs.\n [au:]1 看和听

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AILSA CHANG, HOST: It turns out that the two Russian operatives behind the U.K. nerve agent attacks had their identities blown by a team of Internet researchers. NPR's Geoff Brumfiel has this story of who they are and how they did it. GEOFF BRUMFIEL,

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