能介绍一下营业税的知识吗 Would you please give the general introduction of the business tax? 纳税人:我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗? Taxpayer: my company will begin business soon, but I h

发表于:2018-11-29 / 阅读(99) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语

Bouquinistes is the French word to call sellers of old books along the Seine River in Paris. The tradition has existed for over 400 years. However, modern technology like electronic book readers and sellers of books online are now hurting their profi

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(233) / 评论(0) 分类 2018年VOA慢速英语(八)月

这一讲我们要谈的话题是:Economic models and markets,经济体系与市场。 一个国家的经济资源包括了土地、劳动力和资本。所有这些资源都是有限度的。投入

发表于:2018-12-03 / 阅读(57) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

标题:能介绍一下营业税的知识吗 TOPIC: Would you please give the general introduction of the business tax? 对话内容: 纳税人:我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(35) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语


发表于:2018-12-18 / 阅读(31) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(28) / 评论(0) 分类 单词解析速记

引言: 假如我一直经商,今天可能会相当富有,但我不认为我的人生会很成功。我可能会放弃一切无形的、金钱绝对买不到的精神上的满足;这种精神上的满足常常因为人的主要生活目的是发

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UNESCO Names Neapolitan Pizza a Cultural Heritage This week, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO announced new members to its list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The 12 new members include

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 2017年VOA慢速英语(十二)月

Long-term Assets 和 Long-term liabilities Long-term(长期的)和Assets、Liabilities结合,分别构成Long-term assets(长期资产)和Long-term liabilities(长期负债)。 Long-term

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(43) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语

Tai Chi is a popular form of exercise among Chinese. Yet it has not been recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as a Chinese cultural heritage. The nomination of Tai Chi follows a decade-long campaign by re

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面试的真正目的是什么 你知道面试的真正目的吗?也许你曾纳闷过,你的简历招聘人员已经看过了,他们也对你电话面试过了,所有的证明材料他们也都检查过了,为什么还要你在面试的时候

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

We've been fooled by our tool. Excuse that expression. We've been fooled by our tool. GDP has been our hammer. And our nail has been a 19th- and 20th-century industrial-era model of success. And yet, 64 percent of the world's GDP today is in that int

发表于:2019-01-18 / 阅读(50) / 评论(0) 分类 财富精英励志演讲

有关物流的术语 物品 article 物流 logistics 物流活动 logistics activity 物流作业 logistics operation 物流模数 logistics modulus 物流技术 logistics technology 物流成本 logistics cost 物流管理 logistics management 物流

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(45) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语


发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(74) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语


发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(99) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

intangible assets 无形资产 intangible property 无形财产 integrated accounting system 综合会计制度 intended dividend 拟宣布摊还债款 intending borrower 拟借款人 intending purcha

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(52) / 评论(0) 分类 财会英语

Hiring managers today have a lot of tools at their disposal to figure out if youre qualified for a job. The Internet reveals your history, and often the content and quality of your work; LinkedIn (一个网站,专为商务人士建立联系而用)

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

下面是2014年英语四级作文范文:保护非物质文化遗产,希望考生了解四级范文的写作思路,增强自己的写作实力。 作文话题: Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritages1.保护非物质文化遗产很重要

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 四六级写作指导

Voice 1 Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Mike Procter. Voice 2 And I'm Bruce Gulland. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Here is a question: what do the fol

发表于:2019-03-04 / 阅读(75) / 评论(0) 分类 环球英语 Spotlight

如何保护知识产权 1.知识产权保护越来越被重视 2.如何保护知识产权 3.我的观点 范文背诵 How to Protect Intellectual Property Along with the advance of the society, more and more technologies and innovations are put forw

发表于:2019-03-11 / 阅读(144) / 评论(0) 分类 四六级写作指导