Both metaphorically and in reality, the translucency connected the inner engineering of the computer to the outer design. 无论是比喻还是现实,这种半透明都把内部的工程学构造和外壳设计联系在了一起。 Jobs had always

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Jobs asked for no such analysis. Topping off the design was the handle nestled into the iMac. 但乔布斯对这种论证不予考虑。他们还在iMac外壳的顶部设计了一个内嵌的提手。 It was more playful and semiotic than it was func

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Jobs had to fend off the objections of the manufacturing engineers, supported by Rubinstein, 乔布斯还要面对制造工程部门的反对,这些反对者得到了鲁宾斯坦的支持。 who tended to raise practical cost considerations when fa

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After a few weeks Jobs finally had enough. 几个星期过去了,乔布斯终于受够了。 Stop! he shouted at one big product strategy session. This is crazy. 停!他在一次大型产品战略会议上喊道,这真是疯了。 He grabbed a

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The product review revealed how unfocused Apple had become. 产品评估显示出苹果的产品线十分不集中。 The company was churning out multiple versions of each product because of bureaucratic momentum and to satisfy the whims of retailer

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One of Jobs's great strengths was knowing how to focus. 乔布斯的一个过人之处是知道如何做到专注。 Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do, he said. 决定不做什么跟决定做什么同样重要,他说,

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When a new version of the Mac operating system shipped in July 1997, weeks after he had helped oust Amelio, 1997年7月,就在他协助解聘阿梅里奥几个星期后,新版的Mac操作系统发布, Jobs did not allow the clone makers to upgr

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Apple resisted licensing out the Macintosh operating system until 1994, 苹果一直拒绝把麦金塔的操作系统授权出去,直到1994年, when CEO Michael Spindler allowed two small companies, Power Computing and Radius, to make Macintosh

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Bill Gates, who was building a fortune by licensing Microsoft's operating system, 比尔盖茨通过授权微软的操作系统正在建立起巨大的财富, had urged Apple to do the same in 1985, just as Jobs was being eased out. 1985年,就在乔

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Killing the Clones 消灭兼容机 One of the great debates about Apple was whether it should have licensed its operating system more aggressively 关于苹果的激烈争论之一,就是它是否应该更积极地把操作系统 to other computer

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The most visible decision he made was to kill, once and for all, the Newton, 乔布斯作的最高调的决定,就是彻底地扼杀牛顿项目, the personal digital assistant with the almost-good handwriting-recognition system. 就是那个带有

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The result was that the Apple engineers and managers suddenly became sharply focused on just four areas. 结果,苹果的工程师和管理人员突然高度集中在四个领域。 For the professional desktop quadrant, they would work on making t

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This ability to focus saved Apple. 这种专注的能力拯救了苹果。 In his first year back, Jobs laid off more than three thousand people, which salvaged the company's balance sheet. 在他回归的第一年,乔布斯裁掉了3000多人,扭转

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Jony Ive 乔尼艾弗 When Jobs gathered his top management for a pep talk just after he became iCEO in September 1997, 1997年9月,乔布斯重返苹果公司出任iCEO,他将高管层召集在一起进行动员讲话。 sitting in the audience

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Ive enrolled in Newcastle Polytechnic and spent his spare time and summers working at a design consultancy. 艾弗进入了纽卡斯尔理工学院学习,并利用业余时间和暑假在一家设计顾问公司工作。 One of his creations was a

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After graduation Ive helped to build a design firm in London, Tangerine, which got a consulting contract with Apple. 毕业之后,艾弗和人合伙在伦敦成立了一家名为蜜橘的设计公司,并和苹果公司签订了咨询合同。 In

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Ive reported, at least initially, to Jon Rubinstein, whom Jobs had brought in to head the hardware division, 最初,艾弗是向乔恩鲁宾斯坦汇报的,鲁宾斯坦是乔布斯指派的硬件部门主管, but he developed a direct and unusu

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Like most designers, Ive enjoyed analyzing the philosophy and the step-by-step thinking that went into a particular design. 和大多数设计师一样,艾弗喜欢分析某个特定设计背后的理念以及如何一步步地构思出这个设计。

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When the Macintosh was first being developed, Jobs went up to visit Gates at his office near Seattle. 当苹果开始着手研发麦金塔电脑时,乔布斯前去拜访盖茨。 Microsoft had written some applications for the Apple II, including a

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Despite their mutual wariness, 尽管两队人马互有戒心, both teams were excited by the prospect that Microsoft would create graphical software for the Macintosh that would take personal computing into a new realm, 但想到微软为麦金塔电

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