时间:2019-02-26 作者:英语课 分类:哈克贝利·费恩历险记.Huckleberry.Finn

  3 Huck and Jim travel 1 south
  For some days everything went along 2 quietly,but we were getting bored 3. We wanted to know what was 4 happening in town and so I decided 6 to go and find out. Jim said 7,'Why don't you wear the old dress and the hat that we found 8 in the house? People won't know you, then. They'll think you're a girl.' And so I did 9
  Just after it was dark 10,I got 11 into the canoe 12 and went up the river to the bottom 13 of the town.There,I left the canoe and went on foot. Before long, I came 14 to a little house which was always empty.Now there was a light on,and when I looked through the window, I saw 15 a woman of about forty.She was a stranger 16 and that was good because she didn't know me.So I knocked 18 on the door.'I must remember that I'm a girl'I said to myself 19
  The woman opened the door.'Come in,' she said.She looked at me with her little bright eyes.'What's your name?'she asked.
  'Sarah Williams,'I replied 20.'I'm going 21 to see my uncle,on the other side 22 of town.My mother's ill, you see,and she needs help.'
  'Well, you can't go there by yourself 23 now.It's too dark.My husband 24 will be home in about an hour. Wait for him and he'll walk with you.'
  And then she began to tell me about all her troubles 25. I was getting bored with all this until 26 she said something about Pop 27 and my murder 28
  'Who did it?'I asked.
  'Well,'she replied,'some people say old Finn did it him-self;other people think it was a slave 29 who ran 17 away that night.His name was Jim. They'll give three hundred dollars to anybody 30 who finds him——and they'll give two hundred dollars for old Finn. He got drunk 31 and left town with two strangers 32.A lot of people think he killed 33 his boy and he's going to come back one day, and get all Huck Finn's money.' 'And what about the slave?'I asked.
  'Oh,they'll soon catch him. People want the three hundred dollars. I think he's on Jackson's Island, you know.I've seen 34 smoke there.My husband's gone to get two of his friends and they're going over there with a gun 35 later 36 tonight.'
  When I heard this, my hands began to shake 37. The woman looked at me strangely,but then she smiled and said kindly,'What did you say your name was?'
  'M-Mary Williams.'
  'Oh,' she said,'I thought 38 it was Sarah.'
  'Er… well, yes, it is. Sarah Mary Williams. Some people call me Sarah and some people call me Mary, you see.'
  'Oh,do they?'She smiled again.'Come on,now—what's your real 39 name? Bill 40? Bob? I know you're not really a girl.'
  So then I had 41 to tell her another story, with a different name,and I said I was running 42 away. She said she wouldn't tell anybody, and gave 43 me some food before I left.I hurried back to the island and Jim.
  'Quick,Jim!'I cried,waking him up.'They're coming to get us!'
  We got out the raft 44 as 5 fast as we could 45,put all our things on it, tied the canoe on behind, and moved off 46 down the river.When it began to get light,we hid 47. When it was dark again,we travelled 48 on. On the fifth 49 night we passed St Louis, and we decided to go on down to Cairo 50 in Illinois,sell the raft there and get a boat to Ohio.There are no slaves 51 in Ohio.
  We slept for most of that day and we began our journey 52 again when it was dark.After some time,we saw lights on the Illinois side of the river and Jim got very excited 53. He thought it was Cairo. Jim got the canoe ready and I went off in it to take a look at those lights. But it wasn't Cairo.
  After that, we went on down the river. It was very dark that night and it wasn't easy to see where we were going.Suddenly 54, a big steamboat came at us very fast, and the next minute it was right over us. Jim and I jumped off the raft into the water. The boat hit the raft and went on up the river.
  When I came up out of the water, I couldn't see Jim any-where.I called out his name again and again,but there was no answer.'He's dead 55!' I thought.Slowly 56, I swam to the side of the river and got out.I saw that I was near a big old wood-en house. Suddenly a lot of very angry dogs jumped out at me.They made 57 a terrible 58 noise and someone 59 called from the house,'Who's there?'
  'George Jackson,'I answered quickly.'I've fallen off a river boat.'
  Well, the people who lived in that house were very kind,and they took 60 me in and gave me some new clothes and a good meal 61. I told them that my family were all dead,so they said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. It was a beautiful house and the food was good there, so I stayed.
  A few 62 days later one of the slaves in the house came to me and said,'Come with me!'Together,we went down to some trees by the river.'In there!'he said and went away.
  On the ground 63, I found a man, asleep 64. It was Jim! I was really pleased 65 to see him.When the steamboat hit the raft,Jim told me, the raft didn't break up.Jim swam after it and caught it. Then he began to look for me.
  We decided to leave at once. It's all right living 66 in a house for a little while 67, but you feel more free 68 and easy and comfort-able on a raft.
  3 哈克和吉姆向南旅行


  • We can now travel by air.现在我们可以坐飞机旅行。
  • Autumn is the best season for travel.秋天是旅行的最好季节。
  • Would you like to come along?你想一起去吗?
  • They walked slowly along the road.他们沿着公路慢慢走。
  • After a while,I began to get bored with my job.过了一段时间,我开始厌烦这份工作。
  • I am bored to death.我无聊死了。
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
  • He got work in a hotel as a waiter.他在一家旅馆找到了当服务生的工作。
  • In the hotel,the old men were drinking away as usual.在旅馆里,这些老人和往常一样喝个不停。
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
  • He said to me that he could not come.他对我说他不能来。
  • He said to his mother that he would do it by himself.他对他的母亲说他将自己独立做那件事。
  • I found him at home.我发现他在家。
  • The United Nations was found in 1945.联合国于1945年成立。
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
  • The night is too dark for us to see.夜间太暗,我们看不见。
  • The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.月亮出来时,天空是深蓝色的,非常晴朗。
  • I just got some bad news.我刚得到一些坏消息。
  • I have got far too much work to do.我要做的事太多了。
  • They slid the canoe down to the water.他们使小舟滑到水中。
  • It is only the second time he has been in a canoe.这仅是他第二次乘小游艇。
  • The bottom of the cup is broken.这杯子的底破了。
  • The channel must have a flat bottom.沟道的底要平。
  • I was surprised why he came here so early.他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
  • Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?
  • The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的气。
  • A stranger walked up to me and asked me the time.一个陌生人走到我跟前,问我时间。
  • It's hard for a stranger to make friends in this town.外地人在这个城里很难交朋友。
  • He ran,and then slowed down to a walk.他跑着,然后放慢速度步行。
  • As soon as Marie opened the door,the dog ran in.当玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。
v.敲,击,打( knock的过去式和过去分词 );(心)怦怦跳;把…撞击成(某种状态);批评
  • His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow. 他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。
  • He knocked three times and waited. 他敲了三下门就等着。
  • Should I do it myself?我应该自己做吗?
  • I woke up to find myself in the hospital.我醒来发现自己在医院里。
v.[法律](原告对被告)答辩( reply的过去式和过去分词 );反响;作答;(以行动)做出反应
  • She replied in a measured tone to his threat. 她以很有分寸的语气回答了他的威胁。
  • I gathered from the way she replied that she wasn't very enthusiastic. 从她回答的语气判断,我觉得她不很热心。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
  • The shop is on the west side of the street.商店在街道的西边。
  • There was a lot of people on every side. 到处都是人。
  • I need you to do it yourself.我要你亲自做。
  • Late again,Tom?I hope you can explain yourself.汤姆,又迟到了?我希望你能说明理由。
  • My husband just lost his job.我老公刚刚失业了。
  • I visited my daughter and her husband.我去看望我的女儿和女婿。
n.麻烦( trouble的名词复数 );困难;困境;动乱v.费神,费心( trouble的第三人称单数 );使烦恼,使忧虑
  • She gave us a boring recital of all her troubles. 她乏味地向我们详述了她所有的麻烦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I really felt for him in all these troubles. 我非常同情他这些烦恼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He arrived home until midnight.他直到半夜才到家。
  • She didn't sleep until midnight.她直到半夜才睡。
  • She is a lead singer in a pop group.她是流行歌曲演唱团体的最重要的歌手。
  • I know nothing about pop music.我对流行音乐一无所知。
  • There is a law against murder.有一条针对谋杀的法律。
  • He was guilty of murder.他犯了杀人罪。
  • Don't be a slave to custom.不要做风俗习惯的奴隶。
  • Why should I slave away all my life!我为什么要辛辛苦苦地干一辈子呀!
  • They do not see anybody.他们没看见任何人。
  • You couldn't tell anybody.你不能告诉任何人。
  • People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalised.醉酒驾车的人应受重罚。
  • She found him drunk when she came home at night.她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的。
陌生人( stranger的名词复数 ); 外地人,初到者
  • The local people are very hospitable to strangers. 当地人对外来客人十分友好热情。
  • He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers. 他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。
adj.被杀死的,断开的v.杀死( kill的过去式和过去分词 );使停止[结束,失败];破坏,减弱,抵消;使痛苦,使受折磨
  • The family was killed in an air raid. 这家人在一次空袭中遇难。
  • Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush. 两名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏击而死亡。
  • Since I left college, I have not seen him.自从我离开大学以后,就没有见过他了。
  • I hope to have seen the film next week.我希望下星期能看到这部电影。
  • This is a really big gun.这是一个真正的大枪。
  • The soldier reached for his gun.那名士兵伸手去拿枪。
  • He didn't turn up until half an hour later.半小时后他才出现。
  • This part of the hospital was built on later.医院的这个部分是后来增建的。
  • Let's shake hands and be friends.让我们握手做朋友。
  • Shake,shake,shake your shoulders,shake them up and down.耸耸肩,从上到下耸耸肩。
  • It was just a thought.这仅仅是一个想法。
  • She thought he had a cold.她认为他感冒了。
  • You know her real name?你知道她的真正名字?
  • The real world does not look that way!现实世界不是这样的!
  • Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook.比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且是个烹调能手。
  • It will save trouble if you pay the bill now.如果你现在付账就没事了。
  • I just had a good idea!我有个好主意!
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.这个男孩手上拿一条小树枝。
  • I like running.我喜欢跑步。
  • The water is running out.水流出来了。
  • He asked for money and I gave him some.他要钱,我给了他一些。
  • I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost. 我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。
  • I lay on the raft in the sun until I was dry.我在阳光下躺在木排上,一直到全身都干了。
  • She spent seven days afloat on a raft.她在一只木筏上漂泊了七天。
  • Could I open the window?我可以打开窗子吗?
  • I could wait ten minutes.我可以等十分钟。
  • You'd better cool off first.你最好先冷静下来。
  • I need some time off.我需要一些时间休息。
hide 的过去式(分词)
  • He hid the letter in a drawer. 他把信藏在抽屉里。
  • She hid her worries behind an air of insouciance. 她掩饰着自己的烦恼,表现得无忧无虑。
v.行进( travel的过去式和过去分词 );步行;经过;走过…
  • The path was steeper and less travelled than the previous one. 这条小路比刚才那条陡,走的人少。
  • Tens of thousands of men,year after year,have travelled southwards to find work. 每年有数万人到南方去找工作。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It's the fifth door on the right.右边第五个门。
  • I like to sit in about the fifth row.我想坐在第五排左右。
  • They get onto the plane at Cairo.他们在开罗上飞机。
  • Cairo is the capital of Egypt.开罗是埃及的首都。
n.奴隶( slave的名词复数 );苦工;完全受(某事物)控制的人;完全依赖(某事物)的人v.奴隶般地工作,做苦工( slave的第三人称单数 )
  • Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States. 美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由。
  • fashionistas who are slaves to the latest trends 被潮流牵着鼻子走的赶时髦者
  • She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。
  • The journey home was great fun.回家的旅程非常有趣。
  • He was so excited that he could not speak.他太兴奋,连话都说不出来了。
  • The excited children forgot to take the presents to the party.孩子们兴奋得忘了把礼物带到聚会上了。
  • The weather changed suddenly.天气陡变。
  • He suddenly cried out at the top of his voice.他声嘶力竭地大叫。
  • Mary threw away the dead flowers.玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。
  • He was dead asleep.他完全睡着了。
  • Speak more slowly,please.请说慢一点。
  • Do it slowly and carefully.要慢慢仔细地做。
  • They were not made in china.它们不是中国制造的。
  • The monkey made a long arm for the peach.猴子伸臂去摘桃子。
  • I think you've made a terrible mistake.我认为你犯了一个严重的错误。
  • This is a terrible idea.这是一个可怕的想法。
  • I can hear someone knocking.我听到有人敲门。
  • Someone wants to see her.有人找她。
  • I took my dog for a walk along the river.我带着狗沿那条河散步。
  • It took me about two hours to cook the meat.我花了大约两个小时来煮这些肉。
  • Did you enjoy the meal?你喜欢这顿饭吗?
  • Mother cooked us a good meal.妈妈给我们做了一顿可口的饭。
  • There are few woods in that area.那个地区几乎没有森林。
  • I have a few questions.我有些问题要问你。
  • The baby is playing on the ground.婴儿正在地上玩。
  • He picked a pen from the ground.他从地上捡起一支钢笔。
  • The baby seems to be asleep.那婴孩好像是睡着了。
  • My right foot is asleep.我的右脚麻木了。
  • She was pleased to hear good news about him.听到他的好消息,她很高兴。
  • Whichever day you come,we will be pleased to see you.无论你哪一天来,我们都很高兴。
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • I'll never forget that as long as I am living.这事我至死也不会忘记。
conj.当…的时候;而;虽然;尽管 n.一会儿
  • In a short while,the cat ate up the fish.不久,那只猫便将鱼吃个精光。
  • He teaches English in the school all the while.他一直在这所学校里教英语。
  • I don't have much free time.我没有多少空闲时间。
  • There really is no free lunch.天下果然没有免费的午餐。
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