时间:2018-12-13 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语人教版2000年高三


[00:02.39]第十二单元  总复习第十二单元  总复习

[00:04.78]Lesson 45   1 Dialogue

[00:07.51]第四十五课1 对话第四十五课1 对话

[00:10.24]Eric,an Englishman,is visiting Charlie in the USA.


[00:16.20]CHARLIE:How long are you planning to stay over here?


[00:20.27]ERIC:I've got three weeks altogether.What do you suggest I see?


[00:26.23]CHARLIE:What would you prefer to do?


[00:29.39]ERIC:I think I'd like to see some of the things


[00:33.65]that one can't find in other countries.


[00:38.30]CHARLIE:Well,I suggest you see some of our national parks.


[00:43.94]You've got lots of old buildings in your country.


[00:48.90]Ours is a fairly 1 new country,so our cities and towns are modern.


[00:55.07]But I guess we've got some of the most beautiful mountains and countryside in the world.

[00:58.34]但我想我们有最美丽的山脉和乡村,但我想我们有最美丽的山脉和乡村,在全世界里面.但我想我们有最美丽的山脉和乡村,在全世界里面.But I guess we've got some of the most beautiful mountains and countryside in the world.但我想我们有最美丽的山脉和

[01:01.62]Why don't you hire a car and drive around for a couple of weeks?


[01:06.98]ERIC:Is it expensive to hire a car?


[01:11.05]CHARLIE:No,not very.You need a driving permit 2.Have you got one?




[01:21.24]CHARLIE:I think you'd better fly somewhere in the west.


[01:25.47]Then you can pick up a hire car and travel around.


[01:30.51]ERIC:What about places to stay?


[01:34.46]CHARLIE:I suggest you take a tent.


[01:38.01]I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment.


[01:42.77]It's much cheaper to camp than to stay in a hotel.


[01:47.81]ERIC:Is there anything else I should do?


[01:51.67]CHARLIE:Do what you feel like!Why not take a friend with you?


[01:57.03]Then you can share the cost of the gas and the car.


[02:01.57]I'd come too if I had time to spare.


[02:05.83]ERIC:That sounds like a good idea.


[02:10.40]I have a few friends I could ring to see if they're free.


[02:15.73]CHARLIE:I say,shall we go downtown this evening?


[02:20.77]We could have a walk around.Let's go out at about six o'clock,shall we?


[02:27.44]Lesson 46


[02:36.26]1 Reading comprehension 3

[02:38.38]1 阅读理解

[02:40.50]WINTER SLEEP


[02:43.34]Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.


[02:49.82]Other birds and all animals stay with you,


[02:55.07]but you will not see all the animals throughout 4 the winter.


[02:59.93]In the cold weather some of them hibernate 5


[03:04.89]They go to sleep in all kinds of places.


[03:09.44]Red squirrels 7 disappear inside trees bears use caves,frogs go deep under the mud 8,


[03:18.90]and many other animals dig 9 holes in the earth.


[03:23.94]A good many animals sleep under the snow.


[03:28.61]There is a lot of air in loose snow,and this helps to keep the cold out.


[03:35.56]Some warm-blooded animals,like the cat,the dog or the wolf,


[03:42.48]do not need to hibernate;


[03:45.96]they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature


[03:52.12]even in very cold winter weather.


[03:55.96]But for a cold-blooded animal such as a frog or a snake it is a different matter.


[04:03.62]When the air temperature is below freezing,


[04:07.77]its body temperature drops too.


[04:12.21]It cannot move about in its usual way.


[04:16.57]Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.


[04:21.33]To do that,it must find a place where it can keep fairly warm;


[04:27.21]and it must be a place where its enemies cannot find it.


[04:32.85]Hibernation is more than sleep.It is a very deep sleep.


[04:39.69]The animal's temperature drops to just over zero centigrade 10,


[04:47.35]and its heart beats very slowly.


[04:52.52]People who find hibernating 11 animals asleep often think that they are dead;


[04:59.44]he body feels very cold,


[05:03.20]and the animal may breathe only once every five minutes.


[05:09.05]A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain.


[05:14.51]You can touch it,or even pull its tail,without causing it to move or wake up.


[05:22.46]Hibernating in that way,the animal can sleep all through the winter.


[05:28.62]You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months.


[05:34.65]The answer lies in two facts.


[05:38.49]The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body


[05:44.45]during the summer and autumn.


[05:48.29]The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food


[05:55.45]to supply the energy for movement.


[05:59.60]We have seen that hibernating animal reduces movement


[06:05.35]to far below the ordinary level.


[06:09.32]Even the movements of the heart and lungs are greatly reduced.


[06:15.17]The animal hardly makes any movement,hardly uses any energy


[06:22.01]and hardly needs any food.


[06:25.46]Some animals,including some bears,only half-hibernate.


[06:32.59]That is to say,they sleep during the winter


[06:37.66]but their sleep is not such a deep one, and their body temperature does not drop.


[06:45.21]In autumn the bear eats and eats and becomes very fat indeed.


[06:52.66]Its hair grows longer.Soon it has a thick covering of fat and fur.


[07:00.02]In November it finds a place in a cave or under a tree


[07:06.19]and just lies down and goes to sleep.


[07:10.63]On warm winter days it may think that spring has arrived;


[07:16.19]it gets up and walks around.


[07:20.24]When it sees that the snow is still thick on the ground,


[07:25.10]it quickly goes to sleep again.


[07:28.76]The squirrel 6 is an animal which makes secret food stores for the winter.


[07:34.61]It hides large quantities of nuts inside trees.


[07:39.86]In old stories,the squirrel was usually described as a good animal:


[07:46.21]it saved something for the future.


1 fairly
  • I think I was quite fairly treated by the police.我认为警察对我非常公正。
  • It fairly destroyed the machine.它将那部机器完全毁了。
2 permit
  • The doctor will not permit mother up until her leg is better.在母亲的腿好些之前,医生不允许她起床。
  • The soldiers had orders to permit no stranger through.士兵们接到命令不许任何陌生人通过。
3 comprehension
  • The teacher set the class a comprehension test.老师对全班同学进行了一次理解力测验。
  • The problem is above my comprehension.这个问题超出我的理解力。
4 throughout
  • These magazines are sold at bookstores throughout the country.这些杂志在全国各地书店均有发售。
  • Guilin is known throughout the world for its scenery.桂林以山水著称于世。
5 hibernate
  • Bears often hibernate in caves.熊常在山洞里冬眠。
  • Some warm-blooded animals do not need to hibernate.一些温血动物不需要冬眠。
6 squirrel
  • The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。
  • A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果。
7 squirrels
n.松鼠( squirrel的名词复数 )
  • Squirrels are arboreal creatures. 松鼠是栖于树上的动物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain. 红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 mud
  • The swimming pool is filled up with mud.游泳池里全是泥。
  • A car ran past,spotting my coat with mud.一辆汽车驶过,给我的外衣溅上了泥点。
9 dig
  • It is difficult to dig the ground when it is frozen.地面冻住了就不易挖掘。
  • In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.那时候我们常常出去挖野菜。
10 centigrade
  • The temperature in this room is twenty degrees centigrade.这个房间里的温度是摄氏20度。
  • It's at 10 degrees centigrade.气温是10℃。
11 hibernating
(某些动物)冬眠,蛰伏( hibernate的现在分词 )
  • The hibernating animals reduce movement to far below the ordinary level. 冬眠的动物把活动量大大减少到低于一般的水平。
  • People find hibernating animals asleep. 人们发现冬眠动物处于休眠状态。
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