音标:['brekfәst] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 早餐
n. the first meal of the day (usually in the morning)
v. eat an early morning meal
v. provide breakfast for
词型变化:名词复数形式 : breakfasts ; 过去式 : breakfasted ; 现在分词 : breakfasting ; 过去分词 : breakfasted ; 第三人称单数 : breakfasts



  1. We were having breakfast.我们正在吃早餐。
  2. He seldom eats breakfast.他很少吃早餐。
  3. She juiced an orange for her breakfast.她用一只橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。
  4. Mr. Smith left for London after breakfast.史密斯先生吃过早餐后就动身去伦敦了。
  1. We breakfasted early.我们很早吃早餐。
  2. We will breakfast on cereal and toast.我们早餐吃谷物和吐司面包。
  3. I am going to breakfast with them tomorrow.明天我将与他们共进早餐。


  1. They begin breakfast at seven.他们7点钟开始吃早饭。
  2. I have hot cereal every day for breakfast.我每天早餐吃热粉粥。
  3. We eat much the same thing for breakfast every day.每天早餐我们总是吃这些同样的东西。
  4. Just as breakfast was completed there was a knock at the door.早饭刚刚吃完,外面就有人敲门。
  5. It's a long time since breakfast.早餐以后已经过了很长时间了。
  6. The next day she went to school without breakfast.第二天,她没吃早饭就上学了。
  7. Cooking breakfast is her everyday job.做早饭是她的日常工作。
  8. He had no money to buy a breakfast.他没钱买早点。
  9. After quick a breakfast, he hurried to the station.他匆匆忙忙吃完早餐就赶到车站去了。
  10. Thank you for the breakfast that you bought for me this morning.谢谢你今天早上为我买早点。
  11. We had gruel for the breakfast.我们早餐吃的是麦片粥。
  12. She bolted down her breakfast.她匆匆忙忙地吃了早餐。
  13. We have our breakfast between seven and half past seven.我们在7点至7点半之间用早餐。
  14. After that breakfast, she never saw him again .那顿早饭后,她就再也没见过他。
  1. Olive had already breakfasted and gone out.奥利佛刚刚吃完早餐出去了。
  2. They breakfasted early.他们早餐吃得早。
  3. She came down to breakfast in a hurry, not having brushed her teeth.她匆匆忙忙地下楼吃早饭,连牙也没刷。
  4. I'm going to breakfast with them tomorrow.我准备明天和他们一起吃早饭。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The hotel regularly breakfasts 300 people.这家旅馆通常供应300人的早餐。
  2. The restaurant breakfasted them during the exam.考试期间这家餐馆给他们提供早餐。


breakfast on (v.+prep.)
    早餐吃… have breakfast by eating sthbreakfast on sth

    We breakfasted on eggs and coffee.



用作名词 (n.)
  • eat breakfast吃早饭
  • finish breakfast吃完早饭
  • have breakfast吃早点
  • make breakfast做早饭
  • miss one's breakfast没赶上吃早饭
  • prepare breakfast准备早饭
  • serve breakfast供应早饭
  • take breakfast吃早饭
  • big breakfast丰盛的早餐
  • full breakfast丰盛的早餐
  • good breakfast丰盛的早餐
  • wholesome breakfast有益于健康的早餐
  • at breakfast用早点(时)
  • for breakfast当作早点
  • eat eggs for breakfast吃蛋作早点
用作动词 (v.)
  • breakfast many people供应许多人早餐
  • breakfast early早餐吃得早
  • breakfast late早餐吃得很晚
  • breakfast on eggs早餐吃鸡蛋
  • breakfast with sb和某人一起吃早餐


  • I would have been a breakfast to the beast Rather than have false Proteus rescue me.

    出自:Two Gentlemen of Verona,Shakespeare

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