时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-恋夏500天


  [00:01.09]Just start from the beginning, and tell us what happened. 先从开始讲  告诉我们出什么事了

[00:05.84]Things were going so well. 一切都很好

[00:20.15]Then what? 然后呢

[00:22.69]I think we should stop seeing each other. 我认为我们不应该再见面了

[00:24.95]Just like that? Just like that. - 就这样   - 就这样

[00:27.16]- Did she say why? - I mean' this thing - what are we doing? - 她说为什么了吗  - 我说这个.. 我们在干什么

[00:31.08]I mean, is this normal? 我的意思是  这很正常吗

[00:33.25]Norm- l- I don't know. I don't care. I'm happy. Aren't you happy? 平常.. 不  我不知道  也不在乎  我很开心 你不也是吗

[00:36.33]You're happy? You're not? - 你很开心   - 你不是吗

[00:38.13]All we do is argue. That is bullshit. - 我们总是在争吵   - 胡说

[00:41.00]Maybe she was just in a bad mood. 可能她只是心情不好

[00:42.67]Yeah, maybe like a- a hormonal 1 thing. 对,可能只是.. 激素什么的

[00:44.76]- P.M.S.? - What do you know about P.M.S.? - P.M.S. (经前综合征) - 你是怎么知道 P.M.S. 的

[00:47.47]- More than you' Tom. - Then what happened? - 比你知道的多 Tom  - ..之后呢

[00:50.89]This can't come as a total surprise to you. 你不会觉得太意外吧

[00:52.97]I mean, we've been like Sid and Nancy for months now. 我们像 Sid 和 Nancy 那样 几个月了

[00:55.48]Summer, Sid stabbed Nancy... seven times with a kitchen knife. Summer     Sid 刺伤了 Nancy ... 七次  用菜刀

[00:59.44]L- I mean, we have some disagreements, but I hardly think I'm Sid Vicious. 我的意思是  我们有点分歧  但我认为我才是 Sid Vicious

[01:04.82]No. I'm Sid. 不  我是

[01:07.99]Oh, so I'm Nancy? 哦  那我是 Nancy 了

[01:14.33]Let's just eat, and we'll talk about it later. 先吃吧  过会再聊

[01:17.96]Mmm. That is good. 嗯  味道不错

[01:20.79]I'm really glad we did this. 真高兴我们点了这些

[01:23.46]I love these pancakes. 我喜欢这儿的薄饼

[01:26.92]What? 怎么了

[01:29.51]Tom, don't go. You're still my best friend! Tom  别走  你还是我的最好的朋友

[01:34.81]- Jesus. - You've broken up with girls before. - 上帝  - 你以前甩过别的女孩

[01:36.98]Yes. 对

[01:38.64]And girls have broken up with you before. 也有女孩甩过你

[01:40.52]This is different. Why? 这不一样   为什么

[01:41.77]'Cause it's Summer. 因为是 Summer

[01:42.90]So you'll-you'll meet somebody new. 所以你要.. 你要再找一个

[01:45.78]Point is, you're the best guy I know. You'll get over her. 重点是 你很棒 你会忘了她

[01:48.86]I think it's kind of like how they say. There's, uh- 就像俗话说.. 呃..

[01:51.62]There's plenty of other fish in the sea. 海里有很多鱼

[01:53.66]No. They- They say that. - 不对   - 俗话是这么说的 ..

[01:56.16]Well, they're lying. 好吧  他们在说谎

[01:59.50]I don't want to get over her. 我不想忘了她

[02:03.04]I want to get her back. 我想让她回来

[02:05.50]Maybe playing it safe is the wrong approach. 可能求稳错了(肯定错了)

[02:09.01]The nuclear family is dead' 家庭的核心要垮了

[02:11.01]and we need a new holiday that recognizes that. 我们需要一个新的假日来认识这点

[02:13.80]May 21 st. 5月21号

[02:18.39]Other Mother's Day. 另一个母亲节

[02:21.81]Thank you. 谢谢

[02:24.06]I'd say we've got some potential here. What do you think, Hansen? 我觉得很有市场 汉森 你怎么看

[02:27.53]Could you write up some prototypes for these? 你能详细的说一下吗

[02:30.45]Uh' Mr. Vance, there's a telephone call for you on line three. Vance 先生  三线有电话找你

[02:33.20]Oh. Thank you. Uh' everyone, this is Summer, my new assistant. 哦  谢谢  呃.. 各位  这是 Summer 我的新助理

[02:37.91]Summer just moved here from- Summer 刚从.. 那什么地方搬来

[02:40.29]Michigan. Right. Michigan. Right. 密歇根  对 密歇根

[02:42.83]Uh, Summer, everyone. Summer 这是 "各位"

[02:45.21]Everyone, Summer. Excuse me. I have to take this. 各位 这是 Summer    抱歉,我得去接个电话

[02:49.67]It's nice to meet you all. 见到各位很荣幸

[02:52.26]There's only two kinds of people in the world. 世界上只有两种人

[02:56.22]There's women, and there's men. 女人和男人

[03:00.06]Summer Finn was a woman. Summer 是个女人

[03:02.73]Height, average. Weight, average. 身高  平均数  体重  平均数

[03:06.48]Shoe size, slightly above average. 鞋码 比平均数略小

[03:09.57]For all intents and purposes, 从所有的这些看

[03:11.65]Summer Finn, just another girl. Summer 只是普通的女孩

[03:14.78]Except she wasn't. 可事实并不是这样

[03:16.78]To wit, in 1998, 比如  在1998年

[03:19.33]Summer quoted a song by the Scottish band Belle 2 and Sebastian... Summer 在她的高中毕业纪念册上

[03:22.33]in her high school yearbook. 引用了苏格兰贝儿与塞巴斯乐团的一首歌

[03:24.33]"Color my life with the chaos 3 of trouble." " 生命因坎坷而精彩 "

[03:27.04]This spike 4 in Michigan sales of their album... 让他们的唱片 " 系着阿拉伯皮带的男孩 "

[03:29.00]The Boy with the Arab Strap 5... 在密歇根大卖

[03:31.26]continues to puzzle industry analysts 6. 一直困扰着产业分析家

[03:33.76]Summer's employment at the Daily Freeze during her sophomore 7 year... Summer 大二的时候在冰淇淋店打工

[03:37.76]coincided with an inexplicable 8 212% increase in revenue. 这家店的收益也莫名其妙的增加了 212%

[03:42.93]Every apartment Summer rented... 每次 Summer 租房

[03:45.10]was offered at an average rate of 9.2% below market value. 价格都比市场均价低 9.2%

[03:49.98]And her round-trip commute 9 to work... 她上下班的路上

[03:52.57]averaged 18.4 double takes per day. 平均每天让人回头 18.4 次

[03:56.16]It was a rare quality, this "Summer effect." 这是很稀有的现象 " Summer 效应 "

[03:58.99]Rare, and yet something every post adolescent male has encountered... 稀有   却是所有青春期的雄性动物遇到过的

[04:03.08]at least once in their lives. 一生中至少一次

[04:05.08]For Tom Hansen to find it now in a city of 400,000 offices, 对于 Tom  在这城市里 400,000 个办公室

[04:09.25]91,000 commercial buildings and 3.8 million people- 91,000 栋商业大厦 3,800,000 人里 遇到她

[04:13.80]well, that could only be explained by one thing: 唯一的解释就是

[04:17.14]Fate. 命运

[04:22.64]Dude, I hear she's a bitch. 嗨  我听说她是个婊子

[04:24.94]Really? 是吗

[04:26.77]Yeah. Patel tried to talk to her in the copy room. She's totally not having it. 对  Patel 在复印室跟她搭讪   她甩都不甩

[04:29.90]Maybe she was just in a hurry. 可能她只是很忙

[04:31.61]And maybe she's an uppity, "better than everyone" superskank. 也可能她是个高傲女   " 比所有人都优秀 " 真扯蛋

[04:36.45]Damn. I know. She's pretty hot. 小子  我看到了  她很火辣

[04:39.78]That sucks. Why is it pretty girls... 真混蛋  为什么漂亮的女孩

[04:41.91]think they can treat people like crap and get away with it? 认为她们能把人们当成垃圾  而且还做到了

[04:44.41]Centuries of reinforcement. 上世纪留下的恶习

[04:46.58]You know what? Screw her. I don't care. 随便她 跟我没关系

[04:50.17]If she wants to be that way, fine. 她想那样  随便她

1 hormonal
  • Some viral diseases are more severe during pregnancy, probably tecause of hormonal changes. 有些病毒病在妊娠期间比较严重,可能是由于激素变化引起的。
  • She underwent surgical intervention and a subsequent short period of hormonal therapy. 他接受外科手术及随后短暂荷尔蒙治疗。
2 belle
  • She was the belle of her Sunday School class.在主日学校她是她们班的班花。
  • She was the belle of the ball.她是那个舞会中的美女。
3 chaos
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
4 spike
  • The spike pierced the receipts and held them in order.那个钉子穿过那些收据并使之按顺序排列。
  • They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition.他们会使出各种手段来挫败对手。
5 strap
  • She held onto a strap to steady herself.她抓住拉手吊带以便站稳。
  • The nurse will strap up your wound.护士会绑扎你的伤口。
6 analysts
分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 )
  • City analysts forecast huge profits this year. 伦敦金融分析家预测今年的利润非常丰厚。
  • I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts. 研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。
7 sophomore
  • He is in his sophomore year.他在读二年级。
  • I'm a college sophomore majoring in English.我是一名英语专业的大二学生。
8 inexplicable
  • It is now inexplicable how that development was misinterpreted.当时对这一事态发展的错误理解究竟是怎么产生的,现在已经无法说清楚了。
  • There are many things which are inexplicable by science.有很多事科学还无法解释。
9 commute
  • I spend much less time on my commute to work now.我现在工作的往返时间要节省好多。
  • Most office workers commute from the suburbs.很多公司的职员都是从郊外来上班的。
absolute name
adjustable outrigger collector
air-spaced plastic insulation
arc maintaining device
armorpiercing shell
ballasting machine
banana aphid
basic industries
beta activity
camshaft bearing plug
cathode stripping voltammetry
closure point
cloth crimp tester
compensation for land
complement serokinase
corpuscular beam
Corydalis ternata
dial adjustment
emitter-coupled transistor logic
equipment leasing association
fibre term
Fimbristylis quinquangularis
flush-riveted construction
grease belt
Hall, Asaph
ideal family size
illegitimate last voyage
internal negativism
josh us
Juniperus flaccida
Khadzhybeys'kyy Lyman
lifting range
liquidambar chinensis champ.
Littrow prism spectrograph
local losses
loss and damage or delay of goods
Lysimachia fordiana
main bearing cap
martin heinrich klaproths
medium-term plan
methoxyphenamine hydrochloride
missile trajectory
multiplex skin structure
mutual-aid team
negligible function
packet network time-sharing service
park engineering
positive negative control
quasi-particle model
read write amplifier
retained moisture
run-time storage administration
slip and fall
small yellow alysson
spot settlement
straight pin porcelain insulator
Streptothrix leproides
striping unit
Tatsinskiy Rayon
throw of governor
throw something in someone's face
to sb.'s face
top squeeze moulding machine
Tre Kroner
url submission
usa standard code for information interchange (usascii)
water waggon
wind river pk.
zone of comfort